Типичные ошибки изучающих английский язык
Типичные ошибки изучающих английский язык
I'll come about May 20th
I'll come around May 20th
Я приеду примерно 20 мая
Your call in the embassy
Your call to the embassy
Ваш звонок в посольство
In this moment
At the moment
Сейчас, в настоящее время
Accuse for theft
Accuse of theft
Обвинять в краже
Consist from sand
Consist of sand
Состоять из песка
Covered by snow
Covered with snow
Покрытый снегом
Cure (die) from an illness
Cure (die) of an illness
Вылечить (умереть) от болезни
Depend from him
Depend on him
Зависеть от него
I spend much time for my work
I spend much time on my work
Я трачу много времени на работу
I am going to England for learning English
I am going to England to learn English
Я еду в Англию изучать английский
They played football under the rain
They played football in the rain
Они играли в футбол под дождем
I bought a book at 5 dollars
I bought a book for 5 dollars
Я купил книгу за 5 долларов
"For" is used with an actual sum
I cannot buy it for such a price
I cannot buy it at such a price
Я не могу купить это за такую цену
"At" is used if no sum is given
I have other cars except this
I have other cars besides this
Кроме этой, у меня есть и другие машины
He has been ill from last Friday
He has been ill since last Friday
Он болен с прошлой пятницы
I will start doing it after a week
I will start doing it in a week
Я займусь этим через неделю
No preposition in English
Там, где предлогов нет в английском, но должны быть в русском
To call at his number
To call his number
Позвонить по его номеру
Enter into a room
Enter a room
Войти в комнату
Leave from England
Leave England
Уехать из Англии
No preposition in Russian
Там, где предлоги должны быть в английском, но нет в русском языке
Many bytes information
Many bytes of information
Много байт информации
Graduate a school
Graduate from a school
Закончить школу
He came and asked my book
He came and asked for my book
Он пришел и попросил мою книгу
She explained me the matter
She explained the matter to me
Она объяснила мне, в чем дело
They were listening music
They were listening to the music
Они слушали музыку
He has not replied me yet
He has not replied to me yet
Он мне еще не ответил
They are searching money
They are searching for money
Они ищут деньги
Think a number
Think of a number
Задумай число
I will wait you
I will wait for you
Я подожду тебя
Half glass of milk
Half a glass of milk
Полстакана молока
I play piano
I play the piano
Я играю на пианино
I will go to theater
I will go to the theater
Я пойду в театр
After it I will leave
After that I will leave
После этого я уйду
Аny your help
Any help from you
Любая твоя помощь
I'm not so rich how I wish
I'm not as rich as I wish
Я не так богат, как хотел бы
I have a brother which studies at school
I have a brother who studies at school
У меня есть брат, который учится в школе
I know all what he said
I know everything (that) he said
Я знаю все, что он сказал
Who of the two guys is taller?
Which of the two guys is taller?
Кто из этих двух парней выше?
You can pick any of these TWO books
You can pick either of these TWO books
Можешь выбрать любую из двух книг
Use "either" if there are only two objects
Both of them did not go swimming
Neither of them went swimming
Они оба не пошли плавать
"Both" changes to "neither" in a negative sentence
John has not come also
John has not come either
Джон тоже не пришел
"Also" changes to "either" in a negative sentence
How do you call this in English?
What do you call this in English?
Как это называется по-английски?
Verb tenses
Временные формы глаголов
I'll like to eat
I'd like to eat
Я бы поел
Did you went to school yesterday?
Did you go to school yesterday?
Ты вчера ходил в школу?
He asked me what I am doing
He asked me what I was doing
Он спросил, что я делаю
She said that she will come tomorrow
She said that she would come tomorrow
Она сказала, что придет завтра
The train left before I arrived
The train had left before I arrived
Поезд уехал, прежде чем я пришел
I will see you when I will come back
I will see you when I come back
Я увижу тебя, когда вернусь
I am in this school two years
I have been in this school for two years
Я учусь в этой школе два года
I would wish to know Sanskrit better
I wish (that) I knew Sanskrit better
Я бы хотел лучше знать санскрит
Verbs in indefinite form
Глаголы неопределенной формы
He thinks to go to England
He thinks of going to England
Он думает поехать в Англию
She insisted to go to London
She insisted on going to London
Она настаивала на том, чтобы поехать в Лондон
The rain prevented me to go
The rain prevented me from going
Дождь не дал мне уйти
She is used to get up early
She is used to getting up early
Она привыкла рано вставать
Have you finished to speak?
Have you finished speaking?
Вы закончили говорить?
This movie is worth to see
This movie is worth seeing
Этот фильм стоит посмотреть
It's no use to cry
It's no use crying
Нечего плакать
Word order
Порядок слов
An old fridge there is in the room
There is an old fridge in the room
В комнате есть старый холодильник
A lying on the floor mattress
A mattress lying on the floor
Лежащий на полу матрац
Put there my things
Put my things there
Положи туда мои вещи
Use new details for proper work
To ensure proper work, use new parts
Для лучшей работы используйте новые детали
The guests will be tomorrow here
The guests will be here tomorrow
Гости будут завтра здесь
The adverb of place must come first
Is the room enough large?
Is the room large enough?
Комната достаточно большая?
The ordered goods have not arrived
The goods ordered have not arrived
Заказанные товары не прибыли
The two first chapters
The first two chapters
Две первых главы

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