Урок английского языка для 7 класса на тему «Праздники в США»


Учитель: Жидкова Е.В.

Класс: 7

Тема: «Праздники в США»

Тип: систематизации изученного материала.

Вид: командное соревнование

Цель: создание условий для закрепления и контроля знаний по теме.


  1. Контроль знания лексики.

  2. Контроль навыков монологического высказывания и диалогической речи.

  3. Расширение страноведческого кругозора.

Методические приемы: игра, аудирование, работа с наглядным материалом, инсценировка.

Формы организации деятельности: групповая, фронтальная, индивидуальная.

Дидактическое обеспечение: картинки, раздаточный материал, костюмы, рисунки, кроссворды, ребусы.

Планируемый результат: 1) учащиеся владеют лексикой по теме; 2) учащиеся могут выразить свою точку зрения, а так же вступают в диалог со сверстниками и учителем.


  1. Организационный этап.

Приветствие и объявление темы и цели урока.

Hallo, boys and girls! Today we are going to speak about American Holidays. But, first of all, what American holidays do you remember? (Учащиеся называют праздники.)

  1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Repeat after me:

New Year’s Day
Last night, while we were fast asleep,
The old year went away.
It can’t come back again because
A new one’s come to stay.

Where is the woman of my dreams? -
So I asked boiling streams.
Think of family, my dear -
Answered the river, calm and clear.

Как вариант

Возможно прослушивание нескольких отрывков стихов, а затем назвать о каких праздниках шла речь в стихотворениях.

  1. Соревновательный этап

Урок включает подготовительный этап. Учащимся предлагалось заранее разделиться на 2 группы. Каждая группа должна была подготовить сценку. Каждый учащийся оформил либо кроссворд, либо ребус, либо поздравительную открытку. Творческие работы могут быть использованы для оформления кабинета. Необходимо обязательно отметить лучшие работы.

1 task (по группам):

Choose the correct answer.

( на доске находятся 14 закрытых карточек)

e.g. 1) Jack-o-lantern is

- a) a pumpkin

- b) a toy

  1. Halloween is

    • a) only an American holiday

    • b) both an American and a British holiday

  1. St. Valentine is

    • a) a funny card

    • b) a toy

  1. Abraham Lincoln is

    • a) the 1st president

    • b) the 16th president.

  1. on Halloween children go from house to house and shout:

    • a) Steady. Ready. Go!

    • b) Trick or treat!

  1. The 4th of June is called

    • a) Thanksgiving day

    • b) Independence day

  2. Thanksgiving day is celebrated on the

    • a) 1st Thursday of November

    • b) 4th Thursday of November

We opened the word “present”.

What a nice word it is.

Now answer my question/ what presents do children get on different holidays.

(possible answers)

- Moms get roses on Mother’s day

- Children get chocolate eggs and rabbits on Easter

- Boys and girls get Valentines on St. Valentine’s Day

- Children get sweets and toys on Christmas

And the best present of all times is a greeting card, especially if it is hand – made.

2 task Show your greeting cards to us and we’ll choose the best one.

3 task the next task is the crossword puzzle. Look at the blackboard.

  1. A special day for Mom.

  2. The scariest day of the year.

  3. Americans celebrate Independence day during this month.

  4. Martin Luther King Jr. fought against racial ____________.

  5. He visits children on Christmas Eve.

  6. Americans wear this colour on St. Patrick’s Day.

  7. The first president of the USA.

  8. The celebration of this holiday begins on December, 31st.

  9. He discovered America.

  10. Everyone is ____________ on St. Patrick’s Day.

4 task

At home you were to make up a story, where smth is wrong. The first team you are welcome and the second team try to guess what is wrong.

(примерные диалоги)

1 team

A group of pupils dressed in green (except one) meets at school.

- Hi!

- Hallo!

- How do you do!

- are you ready to have fun?

- look! What a nice sweater I have!

- And I’ve bought a new green tie for the party!

- And why are you in red?

- Don’t you remember that today is Halloween? And everybody wears green on this day.

- Because everybody is Irish on Halloween!

- Sorry. I’ve clean forgotten about it!

- take my cap.

- Thank you.

- Look! I have a present for all of us!

- A green shamrock? Are you kidding?

- No! A green fur-tree! Now we shall decorate it with pumpkins…

- And have a nice party.

(Children decorate the fur-tree, stand round it and sing “Happy Birthday!”)

- It’s a fine funny party!

- Now… let’s go outdoors and congratulate people with Halloween!

(Children go out shouting “Dance or sing!”)

Wrong things:

    • on Halloween children do not wear in green? They dress up like ghosts and witches.

    • Everybody is Irish on St.Patrick’s day.

    • Shamrock is a present on St.Patrick’s day.

    • They do not decorate fur-tree with pumpkins/

    • They do not usually have nice? Funny parties? But parties of horror.

    • They do not congratulate people with Halloween, they frighten people.

    • They do not shout “Dance or sing!”? they shout “trick or treat!”

2 team

A group of children celebrates Christmas.

- Happy Christmas! - says a boy dressed like a ghost.

- Happy Christmas! – says a girl, dressed like a witch.

- Hallo! How are you? Where is the main symbol of Christmas?

- What do you mean?

- A pumpkin, of course!

- Are you crazy? Pumpkin is a symbol of Thanksgiving day. And the symbol of Christmas is a green shamrock-tree.

- Of course you are right!

- Let’s decorate it!

(Suddenly a Christmas Bunny comes!)

- Hallo, boys and girls! I have some presents for you!

- Hurray! We are glad to see you!

- Now we shall play “trick or treat” if you choose trick? I’ll make you laugh, if you choose treat, I’ll give you a sweet present.

- Treat! Treat!

- O’K, O’K. Take your presents. Have fun! And I must go. There are a lot of other children waiting for me. Good-bye…

- see you!

Wrong things

    • on Christmas people usually say “Merry Christmas1”

    • They do not dress like ghosts and witches

    • Pumpkin is a symbol of Halloween

    • And the symbol of Christmas is a fur tree.

    • Bunny comes on Easter.

    • They don’t play “trick or treat” on Christmas.

5 task

Now teams, the last task. You are to make up a story about your favourite holiday.

Here’s the plan to help you.

the plan of the story..

    • What is your favourite holiday?

    • When is it celebrated?

    • How did it begin?

    • What are the main traditions?

    • What do the people do on this holiday?

    • What presents do they get?

4. Подведение итогов.

  1. выявить победителя.

  2. выставить оценки.

  3. рефлексия: что понравилось, что нет, добились ли поставленной цели, что получилось, что нет, почему?

  4. домашнее задание.

Нравится материал? Поддержи автора!

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