Урок английского языка во 2 классе «What do you want to be?» ФГОС (учебник Верещагиной И.Н, Бондаренко К.А, 2 класс углубленное изучение)

Урок английского языка во 2 классе по программе ФГОС

(учебник Верещагиной И.Н, Бондаренко К.А, 2 класс углубленное изучение)

по теме «What do you want to be?»

1. Приветствие. (Слайд №1)

Teacher: Good morning, children. I’m very glad to see you.

Pupils: Good morning, good morning

Good morning to you.

Good morning, dear teacher

We are glad to see you.

Установка: Today we shall speak about professions. Then we’ll role play dialogues, sing songs, read a text ( check up on your homework), and listen to an interesting story and we’ll do some grammar exercises.

2. Фон.зарядка.

Teacher: Listen to me and answer my questions.

1. What is your name?

2. How old are you?

3. Where are you from?

4. How are you?

5. Have you got a mother? What is her name? How is she? Where is she from?

6. Have you got a father? What is his name? How is he? Where is he from?

7. Do you want to be an officer? ( a teacher, a doctor, a worker, a businessman, a pilot )

8. What do you want to be?

9. Have you got toys? How many toys have you got?

10. Do you like to play with toys?

3. Профессии. Professions.

Teacher: What professions do you know?

P1, P2, P3.. : a teacher, a doctor, a worker, a businessman, a pilot.

Teacher: Say what they are. What is he? What is she?

Учитель показывает картинки.

P1, P2, P3: He is a teacher. He is a pilot. He is a pupil. He is an engineer. He is a doctor. He is a worker.

4. Согласись или не согласись. Agree or disagree. ( Слайд №2 )

Teacher: Look at the screen. Agree or disagree.

P1, P2, P3…: He isn’t a pupil. He is a doctor.

He isn’t a doctor. He is an engineer.

He isn’t a teacher. He is a pilot.

He isn’t a dentist. He is a teacher.

He isn't a teacher. He is an officer.

He isn’t an engineer. He is a dentist.

5. Развитие диалогической речи.

Teacher: Work in pairs. Face each other and role play the dialogue. Ask your partner if he or she wants to be a doctor or a teacher. And ask him or her what he wants to be.

P1: Do you want to be a teacher? P2: No, I don’t.

P1: What do you want to be? P2” I want to be a runner .

6. Работа с глаголом “ to be” .(Слайд №3)

Teacher: You have already known the auxiliary verb “to be”. Let’s remember its forms. Look at the screen. Let’s sing.


I am

We are

You are

They are

He is

She is

It is

7. Песня “ I am a pupil.” ( №120 )

Teacher: Let's sing a song. First, listen to it and then sing it together.

I am a pupil

I am a pupil,

He is a pupil,

She is a pupil, too.

I am not a doctor,

I am a pupil

And I like you.

8. Аудирование текста (№ 132).

Teacher: You understand stories on CD. Listen to the boy’s story and answer the questions.(№132)

1.Where is the family from? (It is from Russia.)

2. Does Nick like to go to the plant or to the hospital? ( Nick likes to go to the car plant.)

3.Why does he like to go to the plant? (He likes to watch computers, robots, cars.)

4.Who works in the plant? (His father works.)

5.Why does his sister like to go to the hospital? (Her mother works in the hospital)

9. Пауза.

Teacher: I see you are tired a little bit. Let’s have a rest. Let’s do some exercises.

1, 2, 3 – hop, hop, hop. Hands up! Hands down!

1, 2, 3 – stop. Hands on hips. Sit down.

Stand up! Hands to the sides!

Bend left. Bend right. Stand straight.

10. Reading. ( p. 101, ex 3)

Teacher: You can read and understand texts.

Open your textbooks, p.101,ex 3. Vova has got a family of 8. Read his letter and get ready to speak about your family.

Answer the questions:

1. Where is Vova from? (He is from Russia, from Yaroslavl.)

2. Where is Yaroslavl? (It is on the Volga.)

3. How old is Vova? (He is 9.)

4. What is his father? (He is a businessmen. )

5. Where does he work? (He works in an office.)

6. What is his mother? (His mother is a teacher.)

7. Where does she work? (She works at school.)

8. What is his aunt? (His aunt is a doctor.)

9. Where does she work? (She works in a hospital.)

10. What is his uncle? ( He is an engineer.)

11. Where does he work? (He works in a plant.)

12. Does Lena go to school? Why? (No, she doesn’t. She is a baby.)

13. Does Vova love his family? (Yes, he does.)

11. Развитие монологической речи.

Teacher: Now, tell us about you and your family, their professions and places where they work.

P1, P2, P3….. .

Well done.

12. Развитие навыков письменной речи. (Слайд №4, №5)

Teacher: Let’s do an exercise. Put in the words and write down the sentences.

1. I… an officer.

2. My mother …. a doctor.

3. She … not a teacher.

4. … you a pilot? – Yes, I …. .

5. They ….. players.

6. He …. a pilot.

13.Puzzle Time. (Слайд №6)

Teacher: There are 7 words in the snake. Find them.

( what, teacher, runner, red, dentist, ten, nice)

14. Подведение итогов.

Teacher: Well, our lesson is going up to the end.

Your hometask is Ex.6, page 94 .

Your marks are: Kate – very good, Diana- very good…. .

Our lesson is over. Thank you. See on Thursday. Good bye!

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