Урок на тему «Hello students! I'm very glad to see you»
Урок на тему «Hello students! I'm very glad to see you»
What date is today?
Who is absent today?
How are you today?
We start our lesson.
Children look at the blackboard and tell me what our lesson will be about.
You are right.
… , read these words please. (Слайд 1)
Today will speak about Lipetsk.
Let's start with active vocabulary. What is the English for?
Быть рожденным
Быть популярным среди
Быть известным чем-либо
Гордиться чем-либо
Драматический театр
Театр кукол
Нижний парк
Комсомольский пруд
Минеральные воды
Very well
Match the words. (слайд 2)
Let's check it. (слайд 3)
How many mistakes were in your answer?
We live in Lipetsk. It is our native town. Do you know lots about our town?
Answer my questions.
Where is Lipetsk situated?
Are there any theatres in Lipetsk? What are they?
What is the oldest park in Lipetsk?
What is it famous for?
Are there any museums in Lipetsk? What are they?
What stadium is popular with our citizens? Why?
Is Lipetsk the city of students?
What is one of the most picturesque places in Lipetsk?
Do you like it?
What is one of the largest plants in our city?
How is called Lipetsk?
A regional centre
An industrial centre
An agricultural centre
A cultural centre
An entertainment centre
(слайд 4 – 9)
Children and why do you think so? Prove your statements.
Lipetsk is called as ... because ...
Do you like our city?
What sights do you like best of all?(слайд 10)
Children, I have received a letter from my friend from London. She wants to know much more about our city. Tell her about your favourite place in our town.
(слайды 11 – 17 и рассказы детей о любимых достопримечательностях)
You listened to each other carefully.
Complete my thoughts.(слайд 18)
Open your exercise-books and write it down.
Listen to my statements and choose the right pictures.
It's famous for the Zoo.
It's well-known for its sport activities.
It's one of the picturesque places in Lipetsk.
It's famous for its Chekhov's staging.
Here you can see a lot of animals.
Little spectators are fond of it.
It's situated not far from Nizhniy park.
It produces a lot of Russian steel.
(слайды 19 – 21)
Try to guess a crossword.
The first word is ...
(Приложение 1)
Now you are ready to tell my friend about our town.
This scheme helps you to do it.
(слайд 22)
Children you see that Lipetsk is really our native town.
Read these words one more time.
(слайд 23)
Thank you very much for the lesson.
You have worked well today.
Your mark is ...
Your answer was perfectly.
There were some mistakes in your answer.
Your answer leaves much to be desired.
Write your hometask.
At home write a letter to my friend and tell her about your native town.
The lesson is over, good bye!
Приложение 1
It's a place where people play football.
It's a favourite place the most of our citizens.
It's a place where grown-ups and children watch different plays.
Here you can see a lot of things connecting with a history of our town.
There are a lot of ... to Peter the Great.
The biggest... is NLMK.
People who-lives in our town.
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