Внеклассное мероприятие «What a perfect school should be?»
Внеклассное мероприятие “What a perfect school should be?”
1.Просмотр презентации.
2.Обсуждение высказываний подростков из Великобритании, опубликованных на различных сайтах интернета.
3.Вынесение резолюции.
What a Perfect School Should Be
“Kids will be given a laptop to do their homework, projects, and tests on.”
“Everywhere you walked to, you would see words of wisdom.”
“Transportation in school would be in helicopters and the teachers would be driving them.”
“Teachers would discipline but at the same time educate and have fun doing it.”
“There is a couple of hours for leaving and getting something to eat.”
“Classrooms would be pimped out. We could bring our phones in class and text…ipods too.”
“All the teachers would be in good moods and nice.”
“The school would have good teachers, ones that want to actually teach and that would explain to the students when they don’t understand.”
“Students wouldn’t be so rude all the time. They wouldn't call names”
“They should have sports everybody likes but not just the old basic ones like basketball.”
“Your classes will be classes that prepare you for the career you’d follow in after school.”
“I think students need to care about their education.”
“My school would be mainly worried and focused on helping the kids succeed and we would always be willing to help the kids.”
“The only time you are “on report” would be for fighting or back talking a teacher.”
Our resolutions
A Perfect School Should :
Be compulsory.
Offer any subjects students are interested in.
Be strict/Have quite a strict discipline.
Be a modern building, nice and brightly decorated.
Have no boring and useless subjects.
Have/Have no tests.
Have/Have uniform.
Teachers should listen to students’ opinion and understand students’ problems.
Both teachers and students treat each other with respect.
Prepare for real life.
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