Внеклассное мероприятие для 5 класса «Welcome to the Knowledge Land»



г. Братска, Иркутской области

Внеклассное мероприятие

для 5 класса

«Welcome to the Knowledge Land»


Маринина Е.Н.,

учитель английского языка

2 квалификационной категории



1. Совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков говорения.

2. Развитие языковой догадки, смекалки и логического мышления.

3.Формирование позитивной мотивации изучения иностранного языка.

Форма проведения:

конкурс команд (в каждой команде по 6 человек)


цветные знаки отличия команд, компьютер, проектор, экран, презентация в Power Point, листочки бумаги, ручки, музыкальное сопровождение.

I. Организационный момент

- Stand up, please.
- Good morning! I am glad to see you. How are you?
- Sit down, please. Answer my questions.
- What day is it today?
- Whats date today? (The …th of ).

II. Знакомство с темой

- Ребята, сегодня мы с вами совершим необыкновенное путешествие в страну знаний: Welcome to Knowledge land.
- А нам поможет в этом корабль с алыми парусами.
- Look at the picture! This is a ship with red sails.
- You have to imagine that you are passengers of the ship. We are going to travel to knowledge land. Look out! The ship is leaving.

III. The first island is «Tongue twister»

  1. Six sick hicks nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks.

2. A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose!

The second island is “Grammar”

  1. Use these words in plural

A dog

A toy

A pen

A child

A wife

A mouse

A woman

A fox

A bench

  1. Fill in the gaps with am, is, are

  1. I … OK.

  2. My sister … 16.

  3. They … English

  4. It … fat.

  5. The rose … red.

  6. You … from England.

  7. I and my friend … friends.

  8. She … busy.

  1. Use these words to form the sentences.

  1. are, my mother, 40, father, and.

  2. have, I, a cat, got.

  3. are, how, you?

  4. am, I, fine.

  5. good, he, at, is, school.

  1. Find the mistakes.

  1. Ann and Mike is friends.

  2. My fish am yellow and red.

  3. We English are.

  4. I have got a books.

The third island is “Lexical”

  1. Can you finish these lists?

  1. spring, autumn, summer, w …

  2. grandfather, grandmother, mother, f …

  3. hockey, baseball, volleyball, f …

  4. August, September, October, N …

  5. driver, teacher, artist, d …

  1. Match the two parts of each word.

Rab –

Wo –

La –

Ci –

Twel –

Bo –

Pen –

  • ots

  • man

  • cil

  • bit

  • ve

  • ke

  • ty

  1. Unscramble the letters to make the name of the animals.

i g r t e –

a b t r b i –

o d g –

r o d c o i c l e –

a t p h e l e n –

w o c –

r o f g –

o n e y m k –

  1. Give the opposites.

white –

big –

good –

summer –

happy –

yes –

woman –

  1. Find the numbers. (1-12)




The fourth island is “Riddles”


I’m big. I’m grey.
My nose is long.
My tail is short
I’m an (elephant).


I’m little. I’m grey.
My nose is short.
My tail is long.
I’m a (mouse).


I’m small. I’m white.
My nose is black.
My ears are long.
I like carrots.
I’m a (rabbit).


I’m big. I’m red.
My tail is long.
I like cockerels and hens.
I’m a (fox).

Teacher: Now we are finishing. You were brilliant. I’m glad that you know many things! I am proud of you! See you next time.


The first island is «Tongue twister»

Six sick hicks nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks.

A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose!

The second island is “Grammar”

    1. Use these words in plural

A dog

A toy

A pen

A child

A wife

A mouse

A woman

A fox

A bench

    1. Fill in the gaps with am, is, are

  1. I … OK.

  2. My sister … 16.

  3. They … English

  4. It … fat.

  5. The rose … red.

  6. You … from England.

  7. I and my friend … friends.

  8. She … busy.

    1. Use these words to form the sentences.

      1. are, my mother, 40, father, and.

      2. have, I, a cat, got.

      3. are, how, you?

      4. am, I, fine.

      5. good, he, at, is, school.

    1. Find the mistakes.

  1. Ann and Mike is friends.

  2. My fish am yellow and red.

  3. We English are.

  4. I have got a books.

The third island is “Lexical”

1) Can you finish these lists?

  1. spring, autumn, summer, w …

  2. grandfather, grandmother, mother, f …

  3. hockey, baseball, volleyball, f …

  4. August, September, October, N …

  5. driver, teacher, artist, d …

    1. Match the two parts of each word.

Rab –

Wo –

La –

Ci –

Twel –

Bo –

Pen –

  • ots

  • man

  • cil

  • bit

  • ve

  • ke

  • ty

3) Unscramble the letters to make the name of the animals.

i g r t e –

a b t r b i –

o d g –

r o d c o i c l e –

a t p h e l e n –

w o c –

r o f g –

o n e y m k –

4)Give the opposites.

white –

big –

good –

summer –

happy –

yes –

woman –

    1. Find the numbers. (1-12)




Для жюри:

Все правильные ответы на станциях оцениваются по 1 баллу.

The first island is «Tongue twister»

  1. Six sick hicks nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks.

2. A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose!

The second island is “Grammar”

    1. Use these words in plural

A dog - dogs

A toy - toys

A pen - pens

A child - children

A wife - wives

A mouse - mice

A woman - women

A fox - foxes

A bench - benches

    1. Fill in the gaps with am, is, are

  1. I am OK.

  2. My sister is 16.

  3. They are English

  4. It is fat.

  5. The rose is red.

  6. You are from England.

  7. I and my friend are friends.

  8. She is busy.

    1. Use these words to form the sentences.

  1. My father and mother are 40.

  2. I have got a cat.

  3. How are you?

  4. I am fine.

  5. He is good at school.

    1. Find the mistakes.

  1. Ann and Mike are friends.

  2. My fish is yellow and red.

  3. We are English.

  4. I have got books. (a book)

The third island is “Lexical”

  1. Can you finish these lists?

  1. spring, autumn, summer, winter

  2. grandfather, grandmother, mother, father

  3. hockey, baseball, volleyball, football

  4. August, September, October, November

  5. driver, teacher, artist, doctor

  1. Match the two parts of each word.








  1. Unscramble the letters to make the name of the animals.









  1. Give the opposites.

white – black

big –small (little)

good – bad

summer – winter

happy – sad

yes – no

woman –man

  1. Find the numbers. (1-12)

Five, six
Eight, ten

ten, one

nine, eight.

The fourth island is “Riddles”


I’m big. I’m grey.
My nose is long.
My tail is short
I’m an (elephant).


I’m little. I’m grey.
My nose is short.
My tail is long.
I’m a (mouse).


I’m small. I’m white.
My nose is black.
My ears are long.
I like carrots.
I’m a (rabbit).


I’m big. I’m red.
My tail is long.
I like cockerels and hens.
I’m a (fox).

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