Конспект урока английского языка "День рождения" 3 класс
Полищук Елена Анатольевна, МАОУ «СОШ № 140», учитель английского языка.
Тема «Happy Birthday »
Класс: 3
Материал: интерактивная доска, ноутбук, проектор, рабочие листы с заданиями.
Тип урока: закрепления и развития ЗУН с применением SB.
Урок разработан к учебнику 3 класса (Unit 3) «MILLIE» авт. Азарова С.И.
Обучающая – формирование умения составлять диалог на заданную тему (день рождения).
Воспитательная – воспитание умения сотрудничать, умения слушать друг друга.
Развивающая – развитие коммуникативных навыков в различных видах речевой деятельности:
развитие навыков диалогической речи с целью обмена информацией, развитие умения аудирования с общим пониманием и извлечением конкретной информации;
развитие навыков чтения с извлечением конкретной информации;
развитие лингвистической компетенции (языковой);
развитие компенсаторных навыков (понимание незнакомых иностранных слов с помощью жестов, из контекста высказывания, на основе знакомой лексики).
Закрепить лексику по теме «День рождения», структуру would like, вопросительные предложения.
Развивать умение слушать и понимать аутентичный материал.
Развивать умение читать (с общим пониманием, с извлечением конкретной информации).
Формировать навык ведения диалога.
Развивать умение работать в паре.
Развивать умение пользоваться ИКТ на уроке (работать с интерактивной доской).
Ход урока.
Hello! Nice to meet you! How are you?
What month is today? What day of the week is today?
Фонетическая разминка.
Let’s start our lesson with some phonetic exercises. Look at the SB. There are 3 sentences there. Read the first sentence. What letters are printed in red? What are the sound?
Read the sentence. Read all together. Good. Thank you.
The second rhyme. What letters are printed in red? What the sound? Read all together. Only boys. Thanks, now girls. Thank you, very good.
And, the last one. What letters are printed in red? What the sound? Read all together. Only boys. Thanks, now girls. Thank you, very well.
What’s the topic of our unit?
Что вы уже знаете из данной темы? (свободные высказывания детей).
Правильно, мы уже выучили слова по теме, фразы, умеем их читать, писать.
Look at the board. You have made birthday’s cards for your friends this week. These are your cards. They are very nice and sweet. There are some mistakes, but we speak and correct them at our next lesson.
Для чего нам нужны эти знания (слова, фразы). Да, чтобы использовать их в речи, чтобы ОБЩАТЬСЯ на английском языке, уметь строить свою речь. И сегодня я вам предлагаю использовать уже имеющиеся у вас знания на практике – построить и разыграть диалог по ролям. So, the aim of the lesson is to make and role play the dialogue.
Активизация лексики.
Let’s begin with reading. You’ve got some work lists at your desks. Take the number 1. There are 2 columns there. The task is to read all the words and then match the words from the second column with the words from the first column. Draw a line. At the SB you can see the same task, just drag the word, and find a pair according to the sound. One of you come the SB, others work individually. You’ve got 3 minutes. Who wants to be a leader?
Red, dress, drink, bike, tree. Chess, pink, three, kite, bed. (см лист заданий № 1)
Time is up, check your work according to the Board.
The next task. Take your work list #2. You’ll work in group of three. Read the words from the box and divide them into three columns. Pupil 1 read the titles of the columns. You’ve got 5 minutes. Don’t write the words, just draw a line.
Time is over. Pupil 2 come to the SB and find the words for the first column. Yes, you’re write, and what poem about Months do you know? All together. The column #2 – pupil 3. The last column pupil 4.
Задание 2. Распредели слова из рамки в три группы. Divide the words from the box into 3 groups.
tell jokes January blow out the candles a book a camera December Barbie doll March June a magic wand November open the presents draw sing songs a flower a computer game a scooter
The next, the third task, again reading. You’ll continue to work in your groups. Look at the SB. Meet Dima, he tells us about his birthday. Read the text and guess when’s his birthday? You’ve got 2 minutes. Write your answer in your work lists.
Задание 3. Read and guess.
Dima’s birthday isn’t in winter. His birthday’s not in September, October or November. Dima can swim in the river and go fishing on his birthday. His birthday isn’t in April, May, July and August.
When his birthday?
Dima’s birthday in___________________.
Time is up. When’s his birthday? Why? Because…..
Let’s check. Yes, you’re right. Very good.
For the next exercise you’ll work in pairs. Listen and look the dialogue between Kate and Vitya and put the phrases in the right order. Take the phrases, put them on your desks. You’ll listen to the dialogue for 2 times.
When’s your birthday?
My birthday’s in____October_________________.
What would you like for your birthday?
I’d like _____a camera, a computer game and a teddy bear_.
What do you usually do at a party?
I play games and sing song.
Good bye!
Put the phrases in the correct order.
When’s your birthday?
My birthday’s in_____________________.
What would you like for your birthday?
I’d like _____________________________________________________.
What do you usually do at a party?
I _________________________________________________________________________________.
Good bye!
Time is over, who wants to do the task on the SB?
Are you tired? But I’m tired a little. Let’s do the pause. Stand up, please. Magic cat.
OK, nice. Listen to this dialogue again and complete it. Write the month, presents and activities.
2 minutes.
Задание 5. Заполни пропуски. Listen to the dialogue and complete.
V: Hello!
К: Hello!
V: When’s your birthday?
К: My birthday’s in_____________________.
V: What would you like for your birthday?
К: I’d like _____________________________________________________.
V: What do you usually do at a party?
К: I _________________________________________________________________________________.
V: Good bye!
К: Bye!
Time is up. Read your answers. Thank you. Look at the SB, these are the right answers. Новые ЗУН. Our lesson is finishing, and what is the aim of the lesson- yes, to make and role play the dialogue. Make your own dialogue according to the dialogue you’ve heard, you can use the words from this slide. 3-5 minutes to do the dialogue.
Опрос 2-3 пары.
Your home task is to learn the dialogue by heart.
Итоги Рефлексия. Какова была ваша цель на уроке и достигли ли вы ее.
Вашу работу на уроке я оценю по вашим рабочим листам. Чтобы оценить свою работу на уроке используйте сигнальные карточки. If you like the lesson ant it is useful (полезный) for you show me red card, if you like the lesson but it isn’t useful (не был полезным) show me blue card, and if you don’t like the lesson and it isn’t useful (не понравился и не был полезным) for you show me the brown one.
Thank you for your work. Good bye!

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