Конспект урока английского языка для 7 класса по теме «Happy people»
Конспект урока английского языка по теме «Happy people»7 класс
учителя английского языка
МОУ СОШ №12, г. Усолье-Сибирское Иркутской области
Алексеевой Виктории Константиновны
Урок предназначен для учащихся седьмого класса. Во время занятия ученики выполняют разные виды речевой деятельности на знакомом лексическом и грамматическом материале: аудирование, чтение, говорение. Ученики рассуждают о том, в какие моменты жизни человек может почувствовать себя счастливым и приходят к выводу, что это может происходить в самых простых ситуациях. Ситуация успеха создается как при монологическом высказывании, так при выполнении вопросно-ответных упражнений. Во время занятия учащиеся получают заряд положительных эмоций, что мотивирует коммуникативную и учебную деятельность.
Цель: Научить учащихся высказываться по теме «Happy people»
Учить просмотровому поисковому чтению.
Развивать речевую культуру школьников и культуры общения.
Формировать положительную мотивацию учения.
Pаздаточный материал: карточки с текстом для чтения.
Мультимедийный проектор, экран.
Презентация к уроку «Happy people»
Ход урока
Организационный момент:
Good morning, children! Happy to see you today. How are you? Take your sits, please.
Фонетическая зарядка:
Every day I say “Happy to see you !” And you? Are you happy to meet your friends? Look at the screen and guess what the topic of the lesson is. Yes, we are going to talk about happiness.(слайд 1)
Основная часть:
T – We often hear “He is happy” or “She is unhappy (sad)”. But nobody can say what happiness is. (слайд 2) Let’s try to answer this question today. From the very beginning let’s try to find out what makes people happy.
На экране схема:
When are you happy?
T - To answer this question you are to remember when you feel happy, what makes you happy, who makes toy happy.
Use the structure “I feel happy when I …” or “I am happy when I…”
As for me, I feel happy when I travel.
Look and say your ideas. (слайд 3,4)
P1 - I feel happy when I meet my friends.
P2 - I am happy when I watch TV.
P3 - I feel happy when I have a birthday party.
P4 - I feel happy when I eat tasty things.
P5 - I am happy when I read an interesting book.
P6 - I feel happy when I do sports.
P7 - I am happy when I go hiking.
T – I am glad you are happy. There are many people who can make us happy. Let’s talk about them. Use the structure “… make (makes) me happy”.
As for me, my daughter makes me happy.
Look and say your ideas. (слайд 5)
P1 – My friend makes me happy.
P2 – my teachers make me happy.
P3 – My brother makes me happy.
P4 – My sister makes me happy.
P5 – My parents make me happy.
P6 – My school makes me happy.
P7 – My classmates make me happy.
P8 – My family makes me happy.
T – OK, now let’s dream. When will you be happy?
Use the structure “I will be happy if I have…”
As for me, I will be if I have my own school.
P1 - I will be happy if I have a car.
P2 - I will be happy if I have a house.
P3 - I will be happy if I have a friend.
P4 - I will be happy if I have money.
P5 - I will be happy if I have a family.
P6 - I will be happy if I have a beautiful dress.
P7- I will be happy if I have a computer.
Look and say your ideas. (слайд 6)
T – Thank you for your ideas. Now your task will be to read a text and learn when people are happy.
Учитель раздает ученикам текст “We can be happy” для просмотрового чтения. Дети читают его 10 минут, затем дополняют коллаж «Счастье» новыми примерами.
We can be happy
Everybody can really be happy. I give you some easy advices that help me to feel happy. The first advice is to always smile to everybody. Do your favourite job. Love your parents and friends, enjoy everything you do. But you should learn to feel your happiness. Some people don’t want or don’t know how to feel it. They can’t understand that happiness is everywhere. You can feel happy when you sleep, eat or study.
Unfortunately, there are many beggars in the world. They feel happy when they find a building with a roof, when they eat, when somebody offers them some help.
For rich people happiness is a bit different. They feel happy when they buy a second or a third flat, when they open their own shop.
For my sister, happiness is another thing. She is 12. She can feel happy when she reads an interesting book, when she plays her favorite game.
My mother thinks that happiness is to have children. Some people say that happiness is money.
Many people think that happiness is to sit at home, to watch TV and to have no problems.
I think happiness is to have a family and friends; to love people whom we know; and, to help each other to solve little and big problems.
I have my own home, a family, I study in a good school, and my classmates are my best friends. I like all people on the Earth. I think I am the happiest person. I always smile, and believe that all will be OK even something bad happens.
Try to be optimistic and you will understand that life is not a bad thing. It is important to remember that we can really to be happy.
T – Now you can tell me about other people. Tell me when people are happy? Use the structure “Some people are happy when they …”
For example, some people are happy when the have a house with a roof to sleep in and enough food to eat.
P1 - Some people are happy when they help friends.
P2 - Some people are happy when they have a house with a roof.
P3 - Some people are happy when they love somebody.
P4 - Some people are happy when they study.
P4 - Some people are happy when they sleep.
P5 - Some people are happy when they eat.
P6 - Some people are happy when they have no problems.
P7 - Some people are happy when they sit at home.
T – Thank you for your work. Now I want you to look at the blackboard and try to tell “What is happiness?”
Ученики рассматривают коллаж и называют все причины счастья по порядку.
P1 – Happiness – is home, friends, TV, party, traveling, books, computer…
(ответы учеников, монологическое высказывание)
T – So, what can we say in general? We can say that happiness is everything and everywhere. You should remember about it. Smile to each other and you will always be happy. Can you give your advice to help people to be happy?
P1 - Always smile to everybody.
P2 - Do your favourite job.
P3 - Love your parents and friends.
P4 - Enjoy everything you do.
T – Thank you for your advice and for your work today. Be happy.
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