конспект урока для 9 класса "Экология. Наша миссия выполнима"
Подготовила: учитель английского языка I категории Костючик Е.С. ГУ Качарская средняя школа
Открытый урок по английскому языку
Тема: Экология. Наша миссия выполнима.
Класс: 9 класс
Цель: научить учащихся выражать свое мнение по вопросам защиты окружающей среды.
совершенствовать умения устной речи и монологического высказывания по теме «Экологические проблемы»;
познакомить с особенностями переработки отходов за рубежом;
развивать навыки аудирования с целью извлечения конкретной информации;
помочь учащимся осознать роль человека в воздействии на природу;
воспитать гуманное отношение к окружающей среде, формировать желание помочь природе.
Наглядность: презентация по теме «Экология», фильм о переработке сырья за рубежом и тестовые задания для проверки услышанного, раздаточный материал для тренировки лексических единиц,
Прогнозируемые результаты: ученики должны уметь высказываться по теме, выражать своё отношение к способам защиты природы в форме диалогической и монологической речи, а также сочетать в них активный лексический и грамматический материал.
Ход урока
Organization moment.
Good morning, girls and boys. Sit down. I’m glad to see you very much.
How are you? I hope, you are fine and ready for the lesson. (Slide 1)
We spoke about different kinds of pollution, global warming, disappearance of the ozone layer very often and much. But today I want you to think and decide what you and you, personally can do for solving ecological problems. I think, we, human beings, are responsible for all living creatures on our Planet. Children themselves cannot do much about pollution or industrial wastes, but there are many ways in which they can help the Earth.
So, the main aim of our lesson is “ How can you help our planet keep green and healthy and clean.” (Slide 2)
Open your note-books and write down the date and the theme of our lesson.
Warming up.
Let’s read a new poem about our planet. (Slide 3)
What have we done to the lakes, my friend?
What have we done to the sees?
What have we done to the rivers, my friend?
What have we done to the trees?
What have we done to the land, my friend?
This land which is ours from the birth?
What have we done to the forests, my friend?
What have we done to the Earth?
What have we done to the skies, my friend?
Skies that are blue and so clear?
What have we done to the skies, my friend?
What have we done to the air?
Please, answer the questions from this poem.
We have polluted lakes, rivers and seas.
We have cut down many trees for buildings.
We have polluted the blue and clear skies.
Let’s find the ways to reduce pollution of our nature.
Training useful words and word-combinations. (Slide 4-5)
Antonyms (slide)
Safe pollute
Harmful die
Protect dangerous
Live alive
Dead harmless
Appear disappear
Synonyms (slide)
trash disgusting, terrible
clean common, usual
ordinary litter, garbage, rubbish
awful destroy, damage, kill
destruct pure, clear, tide
Active word-combinations.
On my table there are many cards with Useful word-combinations about environment. A pupil comes out and takes any card he/she likes. But he/she gives aloud its translation – a Russian variant. The whole class thinks about this phrase and some one produces its English variant.
This very pupil comes out and continues the game.
Pollute the atmosphere
Ecological problems
Disappearance of flora and fauna
Nuclear pollution
Global warming
Invisible gases
A living creature
Reduce garbage
Environmental protection
Destroy wildlife
Speaking. Water Pollution.
One of the most serous problems is water pollution.
Now, please, listen to ….he will tell us about water pollution.
I think water is a great necessity for us. All life on the Earth depends on water. But nowadays many rivers, lakes, seas are greatly polluted. Fish and reptiles can’t live in them. There is not enough oxygen in the water. In such places many birds die.
If people drink this water or eat poisonous fish, they can die too.
It happens so because factories and plants produce a lot of waste and pour it into rivers. So, they poison the water. Many countries are worried about water pollution very much. In KZ there is a big problem of the Aral Sea, which is dying.
Teacher. Three quarters of the whole Planet is water. And only 1 % of the Earth’s water
is fresh and drinkable. Soon it may happen so that there won’t be enough water for people. How can we help? What can we do? There are lots of things we can do at home to look after the environment.
(Slide 6-7-8)
c) Try to answer these questions.
1. How much water a day does a person need?
2. How much water do you drink?
3. Do you take a shower or a bath?
4. How often? When?
5. When you wash up dishes in the kitchen do you usually use much water?
Enlarge my sentence.
All living creatures need water, don’t they?
(Children must enlarge this sentence adding a word by word.)
All living creatures: people need water.
All living creatures: people and animals need water.
All living creatures: people, animals and birds need water.
All living creatures: people, animals and birds need clean water.
All living creatures: people, animals and birds need clean and drinkable water.
All living creatures: people, animals and birds need clean and drinkable water for a life.
All living creatures: people, animals and birds need clean and drinkable water for a happy life.
All living creatures: people, animals and birds need clean and drinkable water for a happy and long life.
On the blackboard there is a cluster, the children should add their ideas how they can save water at home.
Now I want to ask you several questions. (slide 10-12)
1.Are more than 2 electrical things on in your room at the same time?
2. Do you turn off the monitor when you’re not using the computer?
3. Is your TV on standby when you’re not watching it?
You may ask me what is the connection between electricity and pollution? You shouldn’t say so.
If you economize electricity you will help your parents save money. On the other hand we must save power resources. And we can help electrical power stations to protect the atmosphere. All countries around the world are concerned about this problem greatly.
Now add some more ideas to our cluster.
The next very serious problem is a problem of rubbish pollution. (slide 13)
Look at this text. There are some words printed in a red colour, where the letters are mixed. If you know the right spelling of them, go to the blackboard and write them down. The class reads the text.
As a result of people’s aiittvcy much ggbraae is produced (at home, at workplaces, in public tsrrpnot, in the streets). We’re making so much garbage that there’s not egounh place to bury it. If we rccleye or reuse diffeernt old unnecessary things, we will podcrue a lot less garbage & help our pealnt keep green & htlhaey.
Teacher. There are different items – combusting and non-combusting things. We need a big territory to dump all this litter. Litter takes good fruitful soil from farmers.
Teacher. (slide 15)
There is a rule of 3 Rs – reducing, recycling, reusing.
Recycling is a good way to reduce garbage. It is a process of reusing waste materials. It’s very economical. In many countries people think positively about reusing different waste products. Now you will see a short film about recycling. It consists of 5 parts. Your task is to see the film attentively and try to understand everything.
Audio Comprehension.
1.You can hardly find a person without a mobile phone. A new model appears every 2 years. Young people and children are especially fast in buying new telephones and throwing away old ones.
If the telephone is not very old and bad, it will be cleaned, polished and resold, not very expensive. If the telephone is older than 4 years, it will be recycled.
2.Clothes take the 5th place. 2 mln of items of clothing is thrown away every year. If clothes are good, not very awful, they can we cleaned or washed and resold in second hand shops. Another part of the clothes is usually sent to some poor countries, for example to Africa.
3.Number 4 is given to batteries. Many different thing work on batteries: children’s toys, clocks and watches, different gargets. Any battery consists of lead and other poisonous things. You know that it is a noncombustible thing. And it’s especially important to recycle it. In Europe people give all batteries into recycling centres. You can’t throw them away with food waste. It is not allowed.
4.Plastic bottles are given the 2nd place. Everybody likes juice. We buy many bottles of lemonade, fruit juice all through the year. In Germany people buy more than 800 mln bottles every year. The Chinese recyclers buy empty bottles and reused them on textile factories. It’s very cheap and very profitable. They make new cloth – polyester, for clothing. You see, you need 12 bottles to make a new sports jacket.
5.The most popular thing in recycling industry is paper. Used paper is collected and sorted into different kinds of paper. Then it is taken to paper factories. I really think that it is important to do it, because if we recycle paper then new trees are not cut.
Audio Comprehension. How did you understand the listening?
Recycling helps people reduce rubbish and reuse some waste materials. +
Number 1 recycled thing is paper. +
Mobile phones can’t be recycled. –
The part of the clothes that can be washed and cleaned goes to “second hand” shops.+
Plastic bottles are burnt because they can’t be recycled. –
People are forbidden to throw away batteries, as it’s very dangerous.+
You have seen a film about garbage disposal abroad.
Now let’s continue discussing the same problem.
Listen to the pupils who will tell us about it and how this problem is solved in our native town.
Litter is garbage – like food, paper and cans – on the ground or in the street. Where many people live together, litter is a problem. People don’t always put their garbage in the garbage bin. It is easier to drop paper than to find a garbage bin for it.
My native town Kachar is a small town. But it is usually very dirty in the streets, especially after long winter months. People drop different litter in the streets – cigarettes ends, plastic bags and glass bottles. Litter is ugly. It makes our town look dirty.
An average family of 4 persons create 6 kilos of litter every 2 days. It means that all citizens of Kachar make about 7000 kilos a day.
The pupils of our school often take part in subbotnics, which are organized to clean our town up. Girls and boys are together and they do a good business. If we don’t do it, who will help our town?
I want to add some more words. People of Kachar think about their environment. Each year we plant trees in our town. We want to make our native place a green zone too.
Now a few words about air pollution. What are main sources of air pollution? (slide 16-17)
They are factories and plants, public transportation, private cars and using of aerosol spray and deodorants.
Is our life possible without them? Of course, not. Pupils, raise the hands whose families have got private cars. Can you imagine your life without them?
We know that they pollute our environment greatly, they damage the ozone layer.
Please, look at the next slide and say “What is good and what is bad?” (slide 18)
Let’s return to the beginning of our lesson (slide 19)
You can see all our decisions, solutions of different ecological problems written on the blackboard and in your note-books . You see, we can do a lot to make our Planet a green, clean and happy place to live in. Our mission can be done.
Ванина Т.П., Евдокимов М.С. «Тесты по английскому языку»- М.-«Лист», 1997.
Ефанова З.А. «Нестандартные уроки английского языка» - Волгоград, издательско-торговый дом «Корифей»
Текст и фильм для аудирования переведен с немецкого языка.

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