Конспект урока для 8 класса "Environmental problems and ways of their solution"
Школа: МБОУ СОШ №9, г.Альметьевск.
Учитель: Хузина Эльза Айратовна, учитель английского языка.
Предмет: английский язык.
Класс: 8 класс.
УМК: М.З.Биболетова « Enjoy English» 8 класс.
Тема урока: Environmental problems and ways of their solution.
Обучающая цель: Расширение лексического запаса по теме «Экологические проблемы»
Развитие навыков ознакомительного чтения с целью извлечения необходимой информации.
Вырабатывать логическое мышление, умение сопоставлять, давать оценку, выражать свое мнение.
Развивающая цель: Развивать у учащихся интерес к изучению иностранного языка, развивать внимания, воображение, память.
Развивать общий кругозор учащихся.
Воспитательная цель: Прививать чувство любви учащихся к родной стране и уважительное отношение к природе.
Воспитывать чувство ответственности за сохранение нашей страны в чистоте.
Знания, умения, навыки и качества, которые актуализируют, приобретут, закрепят учащиеся в ходе урока.
Навыки понимания иноязычно речи на слух, составления монологического высказывания, умения работать в паре, навыки работы с текстом, таблицами, опорами.
Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, интерактивная доска, раздаточный материал с заданиями.
Ход урока.
1.Организационный момент.
Good morning! Sit down, please. Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What day of the week today? Who is absent today?
2. Цели урока.
Today we are going to discuss the main environmental problems and at the end of the lesson you’ll offer ways of their solution. Since ancient times Nature has served Man, being the source of his life. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited. But with the development of civilization man’s influence in nature began to increase.
3.Фонетическая зарядка.
Let’s read the poem together.
The Earth is a garden
It’s a beautiful place
For all living creatures,
Food is a treasure
From the soil and the seas
Clean fresh air
From the plants and the heels.
Helping mother Earth
We can peacefully roam
We all deserve a place
We can call our home.
The warmth of the sun
Turns water into rain
It’s nature way!
4.Совершенствование навыков ознакомительного чтения.
Let’s read the text about our environmental problems. Before reading look at some words: some of them you know, but some ones are unknown.
Human attitude-отношение человека
Depend on- зависеть
Fertilizers and pesticides- удобрения и пестициды
Ruin soil- разрушать почву
Reducing –уменьшение
Negative influence- негативное влияние
Drastically- сильно
Decline-уменьшаться, идти на убыль
Due to-благодаря
Сontamination- загрязнение
Industrial facilities- промышленные объекты
Carbon dioxide emissions-выброс двуокиси углерода
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming to today's talk about environmental changes. I cannot stress enough how important it is to protect our environment! In the last few years air pollution has risen drastically and as a result of this our bird population has declined dramatically. But not only our air has been polluted - also our beautiful rivers and streams. Due to the high water contamination, the number of fish has plummeted to its lowest point in over 20 years. I hope you will stop directing your sewage into our rivers, and use recycling containers instead. I also appeal to your common sense: when you go to the supermarket, take a cotton bag with you to avoid taking home so many plastic bags. When you dispose of them they fly around and kill a lot of birds.
Everybody knows that ecology depends on human attitude towards nature and it’s no secret that nowadays the world ecological situation is difficult. The degree of pollution of water, air and soil increases year after year and is considered to be a serious international problem. Automobiles and other new inventions make pollution steadily worse. Fertilizers and pesticides are important for growing crops , but they can ruin soil. Having examined the effect on people’s health of the pollution of the environment, the medics have sounded the alarm. The use of pesticides and mineral fertilizers adversely affecting the quality of our food-stuffs. More and more babies are being born with defects. This is caused not only by alcoholism and drug-taking but the ecological situation as well. Also we have another problem. There are many factories and plants in our area. They send a lot of smoke into area. There is bad because nowadays it’s difficult to breathe. The problem of ecology is important for our city, too. There are some ecological problems in our area. They are: flowers are pulled out, litter is left, the water is polluted, trees are cut down for people’s need, recycling is not considered as the main way of reducing pollution and saving energy. As a result, we have destroyed atmosphere, killed animals and birds, polluted forests, poisoned rivers and lakes, and of course negative influence on people’s health.
Water is very important for life on the Earth. Very little water on the Earth is good for drinking. Sometimes people can not swim even in the sea, because the sea and the seaside are not clean. In many places water is not drinkable. Even fish die in such water.Over the last five years we have been constantly speaking about ozone holes, droughts, high level of radiation, about food contaminated with chemicals. Scientists in many countries are very much concerned about drastic changes in weather patterns. The worst droughts, the mildest winter and the most destructive hurricanes have become typical in those parts of the world where they used to be a rare occurence. Weather patterns have been changing recently due to the global warming- up process and its major reason –the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is created y carbon dioxide emissions, released by industrial facilities and a constantly increasing number of cars. A change of climate can be caused by elimination of forests or the expansion of deserts. If we fail to change our economic methods, in 20-25 years, mankind will face very grave problems.
We must do our best to save the beauty and the cleanness of our nature for future generations and for ourselves.
Task 1. Now it’s time to answer my questions.
Why are ecological problems considered to be serious international ones?
What do you think makes pollution steadily worse?
What is your attitude to factories and plants?
What other environmental problems do you consider deserve more attention?
Why all these problems need an urge solution?
What is the main reason of drastic changes?
Task 2.match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.
1)destroy a)convince somebody in something or doing something
2)increase b)garbage on the ground or in the street
3)enterprise c)damage something so much that it can not be required, ruin
4)reduce d)decrease, fall
5)persuade e) a factory or a plant that provides goods for people
6)litter f)rise
Task 3. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1.Nowadays ecological situation is not such serious.
2.Fertilizers and pesticides are important in growing crops.
3.Factories and plants pollute air and water.
4.Government can’t stop reducing pollution.
5. In many places water is drinkable.
5.Speaking.Who wants to tell us one of the main problem of air pollution? What activity can lead to pollution of air? How do human beings prevent from pollution? What do you know about ecological situation in your city? As you understand we try to find solution of all these problems. Look at these sentences and try explain what they mean and express your opinion if it will help to solve.
1.To walk or use bicycle instead of going by car.
2.To design posters telling people about ecological problems of the day and put them all over the countryside. Such as: don’t kill animals, don’t destroy houses of animals, don’t drop litter etc.
3.Not to waste Nature riches.
4.Planting new forests.
5.To start ecological education at school. This suggests ecological activities.
6.Plant flowers: they attract bees, butterflies.
7.We must live in harmony with Nature, follow its laws.
8.Controlling of level of the contamination of the atmosphere.
9. Save water. To clear rubbish from lakes and rivers.
10.To change fuel: oil gas instead of wood.
11.Hunting rare animals is forbidden.
6.Итог урока. Thank you for your active participating in discussing of environmental problems and I am glad that you worry about our Earth .I hope this advice will help us to preserve our planet from ecological disaster.
Home task. EX 40, PART 2 ,p.51 prepare answers. Think over the solutions of ecological problems.

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