Конспект урока на тему "What are you going to do this week?"
Тема урока: “What are you going to do this week?”
Тип урока: речевой
Вид урока: урок-закрепление, урок-упражнение, урок-игра
Цели урока:
Обобщение и закрепление фонетических, лексических и грамматических навыков по теме; активизация употребления нового лексического и грамматического материала в речи (монологическое и диалогическое высказывание);
Развитие фонематического слуха учащихся; умения анализировать и синтезировать информацию, вычленять главное; развитие кратковременной и оперативной памяти, логического мышления и умения логически излагать собственные мысли;
Воспитание коммуникативно-речевого такта, коммуникабельности в общении со сверстниками; умения работать в группе и паре, формирование уважительного и терпимого отношения к точке зрения товарища;
Обучение этике дискуссионного общения и этике межличностного общения;
Учет возрастных и индивидуальных особенностей каждого учащегося;
Оснащенность урока:
Доска, наглядные пособия , карточки со словами для игры, дидактический материал (задания на карточках), таблицы для проведения опроса.
Ход урока:
Организационный момент.
Teacher: Good morning, smiling faces! Feeling friendly? You are welcome!
It's time to say «Hello!» (Hello!)
It's time to say «Hello!» (Hello!)
It's time to say «Hello!» (Hello!)
And start our lesson.
Teacher: I’m glad to see you, friends! How are you today? Do you feel good?
P.1 – P.2 –P.3 …
Фонетическая зарядка.
Teacher: Every musician before a concert tunes up his instrument. And what about us? Let s tune up ours!
Ученики выполняют упражнения для языка, произносят английские звуки и называют слова с данными звуками, повторяя их за учителем.
- Бежит водичка: [s ], [s], [s]. ( kiss, situation, nice, sport)
- Рычит собачка: [г], [г], [г], ( responsible, arrange, group, programme.)
- Обезьянка вытряхивает пыль из диванчика: [d], [d], [d]. ( weekend, educational, bad, idea.)
- Из коврика: [t], [t], [t]. ( situation, stay, invitation, situation.)
- Обезьянка звонит в колокольчик: [m], [m], [m]. ( cinema, make, family, mother.)
- Обезьянка потягивается: [p], [p], [p]. (picnic, programme, partner, group.)
- Обезьянка греет лапки: [h], [h], [h]. (hands, hello, have, has.)
Сообщение темы и целей урока.
Teacher: Well, kids. The topic of our lesson is “What are you going to do this week?”. Today we shall continue to learn the word combination «to be going to...» and practice Tag-questions and new words. Are you ready?
4. Речевая разминка. Проверка домашнего задания.
Teacher: Today we shall play the game «Interview» and check your home task. Stand up, please. Make a circle. Here is a ball. You ask a tag-question and throw it to a person who you want to answer it.
Teacher: You are going to miss your lessons on Monday, aren’t you?
P.1.: No, I am not. You are going to visit your Granny on Tuesday, aren’t you? …
Игра «Интервью»
Учащиеся становятся в круг и задавая разделительные вопросы бросают мяч товарищу, который должен ответить на вопрос и задать свой.
Teacher: That was perfect! Now take your sits, please, calm yourselves for some seconds. Ready? So let’s work waiter.
Работа с карточками. Тренировка лексических навыков.
Teacher: Let's remember some English words and play an interesting game. It is called «What is missing?». You can see some pictures on the blackboard. How many pictures can you see? (Seven pictures.) What words can you see on the pictures? (Group, invitation, weekend, partner, local, social, programme.) Remember the words, please.
Now close your eyes. Open your eyes. What is missing?
Игра «Что исчезло?»
На доске вывешивается 7 картинок, и ученики читают слова на них.
Затем учащиеся закрывают глаза, и учитель убирает одну из карточек. Дети открывают глаза и называют исчезнувшее слово.
Teacher: The next task for you is to complete the sentences using the new words. Here are cards on your desks.
Задание на карточках:
1. Let's discuss his ... !
2. Who will be ... for the party?
3. What do you know about this ... programme?
4. How long will she ... with us?
5. When did the ... arrive?
6. Would you like to join our ... football team?
Ключи: 1. invitation; 2. responsible; 3. educational / social; 4. stay; 5. group 6. local.
Hands up, hands down,
Hands on hips, sit down.
Hands up. To the sides.
Bend left, bend right.
One, two, three, hop,
One, two, three, stop!
Stand still!
Sit down.
Расслабление. Не отвлекаться на посторонние мысли. Закрыть глаза.
I am ready to rest.
I want to be quiet.
All my muscles are relaxed.
My breast muscles are relaxed.
My body is resting.
Nothing can trouble me.
Актуализация навыков использования конструкции «to be going to...» в монологической речи
Teacher: One more interesting task for you. Open your books on page 31, please. Read the task. Now you have 7 minutes to ask your classmates about their plans. You must use the table doing this work.
Выполнение упр. 16, с. 31. Учащиеся получают заранее подготовленные таблицы для заполнения должны быть указаны вопросы, в которых ученики вписывают имена опрашиваемых детей самостоятельно. Они могут свободно перемещаться по классу, собирая нужные им сведения. Задание выполняются в течение 5-7 минут.
Teacher: It's time to read the results of your work.
Учащиеся информируют одноклассников о результатах своей репортерской работы.
Teacher: Your work is good! You are real reporters and you get the following marks…
Развитие навыков и умений диалогической речи.
Teacher: Look at the task of the exercise 17. You have 3 minutes to prepare dialogues yourself. One pupil will be the brother, who is going to visit England next month (he will answer the questions) and his partner will ask him the questions.
Учащиеся составляют диалоги по заданию упр; 17, с. 31 в парах.
Teacher: Now, time’s up. Let’s check your dialogs.
9. Итог урока
Teacher: Well, friends, our lesson is coming to the end. You have work hard. And get the following marks… At home you will learn your dialogues by heart and make exercise 12 in your Work Books on page 15.
Teacher: Will you stand up, please?
Don't run in the school,
Always walk.
Listen to the teacher,
Please, don't talk.
Good-bye, boys and girls!
Домашнее задание: упр. 17, с. 31 (наизусть), рабочая тетрадь упр. 12, с. 15.
в 5 «А» классе
по теме:
УЧИТЕЛЬ: Дьяконенко Н. А
I don't want to live anywhere else but in Russia.
I was born here and I'm not going to leave it.
The only thing I want to change is the place where I’d like to live.
My native town is Novoshakhtinsk.
It is small and quite town with still and even sleepy life.
As for me, I prefer dynamic life and that’s why I’d like to live in St.Petersburg.
This city is fascinating! And I’d say even mysticalNot in vain it is called “the second capital of Russia”.
It has impressive past, the great present and magnificent future.
Its architectural and historical masterpieces amaze and strike imagination: at every turn there is something to catch your eye. There are spacious squares and circles and the streets are wide and straight.
The city is called Northern Venice because there are 65 rivers, arms and canals there with artistically decorated bridges. Eight bridges across the Neva River open every night in summer giving together with the unset sun and magnificent buildings a picturesque view.
Saint Petersburg is also famous for its legendary white nights. Different festivals take place at this time. It has also been a tradition for graduates of all kinds to celebrate their graduation and make marry in the night city.
St.Petersburg is the birthplace of a great number of famous people: politicians, writers composers, actors.
People all over the world know that far north in Russia is the city of Saint Petersburg. Many of those who once visited the city liked it and want to be there again or even live there all his live. And I’m not an exeption!
Выбор профессии
When you leave school you understand that the time to choose your future profession has come. It’s not an easy task to make the right choice of a job. I have known for a long time that leaving school is the beginning of my independent life, the beginning of a far more serious examination of my abilities and character.
I have asked myself a lot of times: “What do I want to be when I leave school?” A few years ago it was difficult for me to give a definite answer. As the years passed I changed my mind a lot of times about which science or field of industry to specialize in. It was difficult to make up my mind and choose one of the hundreds jobs to which I might be better studied.
I asked a lot of questions myself to make the right choice: what sort of life do I want to lead? For example, do I want to live in the country or in town? Is leisure time of great importance to me? Is the size of my salary important? Do I want to put down roots or travel widely? What sort of work do I want to do? For example, do I like working alone or with others? Does teaching people appeal to me? Do I want to be an organizer of other people's activities?
As for me, I have made up my mind to go in for business. My choice of this occupation didn't come as a sudden flash. I think that nowadays this profession is of great need and importance to our country. It is my aim to be a qualified specialist and to serve the interests of my country. To be a well prepared businesswoman I should have some important qualities: great capability persistence, knowledge of science, capability to work in a team and, of course, knowledge of foreign languages. I think that my facilities combined with the knowledge would be quiet enough to succeed in my work.
Выборы в России
An election is a process of making decision when people choose a person to hold official offices. It is one of the usual tools of modern democracy. With the help of elections, it fills offices in the legislature for regional and local government.
The Russian Federation, or the Russian Federative Republic, was set up by the Constitution of 1993. Under the Constitution Russia is a presidential republic. One of the principles of democracy and republic is the government of the people, by the people and for the people.
A head of state – the president – and a legislature – the Federal Assembly are elected on the federal level by the Russian people. The president is elected for a four year term. Vladimir Putin is the current president of the Russian Federation.
The Federal Assembly has two chambers. The Federation Council is the upper chamber of the Federal Assembly. The basic powers of Council of Federation are listed in the Constitution. The Federation Council has 178 members and 2 delegates for each region of the country. The lower chamber is the State Duma. The State Duma has 450 members. Duma is elected for four years, but may be dismissed by the President in the cases listed in the Constitution. Each chamber is headed by the Speaker.
The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation is responsible for conducting federal elections and overseeing local elections in the Russian Federation. It consists of 15 members. The president of Russia, the State Duma and the Federation Council each appoint five members. In turn, these members elect the Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Secretary. The Commission is in power for a four-year term. Even people without higher education in law can become members of the Central Election Commission.
The last elections in Russia were parliamentary elections. “United Russia” party received 64,3 per cent of the vote, the Communist Party gained 11,57%. The Liberal Democratic Party headed by Vladimir Zhirinovsky received 8,14%, and the “Fair Russia” had 7,74% . These four parties will be represented at the Russian State Duma.
In conclusion, it should be noted that elections are very important for the democratic country. People can make the choice that will influence their future and the future of the whole country.
Планы на будущее
When you leave school you understand that the time to choose your future profession has come. It’s not an easy task to make the right choice of a job. I have known for a long time that leaving school is the beginning of my independent life, the beginning of a far more serious examination of my abilities and character.
I have asked myself a lot of times: “What do I want to be when I leave school?” A few years ago it was difficult for me to give a definite answer. As the years passed I changed my mind a lot of times about which science or field of industry to specialize in. It was difficult to make up my mind and choose one of the hundreds jobs to which I might be better studied.
I asked a lot of questions myself to make the right choice: what sort of life do I want to lead? For example, do I want to live in the country or in town? Is leisure time of great importance to me? Is the size of my salary important? Do I want to put down roots or travel widely? What sort of work do I want to do? For example, do I like working alone or with others? Does teaching people appeal to me? Do I want to be an organizer of other people's activities?
As for me, I have made up my mind to be a manager. My choice of this occupation didn't come as a sudden flash. I think that nowadays this profession is of great need and importance to our country. It is my aim to be a qualified specialist and to serve the interests of my country. To be a well-prepared manager I should have some important qualities: great persistence, sociability, considerable knowledge, and, of course, knowledge of foreign languages.
That is why I want to enter Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University. I think that there I can get good knowledge to become a good specialist. And of course I want to learn languages better, because to my mind every educated person should know a foreign language. I always remember these famous words: “He, who doesn’t know a foreign language, doesn’t know his own language.
Saint Petersburg is the second largest city in Russia and one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It was founded in 1703 by Peter the Great as the window to Europe. Thousands of workmen were brought from all parts of Russia to build a new city on the swampy land at the mouth of the Neva River. Peter the Great was in a hurry. The work was fast and hard, and workmen dropped dead by hundreds. But the work went on.
In 1712 Saint Petersburg, a city of great beauty, with palaces, cathedrals, churches, government buildings became the capital. Under later rulers the new capital of the Russia Empire grew rapidly in wealth and beauty. Architects were brought from Western Europe to lay out the city in harmonious squares. Buildings were constructed in gray and rose-colored granite. The Hermitage and the Winter Palace, the homes of the Russian czars, were equal to any in Europe.
When the First World War began in 1914, the German-sounding name Saint Petersburg was changed to Petrograd. After the October Revolution the city was renamed after Vladimir Lenin.
During the Great Patriotic War the city suffered a great deal. The German armies laid siege to it in 1941, and for the next year and a half it was cut off fro the rest of the country Daily shelling and air raids destroyed parts of the city. Thousands of people were killed. Rebuilding took years.
Now Saint Petersburg is an important industrial, cultural, and educational center. It is also a large transport center. The first railroad line connected Saint Petersburg with Tsarskoye Selo. Then the famous Nicholas Railroad line from Saint Petersburg to Moscow was constructed. Now there are five railroad stations, two airports, a seaport, two bus terminals, a sea passenger terminal, and a river passenger terminal.
The population of the city grew fast. At the beginning of the 20th century it was about one million, by 1941 - it was about two million people, in the seventies - it was about four million, and it is near six million people.
Diversity is one of the main features of Saint Petersburg. A lot of geographical names in the city are russified Finnish, and some are just translations from the Finnish language, for example: the Neva River, the Moika, the Karpovka, Okhta, Ulyanka, Ligovsky Prospect, Kalinkin Bridge, Zayachy Island and many others. Saint Petersburg now, as in the past, is the city of many nations and religions. Some of the streets still keep the names of ethnical communities, which were there, for instance: Italianskaya Street, Grechesky Prospect, Shvedsky Pereulok, Angliysky Prospect and Anliyskaya Embankment, and others.
In the city there are a lot of churches and temples representing different religions groups: Othodox, Roman Catholic, Lutheran Churches, Moslem Mosques, Synagogues and a Buddhist Temple as well.
Saint Petersburg is a wonderful city: at every turn there is something to catch your eye. There are spacious squares and circles and the streets are wide and straight. Palace Square, Senate Square, St. Isaac`s Square, Trinrty Square and Arts Square - they all are historical places, shaped with famous buildings and have striking monuments. Alexander Column, the highest structure of this kind in the world, raises on Palace Square. Peter the Great Monument, better known as the Bronze Horseman, is on Senate Square. Nicholas 1 Monument, which is considered a masterpiece of engineering art, stands on St. Isaac`s Square. Pushkin Monument is in the center of Arts Square. The Field of Mars, with the area of twelve hectares, is the biggest square in Saint Petersburg. The main street of the city is Nevsky Prospect. It runs from the Admiralty to the Alexander Nevsky Monastery and lines famous buildings, luxurious hotels and fashionable stores. Sadovaya Street got its name from a lot of gardens once facing the street. Moskovsky Prospect is the longest street in the city and Architect Rossy Street is the shortest one. It was in Saint Petersburg that the tradition to number streets appeared. One still can find 5th Line or 27th Line on Vasilyevsky Island. Line is one side of the street.
The city is called Northern Venice because there are 65 rivers, arms and canals there with artistically decorated bridges. Eight bridges across the Neva River open every night in summer giving together with the unset sun and magnificent buildings a picturesque view. At four ends of Anichkov Bridge over the Fontanka River along Nevsky Prospect are four sculptural groups comprising a world-famous composition The Taming of a Horse. The longest bridge is Alexander Nevsky Bridge across the Neva River. Siny Bridge over the Moika River is the widest and completes the ensemble of St. Isaac`s Square.
There are lots of museums in the city. The Kunstkammer, the first Russian museum, the Peter and Paul Fortress, the Smolny Cathedral, the Russian Museum, St. Isaac’s Cathedral and Savior-on-the-Spilt-Blood, the Admiralty and the Winter Palace, and many others, attract thousands of tourists from all over the world. Saint Petersburg’s many museums house some of the world’s most famous art collections. The Hermitage, for example, contains the richest collection of pictures and pieces of applied art in the world.
There are lots of theaters to suit all tastes. One can hear an opera or watch a ballet in the Mariinsky Theater or the Maly Opera House. Theatergoers can enjoy the dramatic art in the Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theater or in the Alexandrinsky Theater. Chamber and symphony music can be enjoyed in the Shostakovich Philharmonic Society. And, finally, those who prefer pop singers and rock stars can visit their shows at concert halls or sport palaces like the SKK or the Ledovy Palace. Two circuses are at people’s disposal as well.
Saint Petersburg is also famous for its legendary white nights. Different festivals take place at this time. It has also been a tradition for graduates of all kinds to celebrate their graduation and make marry in the night city.
People all over the world know that far north in Russia is the city of Saint Petersburg. Many of those who once visited the city liked it and want to be there again.
Роль женщин в обществе
The ongoing changes in social, political and economic spheres of the country entails not only the raise of women’s role in society, in addition they are accompanied by breaking of stereotypes to treat human beings by sex that had been shaping through decades. Free economic relations and democratization of all spheres of life create the basis for eventual equal social rights for any human being regardless of sex, for both men and women.
From a legal point of view, a man and a woman in Russia are equal. However, in practice, there are no real mechanisms of women’s rights fulfillment as well as for their active participation in social life.
Such questions as women and their place in the society, their political and social activity as well as enlightening of those problems in mass media; questions of creation of informational data-base as well as maternity and childhood cannot be effectively solved by governmental bodies, especially in the situation of economic crisis.
That is why it is important today to assist the creation of such mechanisms through the activation of women’s public organizations. And non-governmental charity organizations become a single source for support of such projects.
Housework, chores and raising children are generally considered to belong to a woman's domain. Despite the fact that birthrates in the country have been falling, children are obstacles in the labor market. It is understandable that women decide to defer having children later or do not have children at all. Along with that, there is a lack of knowledge about modern contraception and a correspondingly large number of abortions. The frequency of abortions in Russia is one of the highest in the world.
Women comprise 54 percent of contemporary Russian society. However, the number of women taking part in the country's political, economic and civic life shows that women are restricted in the spheres of politics and government. Women's salaries are on average lower than men's, and women are likewise far more likely to fall victim to violence and unemployment. According to United Nations Gender Organization data, 67 percent of those unemployed in Russia are women.
A lack of state financing in social programs has caused further tightening in the labor market, particularly for women. Female unemployment is rising at a catastrophically high rate. Women have less access to retraining programs than men, while women entrepreneurs are a rarity.
Women's social status is a serious problem. Few female decision-makers can be found in positions of social importance. This strengthens the stereotype of "male superiority" and hinders the creation of true partnerships between men and women.
One of the most important reflections of equity is equal rights in the labor market. Analysis of existing legislation of Russia confirms its prohibition on gender discrimination. However, legislation itself creates only a certain legal environment, certain conditions for equality, but does not ensure their fulfillment.
So,The main goals are protection of women’s rights and elimination of discrimination in society; widening women’s participation in policy decision-making processes on the local, regional and national levels; support for cooperation between women’s organizations on the national and international arenas; widening access to international resources and experience of women’s organizations on an international level.
Игра «Чемодан».
Teacher: Imagine that you have missed a friend. You need to write a description of him or her. How does he/she look like? What does he/she wears usually? What is he/she wearing now? What is he/she like?
But firstly we should repeat a grammar topic “Настоящее простое и настоящее длительное время”. We do it in a form of blizz-questioneer.
P1. --- P2. --- P3…
Teacher: Now write a description of your friend and put it here. Well. Now we are all detectives. Let us read the descriptions and guess who is this.
Составление «Карманного пособия для друга».
(обучение чтению с поиском нужной информации)
Teacher: Marvelous! I am sure you are very nice friends. It is not easy to be good friends. What should we do?
Here are some rules for friends. Read them and write down those which are positive rules and may help you. You write in your copy-books.
… go to the blackboard. Here is your place. Who do you want to work with? Good. Put the rules in “Pocket Guide For Friends”. You may need these slogans.
Now let us check.. Well done.
Организационный момент. Завершающий этап урока.
Teacher: Well, friends, our lesson is coming to the end. You have work hard. And get the following marks…
Friendship is great! And what will you wish one another to be good friends?
P1. Be friendly!
P2. Be fair!
Well, the lesson is over. But before you leave, give me your marks:
Red card - if you like the lesson.
Green card - if the lesson was so-so.
Yellow card - if it was not interesting.

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