Конспект урока по английскому языку "Мои увлечения. Личные притяжательные местоимения" 3 класс
Конспект урока 3 класс «Мои увлечения. Личные притяжательные местоимения». (урок 13)
Цели: совершенствование навыков монологической речи (рассказ по теме «Мой друг»); ознакомление с правилами чтения буквосочетаний th; активизация материала по теме «Личные местоимения».
Оборудование: карточки с транскрипционными значками; демонстрационная таблица «Личные местоимения».
Организационный момент
-Good morning, children! I am glad to see you again. How are you?
- What day is it today?
- What did you do at the last lesson?
We will listen to the stories about your friends and choose the most interesting one. And we will read English words and learn the pronouns.
[e] [e] [e]
Can you find this sound at the blackboard?
[ǝu] [ǝu] [ǝu]
Find it, please at the blackboard
[i:] – [i] [i:] – [i] [i:] – [i]
Find it, please
[h] [h] [h]
Do you know this sound?
[æ] [æ] [æ]
Let’ s repeat these sounds
Речевая разминка
- Let’s play the game “Guess”. One pupil will go to the blackboard and think of one word on the topic “Food”. We shall try to guess the word. If you guess it, you will go to the blackboard and think of another word.
Do you like ….? Yes, I do/ No, I don’t
Активизация навыков аудирования
Jim likes to the theatre. He has got his favourite actor. Listen to Jim’s story and find the picture of his favourite actor in ex. 1 p. 22.
Развитие навыков монологической речи.
- It’s your turn to describe your friend. You can see the plan in ex. 2 on page 22 in your textbooks.
- How many sentences will be there in your story? ( You are right, not less than five.)
- Who is ready to start?
- Let’s listen to the stories and choose the best one all together
( выполняем упр. 3 стр. 22; рассказ о друзьях по плану упр. 2 стр. 22).
- Are you tired? Let’s have a rest.
Hands up! Hands down!
Hands on hips! Sit down!
Hands up! To the sides!
Bend left! Bend right!
One, two, three… Hop!
Развитие навыков чтения (правила чтения буквосочетания th)
Now Mr. Rule would like to tell us how to read the words with th. You can see such words in your textbooks on the page 22.
Listen to me and repeat the words from the table after me.
Let’s read the words from ex. 5 on p. 23 after speaker.
( сначала слова стр. 22; упр. 5 стр. 23; упр. 6 стр. 23)
Активизация лексических навыков (местоимения)
It’s time to remember some English words pronouns.
Can you name the personal pronouns in Russian and in English?
Read the task of ex. 7 p. 23, please.
Who will read the first sentence?
Open your workbooks on p. 14, ex. 4. You will rewrite these sentences using the personal pronouns.
Подведение итогов урока
What did you do at the lesson?
We have done enough. The lesson is over. Goodbye!
Hometask: ex. 1-3 p. 14 WB
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