Конспект урока с презентацией "Проблемы молодежи в современном обществе" 10 класс
КОУ «Вечерняя (сменная) общеобразовательная школа №1»
Конспект урока по английскому языку в 10 классе
по теме: «Проблемы молодежи в современном обществе».
Учитель: Картавцева Елена Матвеевна
Г. Омск
Конспект урока по английскому языку в 10 классе
по теме: «Проблемы молодежи в современном обществе».
Учитель Картавцева Е.М.
Учебник английского языка под редакцией В.П. Кузовлева 10-11 класс
Тема: «Проблемы молодежи в современном обществе».
Цель: научить связному высказыванию по заданной теме.
Проверить сформированность лексических единиц (ЛЕ) по теме.
Совершенствовать навыки чтения, аудирования, говорения по теме с различными стратегиями.
Развивать коммуникативные навыки работы в группе, паре, формировать терпимое отношение к мнению другого человека.
Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, учебник английского языка под редакцией В.П. Кузовлева 10-11 класс, «Лист самооценки», презентация-приложение к уроку.
Тип: урок закрепления полученных знаний.
Технология: оптимальное сочетание форм учебной работы в структуре уроков различных типов.
Мотивационно-целевой этап
Warm-up activities.
(on the screen): (Слайд №1)
school problems;
family problems;
personal problems
T: Who are these problems associated with?
Answer: With teenagers.
T: Right. Now look at the pictures. Will you suggest what kind of problems teenagers have to face? (Слайды №2 – №8)
Students look at the slides and make suggestions.
Possible answer: Teens have to face a problem of
misunderstanding between teens and their parents;
alcohol addiction;
drug addiction;
computer addiction;
shortage of pocket money;
peer pressure;
juvenile pregnancy;
juvenile delinquency;
committing suicide...
T: As you see the list is long. (Слайд № 9) Do you think these problems are new inthe modern society?
Answer: No, they aren’t new.
T: What is the age of people who face these problems for the first time in their life?
Answer: They are young; they are teens: they are from 12 to 17 year old people.
T: Right you are – they are young people. What topic are we going to discuss today?
Answer: Young people and their problems.
T: (on the screen) Young People – Old Problems (Слайд №10)
T: What knowledge and skills are required to discuss this topic?
Answer: 1) knowledge of vocabulary related to the topic;
3) skills of making up a text on a given problem; (skills of expressing opinions)
II. Содержательный этап
T: Thank you. You have discussed the tasks of our lesson.Today you will work with a “Self-assessment Sheet”. (The teacher hands out “Self-assessment Sheets”). You will mark eachtype of your activity.The total grade will depend on your involvement into the class activities and grammatical and spelling correctness of each task in your “Self- assessment Sheet”.
T: Let’s check your knowledge of the vocabulary related to the topic. Your task was to learn the new words from the text ex. 1, p. 114.
Look at the screen. You can see the assessment criteria of this task. (Слайд №11)
( “5” – more than 10 problems are written correctly;
“4” – 8-10 problems are written correctly;
“3” – 6-7 problems are written correctly)
Students do the task, they write down as many problems on the given topic as they can in their “Self - assessment Sheets”.
T: Now look at the screen and mark your work. (Слайд №12)
(There is a list of problems on the screen)
misunderstanding between teens and their parents;
alcohol addiction;
drug addiction;
computer addiction;
shortage of pocket money;
peer pressure;
juvenile pregnancy;
juvenile delinquency;
committing suicide...
Students correct their papers and mark them.
T: Now, hold up your hand who knows the given vocabulary very well;
now those who know it well; now those who will have to revise it and attend academic tutoring to rewrite this task.
Reading for specific information (ex.1, p. 124) Group work
T: Now you know the vocabulary related to the topic and so you can read the text in the text-book. You will work in groups.
Teacher divides the students into 3 groups.
T: Each group should answer the following questions: (Слайд №13)
Students read out the questions.
How do John, Estelle, Bart feel about the life of today’s teenagers?
What problems do young people face in their opinion?
How do they spend time?
T: You should distribute these questions, discuss them, complement each other and then fill in the table individually. Eachofyoushouldbereadytoanswerthegivenquestions.
There is the tableon the screen and the sametable is in the students’ “Self- assessment Sheets”)
Feelings about the life of teenagers
Teen’s problems
Spending time
Group I (John)
Group II (Estelle)
Group III (Bart)
Students read the text and do the task working in the groups and then take notes individually in their “Self- assessment Sheets”.
Possible answers:
Feelings about the life of teenagers
Teen’s problems
Spending time
Group I (John)
being a teenager is difficult
-teen pregnancy;
-drug and alcohol addiction;
-peer pressure;
-lack of parents’ care;
-parents’ indifference
hanging out
Group II (Estelle)
being a teenager isn’t fun, it’s a duty, it’s going to school and studying hard
-peer pressure;
-teen pregnancy
-hanging out;
-talking humorous things;
-discussing serious things
Group III (Bart)
being a teenager is fun, it should provide independence
-hanging out with friends;
-discos, parties
T: Now, let’s check your answers and share your ideas with the class.
Students from each group answer using their notes.
T: Now mark this task, expressing your opinion.
The table and the assessment criteria of this task are on the screen. (Слайд №15)
“5” – my table is fully completed and correct;
“4” - my table is completed but I’ve made some spelling mistakes;
“3” – I’ve missed some points while filling in the table.
T: You have discussed the text dealing with teens’ problems in English-speaking countries. And what do you think of being a teenager in Russia?
Possible answers:
Being a teenager is having holidays.
Being a teenager is spending a lot of time with friends.
Being a teenager is not being very responsible.
Being a teenager is travelling with parents.
Being a teenager is playing sports.
Being a teenager is suffering from lack of independence.
Being a teenager is being curious.
Being a teenager is getting a lot of information.
Being a teenager is fighting.
Being a teenager is watching TV a lot.
Being a teenager is boring.
Being a teenager is doing a lot of homework.
Being a teenager is exciting.
Being a teenager is arguing with parents a lot.
Being a teenager is having a lot of problems.
T: Thank you. Look at the screen (possible answers are on the screen). Do you see any common ideas with those you have mentioned? (Слайд №16)
Answer: Yes, we do.
T: Read out the ideas you haven’t mentioned.
Students read out.
T: On the one hand being a teenager is fun, on the other hand it is serious and difficult because of the problems. Who can help them to overcome difficulties?
Answers: Families, parents.
T: Right. Families, parents play a significant role in teens’ lives. It is important when love, care, respect, understanding, patience are basic points in bringing up the children. Many parents are anxious to teach responsibility to their children. What helps to discipline children?
Students: Family rules.
T: Now,let’s listen to the article “Sex... drugs... alcohol? What really does go on in a teenager’s bedroom?” dealing with family rules and then take the test.
Before listening, find the correct meaning of these words in the column on the right on the screen. Pair work (Слайд №17)
out of order a) tolerate
take liberties b) invite someone
have someone over c) wrong
put up with d) some
a degree of e) use one’s freedom in the wrong way
Students work in pairs helping each other to find the correct meaning of the words and answer.
T: Let’s check your answers.
Students answer.
Answers: 1) – c); 2) – e); 3) – b); 4) – a); 5) – d)
Students have time to look through the statements of the test in their “Self- assessment Sheets” and discuss them in pairs.
Students listen to the recording and complete the test individually.
If necessary, students listen to the recording twice.
Test: Write T (true), F (false), or ?(don’t know) after each of these statements.
a Becky’s boyfriend has to leave her room by 10pm.
bBecky’s friends are allowed to smoke in her room.
cBecky’s girlfriends can’t spend the night in her house.
dMark’s parents prefer him not to smoke in his room.
eMark is never allowed to have girlfriends staying overnight.
f Mark’s parents don’t let him play his stereo midnight.
T: Let’s check the test.
Change your “Self- assessment Sheet” with your classmate and mark them.
The teacher shows the correct answers and the assessment criteria of the task on the screen. (Слайд №18)
Answers: a – T; b – F; c - ?; d – T; e – F; f - ?
The assessment criteria of the task:
“5” – 6 answers are correct; “4” - 5 answers are correct; “3” – 4or3 answers are correct.
T: What have you done?
Answers: 1) We have checked the new words on the given topic.
2) We have read and discussed the text on the topic “Young people and their problems”.
3) We have suggested our ideas on this topic.
4) We have listened to the article on this topic and have completed the test.
T: Thank you. What shall we do to complete our work today?
Answer: Make up a text on the given problem.
T: Right. Now your task is to make up a text “What problems worry young people in Russia?”
You should complete the sentences in your “Self- assessment Sheet” using the words and phrases in the boxes on p. 117 and then put the sentences in order to create the text.
They should think of what they can do ..., ... and ... for the society. Parents can ... if they pay more attention to ... . Personally, I think it happens because they ... and ... when they can’t solve ... . At the same time, teenagers have to decide what ... . There are many young people who have ... and ... . In my opinion, young peoplehave .... Teenagers often want to ... or ... , but they don’t know ... . Most of them want to ..., ... and .... It causes ... and ... . Some of them start to ... against ...and ....
Students do the task.
T: Now change your “Self- assessment Sheet” with your classmate and mark the text.
The text and the assessment criteria are on the screen. (Слайды №19, №20)
The text “What problems worry young people in Russia?”
In my opinion, young people have many problems in Russia. Most of them want to enjoy life, be independent and be taken seriously . Teenagers often want to express their individuality or earn money, but they don’t know how to do it. Some of them start to rebel against the society and reject everything . It causes violence and cruelty. There are many young people who have drug addiction and drinking problems. Personally, I think it happens because they get depressed and upset when they can’t solve their problems. Parents can help teenagers to cope with difficulties if they pay more attention to their problems. At the same time, teenagers have to decide what they want to have in future. They should think of what they can do to be independent, responsible and useful for the society.
( “5” – all the sentences are completed;the words and phrases are used semantically and grammatically correctly; the text is built correctly;
“4” - 1-2 sentences are not completed; the words and phrases are used semantically and grammatically correctly;the text is clearly built;
“3” – 3-4 sentences are not completed; the words and phrases are used semantically and grammatically correctly; the text is built with missing parts)
T: Hold up your hand who has completed all the sentences and created the text? Read out your text.
students read out their texts.
Reflection (Work with “Self- assessment Sheet”)
T: Now, when you have marked each type of your activity give yourselves a total grade. Some students can add one point for being active at the lesson (T. names these students).
Have you done all the tasks? What have you learned?
Possible answers:
I know the vocabulary related to the topic.
I can read a text, find specific information and take notes.
I can listen to the text for specific information.
I can answer the teacher’s questions on the given problem.
I can complete the sentences using the given words to create a text on the given problem.
T:Has the objective of the lesson been reached? Have you learned to make up a text on the given problem?
T: Your task isto make up a text “What problems worry young people in Great Britain ( theUSA, Australia)?” at home individually. You choose the country yourselves.I encourage you to use the words and phrases in the boxes on p. 117.
The “Self- assessment Sheets” with your final grades will be handed out after my review.
Thank you for the lesson.
“Self- assessment Sheet”
First Name:
Last Name:
Checking of the vocabulary on the given topic.
Self- assessment
Teacher’s assessment
II. Reading.
Feelings about the life of teenagers
Teen’s problems
Spending time
Self- assessment
Teacher’s assessment
III. Test: Write T (true), F (false), or ?(don’t know) after each of these statements.
a Becky’s boyfriend has to leave her room by 10pm.
bBecky’s friends are allowed to smoke in her room.
cBecky’s girlfriends can’t spend the night in her house.
dMark’s parents prefer him not to smoke in his room.
eMark is never allowed to have girlfriends staying overnight.
f Mark’s parents don’t let him play his stereo midnight.
Self- assessment
Teacher’s assessment
IV. The text “What problems worry young people in Russia?”
They should think of what they can do... ... ..., ... and ... for the society.
Parents can ... ... ... ... ... ... if they pay more attention to ... ... .
Personally, I think it happens because they ... ... and ... when they can’t solve ... ... .
At the same time, teenagers have to decide what ... ... ... ... ... ...
There are many young people who have ... ... and ... ... .
In my opinion, young people have ... ... ... ... ... ... .
Teenagers often want to ... ... ... or ... ... , but they don’t know ... ... ... ... .
Most of them want to ... ... , ... ... and ... ... ... .
It causes ... and ... .
Some of them start to ... against ... ... and ... ... .
Self- assessment
Teacher’s assessment
Self- assessment (total grade)
Teacher’s assessment (total grade)
Английский язык. 10-11 классы: учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений. В.П.Кузовлев, Н.М.Лапа и др. - М.: Просвещение, 2010.
Английский язык. Рабочая тетрадь. 10-11 классы. Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений. - М.: Просвещение, 2011.
Английский язык. Экспресс-курс подготовки к ЕГЭ: учебное пособие. А.П.Миньяр-Белоручева, О.Д.Ивашева – М.: «Экзамен», 2008.
Наговицына О.В. Поурочные разработки по английскому языку к учебному комплекту В. П. Кузовлева, Н.П.Лапа и др.: 10-11 классы. – М.: ВАКО, 2006.
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