Контрольная работа для 7 класса
Контрольная работа (ФГОС) Английский язык, 7 класс
Фамилия, имя __________________________________________ класс __________
I. Знание
1.1. Подставьте определенный артикль там, где нужно.
1) ____ Houses of Parliament 5) ____ British Museum
2) ____ Great Britain 6) ____ Trafalgar Square
3) ____ Big Ben 7) ____ Westminster Abby
4) ____ Tower of London 8) ____ Whitehall
1.2. Впишите в пропуски правильный вариант.
1) John is ________________ than his friend Bob.
a) young b) younger c) the youngest
2) Winters in England are not as _____________ as in Russia.
a) cold b) colder c) the coldest
3) The weather today is as _________________ as it was yesterday.
a) pleasant b) more pleasant c) the most pleasant
4) Which of your dogs is ________________ of all?
a) clever b) cleverer b) the cleverest
5) The coffee table is __________ of all the tables in this room?
a) low b) lower c) the lowest
III. Перепишите предложения по образцу.
1) These are my photos. These photos are mine.
2) That is his house. That house is ______.
3) This is her bike. This bike is ________.
4) Those are your new books. Those new books are _______.
5) This is our dinner. This dinner is _______.
IV. Выберите правильную форму глагола.
1) The news (is/are) _____________ interesting.
2) We don’t have many deer, but our deer (is/are) ____________strong.
3) Where (is/are) ____________ the money?
4) The girl’s hair (was/were) _________________long and beautiful.
5) Men (is/are) __________ usually stronger than women.
II. Мышление
2.1. Соотнесите данные глаголы по временам:
A) Past Simple
1) have done
B) Present Perfect
2) played
C) Present Simple
3) went
D) Present Continuous
4) is reading
5) swims
6) has had
7) are watching
Запишите в таблицу выбранные цифры под соответствующими буквами. Одной букве может соответствовать несколько цифр.
2.2. Сделайте вывод, как образуются данные времена в английском языке. Запишите свой ответ ниже.
2.3. Выпишите из данных слов только существительные:
Tour, double-decker, famous, buy, far, century, monument, turn, railway, career, decide, become, interested, money, news, success, which, language, because, easy
III Коммуникация
Напишите новогоднюю поздравительную открытку своему другу, придерживаясь плана:
1.Вводная часть. Приветствие.
2.Основная часть . Поздравление.
IV. Применение.
4.1. Прочитайте отрывки из дневников трех девочек. Соотнесите их с именами того, кто их написал. Одно имя лишнее.
Margo b) Emma c) Katie d) Ann
1. Katie went to the Starlight concert with her boyfriend Brad! Usually we go to the concerts together - Katie, Margo, Ann and I. Starlight is our favourite group. I have all their best albums. I dreamed to listen to them but Katie called me on the phone yesterday and said we couldn’t go. I know why. It’s because of Brad. I hate him!
2. I’m so happy. Yesterday’s concert was wonderful. Emma is very angry because I took Brad to the concert and not her. But Brad is my best friend. We like the same music and the same films. Brad and I would like to go to London University together. Brad wants to be an art critic but I don’t know what I’d like to become.
3. I think I love Brad. But Brad doesn’t love me. Yesterday he went out with Katie. I think they went to the Starlight concert. Katie loves that group. I am not really interested in their music but I sometimes go to concerts with other girls, but I enjoy being with Ann most of all.
1. _______ 2. _______ 3. _______ extra _______

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