Образовательная программа по изучающему чтению для 5-х классов
муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение «Средняя общеобразовательная
школа № 2 с углубленным изучением иностранных языков»
муниципального образования г.Ноябрьск
по изучающему чтению
(спец.курс по английскому языку)
для 5 класса
1 час в неделю (всего 35 часов)
Абдуллина Миляуша Сабирьяновна,
учитель английского языка 2 категории
МОУ СОШ №2 г. Ноябрьск
2010 - 2011 учебный год
Список используемой литературы:
Маслыко Е.А. , Бабинская П.К. Настольная книга преподавателя иностранного языка. Минск: Вышэйшая школа, 1996.
Лотман Ю. М. Структура художественного текста. // В кн.: Лотман Ю. М. Об искусстве. СПб., 1998.
Шишкина Т. И. Стилистическая интерпретация текста. Тула, 1997.
Catherine Wallace. Reading. Oxford University Press, 1996.
В.А Верхогляд Английские народные сказки. Книга для чтения в 5 классе школ с преподаванием ряда предметов на английском языке. Москва «Просвещение, 1995.
Г.Е. Костенко Прочитай летом! Книга для чтения на английском языке для учащихся 7 класса средней школы. Москва «Просвещение», 1999.
Е.Г. Копыл, М.А. Боровик Английский язык. Книга для чтения к учебнику А.П. Старкова для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. Москва «АСТ-Астрель», 2002.
Образовательная программа по изучающему чтению составлена на основе программы элективного курса «Английский язык. Изучающее чтение» А.Л. Безденежных, Институт повышения квалификации и переподготовки работников образования Курганской области – Курган, 2005г.
Программа предназначена для учащихся 5-х классов углубленного изучения иностранных языков.
Программа рассчитана на 35 часов в год (1 час в неделю). Программой предусмотрено проведение 4 контрольных работ.
Место данного учебного предмета в решении общих целей и задач на данной ступени основного общего образования
Являясь существенным элементом культуры народа – носители данного языка и средством передачи ее другим, иностранный язык способствует формированию у школьников целостной картины мира. Владение иностранным языком повышает уровень гуманитарного образования школьников, способствует формированию личности и ее социальной адаптации к условиям постоянно меняющегося поликультурного, полиязычного мира.
Иностранный язык расширяет лингвистический кругозор учащихся, способствует формированию культуры общения, содействует общему речевому развитию учащихся. В этом проявляется взаимодействие всех языковых учебных предметов, способствующих формированию основ филологического образования школьников.
Иностранный язык как предмет характеризуется:
Межпредметностью (содержанием речи на иностранном языке могут быть сведенья из разных областей знаний, например литературы, искусства, истории, географии, математики и др.)
Многоуровневостью (с одной стороны, необходимо овладение различными языковыми средствами, соотносящимися с аспектами языка: лексическим, грамматическим, фонетическим, с другой – умениями в четырех видах речевой деятельности);
Многофункциональностью (может выступать как цель обучения и как средство приобретения знаний в самых различных областях знаний).
Цели и задачи данного учебного предмета в области формирования системы знаний, умений ключевых компетенций
Основная цель – совершенствование иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся, что достигается за счет создания условий для дополнительной речевой практики продуктивного и рецептивного планов; систематизации и актуализации языковых, речевых и социокультурных знаний, навыков и умений; а также путем привлечения новых аутентичных материалов, отвечающим возрастным особенностям и интересам пятиклассников. Текст при этом служит не только источником информации и объектом чтения, но и образцом для развития и совершенствования навыков и умений устной и письменной речи, отправной точкой для самостоятельных личностно-ориентированных высказываний.
В число основных задач входят:
развитие навыков изучающего чтения;
развитие умения оценивать и интерпретировать произведения художественной литературы;
развитие специальных учебных умений, обеспечивающих освоение языка и культуры: поиск и выделение в тексте новых лексических средств, соотнесение средств выражения и коммуникативного намерения автора, анализ языковых трудностей текста с целью более полного понимания смысловой информации, группировка и систематизация языковых средств по определенному признаку (формальному, коммуникативному), интерпретация лингвистических и культуроведческих фактов в тексте; анализ грамматических форм;
ознакомление учащихся с особенностями структуры англоязычных художественных текстов и с основными приемами их лингвостилистического анализа;
увеличение объема лексических единиц для рецептивного и продуктивного усвоения;
увеличение объема фоновых знаний, реалий стран изучаемого языка;
осуществление межпредметных связей (русский язык, русская литература).
Новизна данной учебной программы
Данная образовательная программа содержит новые знания, представляющие познавательный интерес для учащихся. Данная рабочая программа удовлетворяет потребностям учащихся 5-х классов углубленного изучения иностранных языков. Данная программа предусматривает развитие навыков изучающего чтения, умения анализировать, оценивать и интерпретировать произведения англоязычной художественной литературы; увеличение объема лексических единиц для рецептивного и продуктивного усвоения; увеличение объема фоновых знаний, реалий стран изучаемого языка; ознакомление с зарубежными авторами.
Межпредметные связи в программе
Данная рабочая программа содержит сведения из различных областей знаний. Это позволяет эффективно формировать целостное преставление о мире, этапах развития человеческого общества и человеческой мысли в разные эпохи, в разных странах.
Наличие межпредметной взаимосвязи в Стандартах по иностранному и русскому языкам позволяет формировать и развивать коммуникативную культуру на родном и иностранном языках. Родной и иностранный языки расширяют лингвистический кругозор учащихся, способствуют формированию культуры общения, содействуют общему речевому развитию. В этом проявляется взаимодействие всех языковых учебных предметов, способствующих формированию основ филологического образования школьников.
Федеральный компонент образовательного стандарта по иностранному языку позволяет успешно реализовать межпредметные связи и с другими учебными предметами, чему способствует специфика иностранного языка как учебного предмета: предметное содержание речи может затрагивать любые области знания (гуманитарные, естественнонаучные, прикладные), а иноязычная речь может быть использована в любых сферах деятельности.
Входя вместе с русским языком (русским языком как родным языком и русским языком как средством межнационального общения) в общеобразовательную область «Филология», иностранный язык позволяет усилить общеязыковую подготовку школьников.
Обучение ИЯ на второй ступени в классах с углубленным изучением английского языка средней школы основывается на межпредметном взаимодействии ИЯ с такими дисциплинами гуманитарного цикла как русский язык, литература, история.
Особенности организации учебного процесса по предмету
Приоритет коммуникативной цели в обучении английскому языку
Коммуникативная направленность курса проявляется в постановке целей, отборе содержания, в выборе приемов обучения и в организации речевой деятельности учащихся. Задания для обучения устной речи, чтению и письму формулируются так, чтобы в их выполнении был коммуникативный смысл и виден выход в реальное общение.
Соблюдение деятельностного характера обучения иностранному языку
Условия реального общения моделируются в ролевой игре, чтобы максимально использовать механизмы непроизвольного запоминания. Работа по овладению языковыми средствами тесно связана с их использованием в речевых действиях, выполняемых учащимися при решении конкретных коммуникативных задач. При этом используются разные формы работы (индивидуальные, парные, групповые, коллективные) как способы подготовки к условиям реального общения. Создаются условия для развития индивидуальных способностей учащихся в процессе их коллективного взаимодействия, помогающего создавать на уроке атмосферу взаимопонимания и сотрудничества. Это способствует развитию самостоятельности, умения работать с партнером / партнерами, умения быть членом команды при решении различного рода учебных и познавательных задач. Одним из действенных способов организации речевого взаимодействия учащихся часто выступает работа в малых группах сотрудничества.
Личностно-ориентированный характер обучения проявляется в осознании школьниками их собственного участия в образовательном процессе как субъектов обучения; в постановке целей обучения, соответствующих реальным потребностям учеников; в отборе содержания, отвечающего интересам и уровню психофизиологического и нравственного развития учащихся данного возраста; в осознании учащимися их причастности к событиям, происходящим в мире; в формировании умения высказать свою точку зрения; в развитии умения побуждать партнеров по общению к позитивным решениям и действиям. Это достигается в том числе и за счет разнообразия заданий в учебнике и рабочей тетради, их дифференциации по характеру и по степени трудности.
Сбалансированное обучение устным и письменным формам общения. Более прочное и гибкое владение материалом достигается при параллельном, взаимосвязанном обучении всем видам речевой деятельности.
Дифференцированный подход. В 5 классе большая часть лексико-грамматического материала предназначена для двустороннего овладения в рецептивных и продуктивных видах деятельности.
Учет опыта учащихся в родном языке и развитие когнитивных способностей учащихся. В 5 классе необходима опора на опыт учащихся в родном языке, которая подразумевает познавательную активность детей по отношению к явлениям родного и английского языков.
Широкое использование эффективных современных технологий обучения, таких как личностно - ориентированное, ИКТ, здоровья сберегающее, позволяет интенсифицировать учебный процесс и сделать его более увлекательным и эффективным, создавать благоприятный психологический климат, располагающий к общению, использовать соответствующие иллюстративные, аудио- и видеоматериалы и технические средства.
Социокультурная направленность. Урок иностранного языка строится как процесс вхождения в культуру носителей языка, начиная с детского фольклора, традиций, ориентироваться по карте достопримечательностей города, в визуальных знаках, используемых для обозначения вокзалов, кафе, закусочных, информационно-справочных служб, место отдыха, в социально-ранговом статусе изучаемых типов фирменных магазинов, различиях в стоимости однотипных товаров, в поведенческом этикете приглашения в гости, принятия приглашения или отказа от него, посещения гостей, выражения благодарности после визита в гости.
Учебно-тематический план
Название программной темы
Количество часов
Литературные жанры
Заголовок текста
Классификация авторов
Действие произведения
Герои произведения
Сюжет произведения
Определение темы произведения
Определение основной идеи произведения
Средства художественной выразительности
Выражение своего отношения к произведению
Требования к уровню усвоения
В результате изучения иностранного языка на второй ступени средней школы учащиеся должны: знать/понимать:
В области чтения:
- понимать художественные тексты, самостоятельно извлекая идеи автора, исходя из тех сигналов и указаний, которые автор оставил в тексте; оценивать авторскую позицию, при этом опираясь на свой опыт, эмоциональные переживания, образные представления;
- использовать опоры при понимании, типичные для художественных текстов (лингвистические, информативные признаки, известные схемы поведения людей в типичных ситуациях, реалии страны изучаемого языка и т. д.);
- пользоваться двуязычным и толковым словарем в случае необходимости;
- осуществлять лексико-грамматический анализ текста;
- обобщать идейно-эстетическую, смысловую и эмоциональную информацию художественного произведения.
В области говорения:
диалогическая речь
- обсуждать в парах и группах проблематику изучаемого текста, соблюдая логику парного и группового рассуждения;
- обобщать сказанное другими участниками общения, высказывать свое отношение;
- обобщать циркулирующую в группе информацию в самостоятельно сформулированный вывод.
монологическая речь
- подготовить сообщение в связи с прочитанным текстом, высказывая при этом свою точку зрения;
- логически выстраивать собственные рассуждения.
В области письма:
- написать сочинение на основе прочитанного текста, выражая при этом свое мнение по поводу описанных событий.
Языковые знания и умения
Произносительная сторона речи.
Совершенствование ранее сформированных слухо-произносительных и ритмико-интонационных навыков.
Лексическая сторона речи.
Увеличение объема продуктивного и рецептивного языкового материала, используемых идиоматических выражений, синонимов, антонимов. Расширение объема потенциального словаря. Развитие и совершенствование соответствующих лексических навыков.
Грамматическая сторона речи.
Расширение объема знаний о значении глагольных форм (видовременных, неличных), средств выражения модальности, способов выражения условия, предположения, причины, следствия, побуждения к действию. Развитие и совершенствование соответствующих грамматических навыков за счет перехода части рецептивного грамматического материала (предназначенного только для понимания при чтении) в продуктивный. Анализ грамматических форм. Систематизация изученных грамматических средств.
Тема урока
Основная задача урока
Дидактические элементы содержания
Требования к уровню подготовки учащихся
(аудирование, говорение чтение, письмо)
Общеучебные умения и навыки
Знать/ уметь/ понимать
Контрольно-оценочная деятельность
Домашнее задание
1. Введение. Что такое «Изучающее чтение». Определение терминов.
Г: изучающее чтение (detail reading) предусматривает максимально полное и точное понимание всей содержащейся в тексте информации и критическое ее осмысление. Объектом “изучения” при этом виде чтения является информация, содержащаяся в тексте. Его задачей является также формирование у обучаемого умения самостоятельно преодолевать затруднения в понимании иностранного текста
Говорение: знать определение терминов
Уметь формулировать выводы
Г: ответить на вопросы
Выучить понятия
2.Литературные жанры. Введение ЛЕ.
ЛЕ: a novel, a historical novel, war novel, adventure story, a romance (рыцарский роман), a fairy tale, a science fiction, classic, detective, love story, horror story, humorous story
Чтение: уметь читать с полным пониманием текста
Уметь составлять конспект
Ч: соотнести названия текстов с жанрами (см. приложение задание №1)
Конспект лекции
3.Определение жанра текста. Работа с текстом “A Funny Story”.
Ч: текст “A Funny Story”
Чтение: уметь читать с полным пониманием текста, расставлять предложения в логическом порядке
Уметь анализировать
Ч: прочитать текст, выполнить послетекстовые задания (см. приложение задание №2)
Повторить определение терминов
4.Определение жанра текста. Развитие навыков говорения по тексту “Jack and the Bean stalk”.
Ч: текст “Jack and the Bean stalk”
Г: анализ текста
Чтение: уметь читать с полным пониманием текста
Говорение: уметь анализировать текст
Уметь классифицировать
Г: высказаться по предложенной теме (см. приложение задание №3)
Подготовить сообщение по теме
5. Заголовок текста. Введение ЛЕ.
ЛЕ: title, according to the title the text is about …, the title fits the text, the title doesn’t fit the text
уметь читать с полным пониманием прочитанного, соотносить названия произведений с их описанием
Владеть приемами рационального запоминания
Ч: Соотнести названия произведений с их описанием (см. приложение задание №4)
Выучить ЛЕ по теме
6.Классификация авторов. Развитие навыков говорения.
ЛЕ: author, short story writer, writer, dramatist, novelist, poet/ poetess, humorist, children’s writer, a book of/ after
Говорение: знать англоязычных авторов
Внимательно воспринимать информацию
Г: ответить на вопросы
Запись в тетради
7.Зарубежные авторы и их произведения. Активизация ЛЕ.
Ч: Alexander Milne, Jonathan Swift,
William Shakespeare, Daniel Defoe, Rudyard Kipling, Robert Louis Stevenson
Чтение: уметь читать с полным пониманием прочитанного, соотносить авторов с их произведениями
Владеть монологической речью
Ч: соотнести авторов с их произведениями (см. приложение задание №5)
Подготовить сообщение по теме
8.Действие произведения (что, где, когда). Введение ЛЕ.
ЛЕ: the setting, the text is set in …(where, when)
Ч: текст “A Squirrel’s Lesson”
Г: анализ текста
Чтение: уметь читать с полным пониманием текста
Говорение: уметь анализировать текст (жанр, заглавие, автор, время и место действия)
Уметь составлять рассказ по модели
Ч: прочитать текст
Г: проанализировать текст
(см. приложение задание №6)
Повторить пройденные ЛЕ
9.Действие произведения. Работа с текстом “The Wolf and the Lamb”.
Ч: текст “The Wolf and the Lamb”
уметь читать про себя с полным пониманием текста, отвечать на вопросы по тексту
Уметь анализировать
Выполнить контрольную работу №1
(см. приложение задание №7)
Индивидуальные задания учащимся
10.Какие бывают герои. Введение ЛЕ.
ЛЕ: character, hero, main, secondary, the author’s attitude to the character, merit, drawback
А: текст “An Old Dog”
понимать содержание прослушанного аудиотекста
Говорение: уметь выделять главных и второстепенных героев
Осознавать учебную задачу
А: прослушать рассказ, определить главных героев
(см. приложение задание №8)
Выучить слова по теме
11.Описываем главных героев. Активизация ЛЕ.
Ч: описание разных героев
Говорение: уметь сообщать информацию
Владеть приемами рационального запоминания
Ч-Г: назвать героев по их характеристикам
Запись в тетради
12. Наши любимые герои книг. Развитие навыков монологической речи.
Г: учебная ситуация «Наши любимые герои книг»
Говорение: уметь описывать героев книг
Уметь работать с источниками информации
Г: описать любимого героя
Описать героев любимой книги
13.Анализ текста “A Cunning Fox”. Развитие навыков чтения.
Ч: текст “A Cunning Fox”
Г: анализ текста
Чтение: уметь читать с полным пониманием текста
Уметь пересказывать прочитанный текст
Ч: прочитать текст, составить план пересказа
(см. приложение задание №9)
Пересказ текста
14. Анализ текста “A Cunning Fox”. Развитие навыков говорения.
Г: текст “A Cunning Fox”
Говорение: уметь анализировать текст (заглавие, автор, жанр, время и место действия, герои)
Уметь задавать и отвечать на вопросы
Г: проанализировать текст
Повторить пройденные ЛЕ
15.Работа с текстом “The Twelve Months”. Развитие навыков письма.
Ч: текст “The Twelve Months”
П: анализ текста
Письмо: уметь анализировать текст (заглавие, автор, жанр, время и место действия, герои)
Уметь обобщать
Выполнить контрольную работу №2
(см. приложение задание №10)
Повторить определение терминов
16.Сюжет произведения. Введение ЛЕ.
ЛЕ: plot, summary
Ч: текст “The Lion and the Hare”
уметь читать про себя с полным пониманием текста, составлять план пересказа
Управлять вниманием
Г: подготовить краткий пересказ текста
(см. приложение задание №11)
Индивидуальные задания учащимся
17.Сюжет произведения. Активизация ЛЕ.
Г: анализ текста “The Lion and the Hare”
Говорение: уметь пересказывать и анализировать прочитанный текст
Уметь внимательно слушать
Г: план пересказа текста
Пересказ текста
18.Сюжет произведения. Работа с текстом “Robinson Crusoe”.
Ч: текст “Robinson Crusoe”
Г: анализ текста
Чтение: уметь читать с полным пониманием текста
Говорение: уметь анализировать текст (заглавие, автор, жанр, время и место действия, сюжет)
Уметь составлять план текста
Ч: прочитать текст, выполнить послетекстовые задания
(см. приложение задание №12)
Составить план пересказа
19.Определение темы произведения. Введение ЛЕ.
ЛЕ: theme, idea, message, moral lesson, to bring home, to be developed, to teach
Говорение: уметь определять тему произведения
Владеть приемами рационального запоминания
Г: выполнить лексико-грамматические упражнения
Выучить слова по теме
20.Определение темы произведения “Alice in Wonderland”. Развитие навыков чтения.
Ч: текст “Alice in Wonderland”
Чтение: уметь определять тему произведения
Уметь работать с источниками информации
Ч: прочитать текст, определить тему
(см. приложение задание №13)
Подготовить план пересказа
21. Определение темы произведения “Alice in Wonderland”. Развитие навыков говорения.
Г: обсуждение текста “Alice in Wonderland”
Говорение: уметь анализировать текст
Уметь составлять рассказ по модели
Г: проанализировать текст
Пересказ текста
22.Определение основной идеи произведения. Развитие навыков чтения.
П: ЛЕ по теме
Ч: текст “Tea Leaves”
Чтение: уметь читать с полным пониманием текста
Письмо: уметь выражать тему и идею произведения
Уметь создавать письменные высказывания
Ч-П: прочитать текст, выразить тему и основную идею
(см. приложение задание №14)
Анализ текста
23. Определение основной идеи и темы любимого произведения. Развитие навыков дилогической речи.
Г: учебная ситуация «Наши любимые произведения»
Говорение: уметь расспрашивать и рассказывать о произведении
Уметь задавать и отвечать на вопросы
Г: составить монолог
Ответить на вопросы
24. Способы передачи главной темы и основной идеи произведения. Совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков.
Г: способы передачи главной темы и основной идеи произведения
Говорение: уметь сообщать информацию
Уметь выделять главную мысль
Г: выполнить лексико-грамматические упражнения
Повторить пройденные ЛЕ
25. Способы передачи главной темы и основной идеи произведения. Развитие навыков аудирования.
А: текст “Robbie’s Grandfather”
Аудирование: понимать содержание прослушанного аудиотекста
Уметь выделять главную мысль
А: выполнить лексико-грамматические упражнения
(см. приложение задание №15)
Прочитать текст, определить главную идею
26. Анализ текста “Gulliver’s Travels”. Развитие навыков письма.
Ч: текст “Gulliver’s Travels”
Чтение: уметь читать с полным пониманием текста
Говорение: уметь анализировать текст (заглавие, автор, жанр, время и место действия, сюжет, главная тема, основная идея)
Уметь анализировать текст
Выполнить контрольную работу №3
(см. приложение задание №16)
Индивидуальные задания учащимся
27.Средства художественной выразительности. Введение ЛЕ.
ЛЕ: антонимы, синонимы, термины, фразеологизмы, сравнение
Говорение: знать средства художественной выразительности
Уметь работать с источниками информации
Г: выполнить лексико-грамматические упражнения
Выучить ЛЕ
28.Средства художественной выразительности. Развитие навыков чтения.
Ч: текст “The Adventure of Tom Sawyer”
Чтение: уметь читать с полным пониманием текста, находить в тексте средства художественной выразительности
Владеть приемами рационального запоминания
Ч: прочитать текст, выполнить послетекстовые упражнения
(см. приложение задание №17)
Пересказ текста
29.Средства художественной выразительности. Развитие навыков говорения.
Г: текст “The Adventure of Tom Sawyer”
Говорение: уметь анализировать текст
Уметь создавать письменные высказывания
Г: анализ текста
Анализ текста
30.Выражение своего отношения к произведению. Введение ЛЕ.
ЛЕ: I think, in my opinion, to my mind
Говорение: уметь выражать свое мнение
Уметь внимательно слушать
Г: выполнить лексико-грамматические упражнения
Выучить выражения
31. Выражение своего отношения к произведению. Работа с текстом “How the Whale Got His Throat”.
П: текст “How the Whale Got His Throat”
Письмо: уметь анализировать текст
Уметь анализировать текст
Выполнить контрольную работу №4
(см. приложение задание №18)
Составить план пересказа
32.Обобщение изученного материала по курсу.
Г: пройденные ЛЕ
Говорение: знать план анализа текста
Уметь управлять вниманием
Повторить определение терминов
33.Обобщение изученного материала по курсу.
Г: пройденные ЛЕ
Говорение: знать план анализа текста
Уметь задавать и отвечать на вопросы
Подготовиться к зачету
34.Зачет (теоретический материал).
Г: план анализа
Говорение: знать план анализа текста
Рационально использовать учебное время
Ответить на вопросы
35.Итоговое занятие (практикум).
Г: анализ текста “How the Whale Got His Throat”
Чтение: уметь читать с полным пониманием текста
Говорение: уметь анализировать текст (заглавие, автор, жанр, время и место действия, сюжет, главная тема, основная идея, средства худ.выразительности, оценка произведения)
Уметь обобщать
Индивидуальные задания учащимся
Контрольно-измерительные материалы
к образовательной программе
по изучающему чтению
для 5 класса
(углублённое изучение)
1 четверть
Задание №1
Refer the books to a definite category.
Задание №2
Put the sentences of this story into the correct order.
Задание №3
Read the text “Jack and the Bean stalk” and refer it to a definite category.
Задание №4
Match the titles with what books are about.
Задание №5
Match the titles with the authors.
Задание №6
Read the text “A Squirrel’s Lesson”, do the test and analyze it.
Задание №7
Read the text “The Wolf and the Lamb”, do the test and analyze the text.
2 четверть
Задание №8
Listen to the text “An Old Dog”, name the main and secondary characters and describe them.
Задание №9
Read the text “A Cunning Fox” and analyze it.
Задание №10
Read the text “The Twelve Months” and analyze it.
Задание №11
Read the text “The Lion and the Hare” and say what the plot is about. Give a short summary of the text.
3 четверть
Задание №12
Read the text “Robinson Crusoe” and analyze it.
Задание №13
Read the text “Alice in Wonderland”, say what the theme is and make up a plan of the text.
Задание №14
Read the text “Tea Leaves” and do the tasks after it.
Задание №15
Listen to the text “Robbie’s Grandfather” and say what the theme and the idea are.
Задание №16
Read the text “Gulliver's Travels” and give a full analysis.
4 четверть
Задание №17
Read the text “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and analyze it.
Задание №18
Read the text “How the Whale Got His Throat” and give a full analysis.
Задание №1
Refer these books to a definite category:
The Adventure of Pinocchio
The Jungle Book
Robinson Crusoe
Gulliver’s Travels
The adventure of Tom Sawyer
Alice in Wonderland
The Prince and the Pauper
Harry Potter
Задание №2
Put the sentences of this story into the correct order:
He lost them in trains, trams and shops.
When his wife saw it, she began to laugh.
A very busy absent-minded man often lost his umbrellas.
“Today” I shall not lose my umbrellas, “ he thought and put it into bag.
His wife always said to him, “We can`t buy umbrellas every day.”
She said, “But you didn`t take any umbrella with you this morning.
One day the busy man saw an umbrella in the train.
1._____; 2.______; 3.______; 4._______; 5.________; 6._______; 7_______
1.C, 2.A, 3.E, 4.G, 5.D, 6.B, 7.F
Say to what category this text belongs.
Задание №3
Read the text “Jack and the Bean stalk” and refer it to a definite category:
Part I
A long, long time ago there lived in a small English village a boy whose name was Jack. He lived there with his father and mother. They were very poor because his father was ill and could not work, but they had a beautiful white cow. The cow gave them much milk every day. 'Jack's mother went to the market and sold this milk and the butter which she made from the milk.
This was in summer when there was much grass which the cow could eat, but when winter came, there was no grass and the cow gave them very little milk.
So one day the mother said to Jack:
"You must take the cow to the market and sell her, but you must get a good price for her, because she is a very good cow."
On his way to the market, Jack met a little old man who said:
"Good morning, Jack. I see you are going to the market to sell your cow".
"Good morning," Jack said, but he did not understand how the little old man knew what he was going to do.
"I can give you a good price for your cow," the little old man said. "Here are five magic beans. If you put them in the ground in the evening, they will grow so quickly that by morning they will reach the sky. If you go up there, it will make you rich."
"Oh," said Jack. He was so surprised that he could not say another word to the little old man. He held out his hand and the little old man put the five beans into it and took away the cow.
When Jack came home, his mother asked him: "Where have you been so long? I see you have sold the cow, but tell me how much money you got for her?"
Jack did not say a word, but he held out his hand with the five beans in it.
"What's this?" his mother cried. "You have sold our beautiful white cow for five beans?"
"They are magic beans, Mother," Jack cried, "and they will make us rich", but his mother was very angry. She beat the boy and sent him to bed without any supper. She threw the beans out of the window.
Jack, who was very hungry, cried a little. But he slept very well all the night.
beanstalk ['bi:nsto:k] — бобовый bean [bi:n| — боб
стебель sky [skai] — небо
magic ['maedsik] — магический, was surprised [sa'praizd] —
волшебный удивился
Part II
When he woke up in the morning and opened his eyes, he could not understand where he was. The little window in his room was all covered with green leaves. Jack opened the window and saw a very thick beautiful beanstalk, which grew high up into the sky. Very quickly Jack got out of the window and began to go up the beanstalk. It was not difficult to do and Jack went up higher and higher. Then he looked round and saw in front of him a long white road.
Jack began to walk down the white road. He walked and walked till he saw a tall white house with a big white door. It was an ogre's house. Near this door a very big woman stood. Jack was very hungry and when he saw the woman, he said to her: "Good morning! Could you give me some breakfast, please?"
"Breakfast?" said the woman who was the ogre's wife. "When my husband comes home, he will eat you for breakfast. He likes to eat a fat boy for his breakfast."
"If you give me something to eat I shall be fatter," Jack said.
The ogre's wife laughed and said: "Come in."
She gave Jack a big breakfast, which he ate very quickly. Then he heard the ogre coming up to the house. The woman told Jack to get into a big cupboard and to stay there. The ogre came in. He was a very big ogre and he held three sheep in one hand.
"Here, wife," he cried, "cook these little things for my breakfast. I am very hungry."
The ogre ate the three sheep and then went to a shelf in the corner of the room and took three big bags of gold coins. He put the bags on the table and began to count the gold coins, while his wife washed the dishes after his breakfast.
The ogre counted and counted the coins and then he wanted to sleep. He put his head on the table and slept. When Jack saw this, he jumped out of the cupboard, seized one оf the bags from the table and ran out of the ogre's house.
He ran as fast as he could down the white road till he came to the beanstalk. He couldn't go down it with the bag of gold in his hands, so he threw the bag down and went after it.
When he was near his window, he saw his mother. She had some gold coins in her hands.
"Look, Jack," she cried. "It is raining gold! Where have you been? Quick, pick up the coins!"
Jack wanted to tell his mother about the beanstalk an the ogre, but when he looked round, the beanstalk was not there. So he understood that it was all magic. He said nothing but picked up all the gold coins that he could find, and gave them to his mother.
After that they lived very well for a long time.
leaf [li:f] (leaves [li:vz]) — лист (листья) gold [gould] — золе, ой
ogre [оидэ] — великан-людоед coin [koin] — монета
fat — толстый . to seize [si:z] — схватить
Задание №4
Match the titles with what books are about:
The Adventure of Pinocchio
The Jungle Book
Robinson Crusoe
Gulliver’s Travels
The adventure of Tom Sawyer
Alice in Wonderland
The Prince and the Pauper
Harry Potter
a) in this book a seaman finds himself on the desert island and spends there 28 years;
b) this book is about a funny teddy-bear and his friends;
c) this book describes the travels and voyages of an Englishman who finds himself in unusual countries;
d) this book tells us about exiting adventures of a naughty little boy made of wood;
e) this book is about a funny and nice little deer;
f) the author of this book describes very unusual adventures of a little girl in a magic country;
g) the main character of this book attends a very unusual school where pupils are taught magic arts;
h) from this book we learn about the life and adventures of a naughty boy who lives in a small American town on the Mississippi river;
i) in this book a boy from a poor family changes places with a boy from a royal family;
j) this book describes adventures of a boy who lives among wild animals in the jungle.
Задание №5
Match the titles with the authors:
Robinson Crusoe a) Alexander Milne
Winnie-the-Pooh b) Jonathan Swift
The Jungle Book c) William Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet d) Daniel Defoe
Treasure Island e) Rudyard Kipling
Gulliver’s Travels f) Robert Louis Stevenson
Задание №6
Read the text “A Squirrel’s Lesson”, do the test and analyze it:
A little squirrel lived in a forest. He worked much because he wanted to have many nuts for the winter.
One day he met the other squirrels who lived in the same forest.
"Look at all the nuts I have collected," he said. "They are all my nuts. When winter comes, I will have it all to myself."
"You are a bad squirrel," said the squirrels. "But we have a lot of nuts for the winter too." And they went to their homes.
Soon a cold winter came. Every day the squirrel went to the place where his nuts were and took some nuts for dinner. He liked nuts.
One morning when the squirrel was very hungry, he came to his place to take the nuts, but there were no nuts there.
"Where are my nuts?" he cried. "What shall I do? I am so hungry and I have no nuts."
The little squirrel went to the other squirrels and asked them to give him some nuts. But the other squirrels said to him:
"You did not help us to collect nuts, so we shall not give you nuts."
"Please give me just a few nuts. I am so hungry," the little squirrel said.
The squirrels whispered1 among themselves and then said:
"All right, take our nuts when you are hungry, but you must help us to collect them next year."
"Oh, thank you," said the little squirrel. "Thank you very much. Г11 always help you to collect nuts."
Every year after the little squirrel helped the other squirrels to collect nuts because he knew that sharing belongings2 is a very good thing to do.
Whisper1 - шептаться.
1 sharing belongings2- делиться с другими всем, что у них есть.
I. True or false?
A little squirrel was very hardworking.
A little squirrel didn't want to be hungry in the winter.
A little squirrel wanted to share his nuts with other squirrels.
Other squirrels didn't have many nuts for the winter.
A little squirrel didn't worry when cold winter came.
Other squirrels took his nuts for dinner.
Next year other squirrels helped little squirrel to collect nuts.
II. Choose the things which little squirrel did.
He worked much.
He collected nuts.
He helped his family.
He played with other squirrels.
He didn't give his nuts to other squirrels.
He asked other squirrels for a few nuts.
He asked other squirrels to help him to collect nuts.
III. Choose the correct ending to each sentence.
1. A little squirrel worked much because
he didn't want to help other squirrels
he didn't want to be hungry in the winter
2. The squirrels said he was a bad squirrel because
he was lazy
he wanted to have all nuts to himself
3. Every day little squirrel went to the place where his nuts were because
he collected more nuts
he wanted to take nuts
4. The little squirrel went to other squirrels
to ask them to give him some nuts
to help them
5. The squirrels didn't want to give him nuts because
he was hungry
he didn't help them to collect nuts
6. The little squirrel helped other squirrels to collect nuts because
it's better to be together in hard times
he will have more nuts for the winter.
Задание №7
Read the text “The Wolf and the Lamb”, do the test and analyze the text:
One day a little lamb lost his way1 in a dark forest. He ran here and there, but he
could not find his way home. He was afraid and began to bleat2. A hungry wolf
heard him. The wolf was glad to see such a good dinner.
"Oh, Mr. Wolf," said the little lamb, "please, show me way home."
Show you the way home?" asked the wolf. And he laughed: "I am hungry. I want
to eat you. You're so nice!"
aOh, please, please, Mr. Wolf," asked the lamb, "don't eat me. Please, let me go!"
"No, no. I want to eat you," said the wolf and jumped at the lamb.
But the lamb had a good idea.
"Oh, Mr. Wolf," said he, "I've heard that you can sing very well. And I like to
dance. Please sing for me, I want to dance. It will be my last dance before you eat
The wolf liked to hear such words, he thought that he could sing very well.
"All right," he said. "I often sing before my dinner. Today I'm very hungry, but I
think I can sing just one song before I eat you. Dance now! It will be your last
So the wolf sang a song and the lamb danced. He tried to dance very well.
When the wolf stopped, the lamb cried:
"Your song was wonderful. But can you sing louder?"
"Yes, I can sing louder than any other animal in the forest. Listen"
So the wolf sang a very loud song. And the lamb danced very well. But the wolf
made so much noise that the dogs heard him and ran into the forest to see what the
matter was3. When the wolf saw the dogs, he ran away. And clever little lamb ran
quickly home to his mother.
1 lost his way - заблудился
2 to bleat - блеять
3 to see what the matter was - посмотреть, что произошло
I. True or false?
A little lamb could not find his way home.
He was glad to see a hungry wolf
The wolf showed him the way home.
The wolf wanted to eat the lamb.
The lamb asked the wolf to dance.
The lamb danced very well.
The lamb ran home to his mother.
II. Choose the things which the wolf did.
He lost his way in the dark forest.
He began to bleat.
He was glad to see a little lamb.
He was hungry.
He often sang before dinner.
He liked to dance.
He made much noise.
III. Choose the correct ending to each sentence.
1. The little lamb began to bleat because
he was afraid
he met a wolf
2. The wolf didn't show him the way because
he didn't know where it was
he wanted to eat the lamb
3. The lamb had a good idea
to dance for the wolf
to ask the wolf to sing
4. The wolf began to sing because
he was hungry
he liked the lamb's words
5. The wolf ran away because
he saw the dogs
he could sing louder than any other animal in the forest
6. The dogs ran into the forest because
they heard the wolf
they wanted to help the little lamb.
Задание №8
Listen to the text “An Old Dog”, name the main and secondary characters and describe them:
The farmer had a dog. When the dog was old, the farmer thought: “The dog is very old. I don’t want to feed him – he can’t work well.”
So he drove the dog out. Poor old dog! He walked, and walked, and walked and walked. He was very hungry. In the evening he saw a wolf. The wolf said: “What’s the matter with you? You look terrible!”
“I have not got a home now. The farmer doesn’t want me – I’m old now, I can’t work much now and he doesn’t want to feed me, I’m very hungry.”
“I know how to help you,” said the wolf.
In the morning the farmer went to work in the field. He took his little son with him. He put his little boy down and started working.
The wolf ran up to the boy, took him and ran away with him.
When the farmer saw it, he ran after the wolf. But he couldn’t get his son back.
Then the old dog ran after the wolf. The dog took the baby away from the wolf and brought the little boy to his father.
The farmer was very happy. He thanked the dog and said: “Excuse me, please! You are a very good friend. Come back and live with us.”
The old dog was very happy.
Задание №9
Read the text “A Cunning Fox” and analyze it:
A fox was standing on the bank of a river. He was hungry and he wanted to catch some fish.
He tried to jump on a drifting log, but he fell into the water and the river carried him out to sea.
A seal saw the fox there and said: "Why are you here? Do you know that the shore is very far? You can't get back there."
The fox was afraid, but he did not show it. He said: "I am here because I want to see if there are animals in the sea. They say that there are very few animals in the sea."
"Who says that there are few animals in the sea?" asked the seal. And then he said; "There are a lot of animals here. Watch."
The seal shouted and all the sea animals came to the surface to see what the matter was. There were so many animals in the sea that they stretched from end to end.
The cunning fox ran on their backs to the shore. Soon he was again in the forest. He was happy, he smiled.
Now you know why people say, "He's as cunning as a fox."
drifting log — проплывающее бревно
out to sea — в открытое море
They say — Говорят
came to the surface — выплыли на поверхность
they stretched from end to end — они протянулись из конца в конец
Задание №10
Read the text “The Twelve Months” and analyze it:
Once upon a time there lived an old woman. She was very poor. Every day she went to work in the fields.
One day, on her way there, she saw twelve young men. They were playing in the sun. They were the twelve mouths of the year.
They came up to the old woman and asked:
"Granny, please, tell us which is the most beautiful month of the year?"
'They are all beautiful," said the old woman. "In January and in February there is snow..." And she praised each month.
Then they said to hen "Granny, you praised all of us and we want to give you a present. Give us your kerchief,*
And they put their present in the kerchief.
"Thank you very much," said the old woman and went home.
At home she said to her children! "See what present I have here in my kerchief."
The children saw a lot of gold coins in it.
"Now we shall have much food at last," said the old woman.
All went well for some time. One day a rich neighbor came to see the old woman and learned about the money.
"Where did you get it all?" she asked the old woman.
"The twelve months gave it to me," the old woman answered.
"And where did you find the twelve months?" the neighbor asked.
"In the fields," the old woman answered.
When the rich neighbor heard this, she went there to see the twelve months.
"Granny," they said when she came up to them, "please, tell us which is the most beautiful month of the year?"
"Which is the most beautiful?" thought the woman. "None of you 2 is beautiful," she said. "In January and in February there is snow..."
"Very well, then," said the months. "Give us your kerchief and we shall give you a present for your words.
The neighbor gave them her kerchief and they filled it full.
"Thank you very much," said the woman and went home as quickly as she could.
There she said to her children "We are going to be still richer. See what I have here in my kerchief!"
When the children looked, they saw nothing in it but stones.
The neighbor was very angry.
She ran to the old woman and cried:
"Look what these twelve months gave me—nothing but stones!"
"And what did you tell the months when they asked you which month was the most beautiful?" the old woman asked her.
"I said that none of them was the most beautiful." "Then they gave you the right sort of present!" the old woman said. Do you think she is right? Yes, she is, because there is something nice in each month.
Задание №11
Read the text “The Lion and the Hare” and say what the plot is about. Give a short summary of the text:
Once upon a time there was a Lion who lived in a big forest and who liked to have an animal for dinner. When he was hungry, he roared, and one of the animals had to come to the Lion to be eaten. Every day he had one or two animals for dinner, he had a very good appetite.
Now the Hare had to come to be eaten. But he did not want to be eaten. He was late. When the Lion saw the Hare, he roared and ran to him. The Hare said:
"Oh, my Lion, I know I'm late. And I know that you are angry. But do you know why I am late? There is another lion in our forest, l and he says that he is the master, not you. I tell him that I want to go to you to be eaten, but he says, 'Don't go! I am the master here.'"
"Who says that he is the master here?" roared the Lion. "Show him to me! He must know who the master of the forest is."
"Let's go to him!" said the Hare. They went a long way and then they came to a well. The Hare looked down into the well.
"He is there," he said.
The Lion looked into the well and saw an animal there that looked like a lion.
"Let me get at him," 2 roared the Lion. He jumped into the well—and that was the end of the Lion. The animals were very, very glad. They began to dance and sing. This is the song which they always sing in that forest on Sundays:
Thank you, Hare!
Thank you, Hare!
You are so good,
And you are very clever.
Задание №12
Read the text “Robinson Crusoe” and analyze it:
Part I
Robinson Crusoe lived in the town of York in England. When he was a small boy, he wanted to go to sea. He had a friend whose father was captain of a ship. The captain took the two boys on his ship when it went to London.
After that Robinson went to sea many times. Now he was a sailor. He liked his work very much.
One day when his ship was at sea, there was a great storm. The ship broke and all the people were drowned. Robinson was in the water for a long time. He was not drowned. He could swim well. The sea carried him to the shore.
Robinson sat on the shore for a long time. Then he wanted to know where he was, so he began to walk on the shore. Soon he saw that he was on an island. It was not large. He walked in all parts of the island: he wanted to see if there were any people there or any sailors from the ship. But there were no people there and no sailors from the ship. It was evening already and Robinson wanted to sleep. He did not want to sleep in an open place, so he got into a tree and slept there.
Part II
When Robinson Crusoe woke up, it was morning. The storm was over. The sea was low and Robinson saw their ship. It was not very far from the shore. One part of it was not in the water. Robinson swam to the ship and got on it. He saw many good things there which he could take to the island. Robinson found some tools and began to make a raft. When the raft was ready, Robinson put it on the water. Then he found two large boxes and put a lot of things into them. They were things which he wanted to have on the island. He put the boxes on the raft, jumped on it and went to the shore.
Robinson went to the ship every day and brought many other things to the island. He brought clothes, dishes, an English flag, lamps, kitchen things and, of course, things which he could eat. During one of his visits to the ship he found a dog and two cats. They were very happy to see a man. He took them to the island too. Now Robinson had three good friends with him. He was on the island for thirteen days already when another storm came. When it was over, Robinson could not see the ship. It was now under the water.
found [faund] — нашел raft [raft] — плот
(to find — находить) visit f'vizit] — посещение
tool — инструмент
Задание №13
Read the text “Alice in Wonderland”, say what the theme is and make up a plan of the text:
Part I
One hot summer day Alice and her sister Loreen sat on the grass in a field near the river. Alice did not know what to do. So she decided to pick some flowers, but it was very hot and she wanted to sleep. She lay down on the grass.
Suddenly a White Rabbit ran near her. Alice heard a little voice which said: "Oh, I shall be late". It was the Rabbit, "I didn't know that a rabbit could talk," thought Alice. Then the Rabbit took a watch out of its pocket, looked at it
and hurried on. Alice got up and ran after the Rabbit. She did not know that a rabbit could have a watch in its pocket. Alice crossed the field after the White Rabbit. Then, before her eyes, it jumped clown into a large rabbit hole.
Alice went after the Rabbit. She fell down the hole very slowly, so she had time to look around. It was very dark there but she saw many cupboards and bookcases, maps and pictures on the walls of the hole.
As Alice fell down and down she thought, "It's interesting to know how far I've fallen now. I must be near the centre of the Earth. Shall I fall through the Earth? And when I come out of the hole, shall I see people who walk on their heads?" Suddenly Alice fell on to a heap of dry leaves. She quickly jumped to her feet and looked around her.
rabbit ['ndtft] — кролик hole — дыра, нора
voice \vms] — голос Earth [э:9] — земной шар, Земля
hurried f'hArid] on — no- heap of dry leaves — куча сухих
спешил дальше листьев
Part II
Alice saw that she was in a long, low corridor. At the end of it she saw the White Rabbit. Alice hurried after the Rabbit and heard these words: "Oh, my ears, how late I am". Then the Rabbit turned round a corner and Alice could not see it. When
she came up to that corner and turned round it, she saw a large low hall. There were doors around the hall, but they were all shut.
Alice did not like to be in this hall; she wanted to go home. Then suddenly she saw a small table made of glass. There was nothing on the table but a little key. Alice took the key and tried to open the doors with it but it was too small.
Then Alice found a small door and opened it with the key. There was another low corridor in front of her and at the end of it she saw a garden with trees and flowers in it. But the door was very small and Alice could not get through it. She shut the door and went back to the small table. This time she found a little bottle on it. She put the key on the table and took the little bottle. Around the bottle there was a piece of paper with the words "Drink me".
It was very well to say “Drink me”, but Alice did not want to do that so quickly. "No, I'll look first," she said, "and see if
I can drink it." She looked at the bottle, then drank a little of the water in it and found that it was nice. So the little girl drank it all. Then Alice saw that she was now as small as a rabbit.
tried [traid] — попыталась (to try [trai] — пытаться)
Задание №14
Read the text “Tea Leaves” and do the tasks after it:
Many years ago tea was unknown in European countries. Many people even didn't know the word tea, though drinking tea was very popular in the East.
Once a young sailor came back from India. He was the only son of an old woman and every time he returned to Great Britain from a faraway country he brought his mother a gift. Of course, he tried to bring her something unusual, that she could show her friends. This time he brought her a box of tea. The old woman didn't know anything about tea, but she liked the smell and invited them to a dinner table. The old woman treated them to the cakes and fruit and tealeaves. When the sailor entered the room and saw a big plate filled with the leaves, he understood everything. He smiled when he saw his mother's friends eating tealeaves with butter and salt. They pretended that they liked it, but it was clear they didn't enjoy eating the leaves. "Where is the tea, mother?" the sailor asked. His mother pointed to the plate in the middle of the table. "No, this is only the eaves of the tea," the sailor said. "Where is the water?" "The water?' his mother said. "I threw the water away, of course."
Answer the questions:
Where tea was unknown?
Where the sailor came back from?
Whom the old lady treated to cakes and tea leaves?
What was the sailor's reaction when he saw the guests eating tea leaves?
What did the old woman do with the water?
Fill in the blanks with the missing words from the story:
Many years ago tea was (1)... in European countries. Many people even didn't know the word tea, though drinking tea was very popular in the East.
Once a young sailor came back from (2).... He was the only son of an old woman and every time he returned to Great Britain from a faraway country he brought his mother a gift. Of course, he tried to bring her something unusual, that she could show her friends. This time he brought her a box of tea. The old woman didn't know anything about tea, but she liked the (3)... and invited them to a dinner table. The old woman treated them to the cakes and (4)... and tealeaves. When the sailor entered the room and saw a (5)... filled with the leaves, he understood everything. He smiled when he saw his mother's friends eating (6)... with butter and salt. They pretended that they liked it, but it was clear they didn't enjoy eating the leaves. "Where is the tea, mother?" the sailor asked. His mother (7)... to the plate in the middle of the table. "No, this is only the eaves of the tea," the sailor said. "Where is the water?" "The water?" his mother said. "I (8)… the water away, of course."
1. unknown
2. Africa
Great Britain
3. colour
4. vegetables
5. big plate
6. bread
7. put
8. drank
Задание №15
Listen to the text “Robbie’s Grandfather” and say what the theme and the idea are:
My grandfather lives in the North of England. He is nearly 60, but he is strong and he still works. He is a Math’s teacher. My grandfather is very kind and his pupils like him a lot. They say he is an excellent teacher and they are never tired in his class. He never forgets anything and explains his subject very well. He always speaks in a friendly voice and so they enjoy his lessons.
My granddad lives in the country and every morning, five days a week, gets the bus to school. He doesn’t have to change as the bus takes him right to the school. It’s a through bus. He gets of the bus at 8 o’clock.
My granddad likes to do many things, but he likes travelling most of all. He often goes to different cities and sometimes he goes to other countries too. He travels by sea, by train or flies. He likes voyages very much and often takes pictures on board the ship. He likes the sea and wind.
Last month he travelled to Scotland. It was not a lucky trip. He nearly missed his train because he arrived late at the railway station. On the train somebody stole his favorite silver box in which he kept his tobacco. There was no bus or taxi to take him to the hotel where he wanted to stay and so he had to go on foot. When he arrived at the hotel he was tired and went upstairs. However his luggage was not there. So granddad went downstairs again, but couldn’t find it. When he did, it was midnight and the lift didn’t work. So he was very unhappy that night and slept very badly.
However in the morning the sun began to shine again and life seemed brighter.
“There is nothing like travelling”, my granddad says. “You’ll always enjoy it. Only look on the bright side.”
Задание №16
Read the text “Gulliver's Travels” and give a full analysis:
Part I
Gulliver was born in a large family of a farmer. At school the boy learned well, so his father sent him to the university. When the young man left the university, he worked with a doctor and learned the doctor's profession.
Gulliver wanted to travel and found work on a ship as a ship doctor. One day, after many days of fine weather, there was a terrible storm. The ship broke to pieces and the people were drowned. But Gulliver could swim very well, and he was not drowned. After a long time he saw land and swam to it. He got out of the water and slept on the shore for many hours. He was very tired.
When Gulliver woke up, he found that he was in a country where very, very small people lived. The name of the country was Lilliput. The little people were afraid of the big man and wanted to kill him. But when they saw that Gulliver was kind and did not want to kill them they let him live with them. Gulliver lived there for two years. After many adventures he got back to England.
Part II
The second of Gulliver's travels began very well. The weather was fine. But after some weeks, a strong wind began to blow and they fought it for twenty days. When the wind stopped, the captain of the ship did not know where they were. At last they saw land; it was an island. The captain of the ship sent some men in a small boat to get drinking water. Gulliver got into the boat too. He wanted to see the island.
When the sailors came to land, they went into the forest. Gulliver went into another part of the forest. When he came back to the shore, he did not find the boat there. The sailors were already in the boat and on their way back to the ship. Gulliver wanted to cry out to them, but suddenly he saw a very, very big man — a giant. The giant was in the water. He wanted to catch the boat, but the boat went quickly back to the ship, so the giant turned and walked back to the shore. Gulliver saw that there were other giants on the shore and he understood that he was in the country of the giants.
A farmer found Gulliver in a field and carried him to his house. The farmer's family were kind to Gulliver. At dinner they put him on the table and gave him some meat and bread. After dinner the farmer's wife put him on a large bed and he slept there for some hours.
Part III
Soon the farmer began to show Gulliver to the people in the town for money. Then he made a box, put Gulliver into it and went from town to town. He showed Gulliver in eighteen towns and then came to a very large town. It was the capital of the country. He went to the king's palace and sold Gulliver to the queen.
Now Gulliver lived in the palace in a nice box which hung at the window when the weather was fine. A worker made a little bed, two chairs, a table and a little wardrobe for him. There were windows in the box and a door. People in the palace were kind to Gulliver and he learned to understand them. He often talked to the king and queen. Gulliver told them all about his country, England.
One day when Gulliver was at his table, a great big monkey saw him through the open door of the box. It jumped through the window into the room where the box stood. Gulliver got up from his chair and stood behind the wardrobe. The monkey went up to the box and looked into it. It saw Gulliver behind the wardrobe and caught him. It thought Gulliver was a young monkey. At that time a girl came to the door of the room. The monkey heard her, took Gulliver in its hand, and jumped out of the window onto the roof of the palace.
Then it jumped onto the roof of another house. But then the people in the palace yard saw the monkey with Gulliver in its hand. They brought ladders and began to go up to the roof. The monkey saw them, put Gulliver down on the roof and ran away. Gulliver was happy when one of the men came, picked him up and carried him down.
Задание №17
Read the text “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and analyze it:
Part I
(Torn Sawyer and his younger brother Sid went to live in the house of their Aunt Polly when their mother died. Aunt Polly was a kind woman ^.and loved the boys very much.)
"Tom!" cried Aunt Polly.
No answer.
No answer again.
"Where can that boy be? Tom!"
Aunt Polly thought for a few minutes and then said, "If I catch you, Tom, I'll..." She did not finish what she wanted to say. She looked under the bed. But... no Tom... only the cat ran out. Aunt Polly went to the open door, looked out into the garden and cried again, "Tom!"
Then she turned quickly, saw Tom and caught him by the arm.
"What? In the cupboard again?"
"No, Aunt Polly."
"No? Look at your mouth. Look at your hands. What is that on them?"
"I don't know, Aunt."
"But I know. It's jam. I've told you so many times: don't touch that jam in the cupboard. Give me that stick."
The stick was in Aunt Polly's hand and ready to fall on Tom's back when she heard:
"Look behind you, Aunt!"
Aunt Polly turned quickly and looked down. Tom ran into the garden and jumped over the fence.
His aunt stood and looked at the fence for some time and then she laughed.
"What a boy!" she thought. "Why can't I learn? He has often done that. But I can't beat him. He is my sister's boy."
The next morning Aunt Polly told Tom that he must not go to the river after school. He must come home. But Tom did not go to school that day. He had a good time on the river. At supper Aunt Polly told the boy. "It's Saturday tomorrow — a holiday. But no holiday for you, my boy. You will work."
kind [kaind] — добрый stick — палка
jam — джем, варенье fence — забор
Part II
Saturday. A beautiful warm morning.
"No school. But I must work. I must whitewash the fence," thought Tom when he came out into the street with a bucket of whitewash and a brush. It was a very long and very high fence.
"How terrible life is," Tom said and began to work. He worked for some time, then sat down on a box and thought: "The boys will come soon. They will laugh at me when they see that I am working." He put his hands in his pockets and took out the things he had there—toys, little stones, pieces of glass.
"I have very little to pay the boys if I ask them to help me," Tom said to himself. He thought a little, then took the brush and began to work again. Soon Ben Rogers came up. He had an apple in his hand. He stopped and looked at Tom. Tom did not stop working. Then Ben said, "Tom! What are you doing?" Tom did not answer but looked at the fence with attention.
"Hello, Tom!" said Ben. "Why are you working today?" Tom turned to Ben.
"Oh, it's you, Ben! I didn't see you."
"I'm going to the river, don't you want to go too? But you must work, I see."
"Work? You think this is work?"
"Why, isn't this work?"
"You may think so. But Tom Sawyer likes it."
"You say you like it, Tom?"
"Why not? Does a boy whitewash a fence every day?" That showed the thing in a new light. Ben stopped eating his apple and looked at Tom. Then he said:
"Tom, let me whitewash a little."
"Oh, no, Ben. Aunt Polly asked me to do it very well. The fence is on the street, you know. There isn't a boy in a thousand that can do it better than I can."
"Oh, please, Tom, let me do it. I'll give you my apple. I can whitewash as well as you can. You'll see."
Then Tom gave Ben the brush. Ben began to work and Tom sat down under a tree, ate the apple and thought how to make other boys work for him.
Soon some boys came up. When they saw how well Ben worked, they wanted to whitewash too. Billy Fisher gave Tom a knife. Johnny Miller gave Tom a dead cat. Tom had a good time while the other boys whitewashed the fence.
When the middle of the afternoon came, Tom. was very rich and the work was over. He went into the house and thought life was not so terrible.
to whitewash [waitwoj] — белить pocket [pokit] — карман
bucket ['b.\kit] — ведро knife [naif] — ножик
whitewash — побелка dead [ded] — мертвый,
stopped eating — перестал есть дохлый
Задание №18
Read the text “How the Whale Got His Throat” and give a full analysis:
Part I
There was once a Whale in the sea, and he ate fishes. He ate big fishes and little fishes, good fishes and bad fishes. All the fishes which he could find in all the sea he ate with his mouth — so! Soon there was only one small fish in all the sea, and it was a small Clever Fish. It swam a little behind the Whale's right ear, so that the Whale could not catch it. Then the Whale stood up on his tail and said, "I want to eat". And the small Clever Fish said:
"Whale, Whale, have you eaten Man?"
"No," said the Whale. "What is it like?"
"Nice," said the small Clever Fish.
"Then bring me some," said the Whale, and he beat the sea with his tail.
"No," said the Clever Fish, "I саn do that, but if you swim to the middle of the sea, you will find a Man there. He is sitting on a raft, in the middle of the sea, and has nothing on but a pair of blue trousers, a pair of suspenders and a knife in his pocket. He is a shipwrecked Sailor who, I must tell you, is very, very clever."
whale [weil] — кит suspenders [sas'pendaz] — под-
throat [0rout] — горло тяжки
tail [teil] — хвост shipwrecked J'Jiprekt] — потерпев-
pair [реэ] — пара ший кораблекрушение
Part II
So the Whale swam and swam to the middle of the sea as quickly as he could swim; and there on a raft in the middle of the sea, with nothing on but a pair of blue trousers, a pair of suspenders and a knife in his pocket, he found the shipwrecked Sailor.
Then the Whale opened his mouth back and back, till it touched his tail, and swallowed the shipwrecked Sailor, and the raft on which he sat, and his blue trousers, and the suspenders, and the knife in his pocket.
When the shipwrecked Sailor found that he was in the Whale, he began to jump up and down in the dark. He jumped for a long, long time. The Whale was very unhappy. So he said to the Clever Fish, "This Man jumps very much and I have got the hiccups. What shall I do?"
"Tell him to come out," said the Clever Fish.
to swallow ['swolou] — глотать hiccups ['hikAps] —
unhappy [An'hcCpi] — несчастный икота
Part III
So the Whale said to the shipwrecked Sailor, "Don't jump so much and come out. I have got the hiccups."
"No, no," said the Sailor. "Not so quick. Take me back to England, and I shall think about it." And he began to jump again.
So the Whale swam and swam and swam for many days and at last he saw England. He swam up to the shore and opened his mouth wide and wide and wide, and the Sailor walked out of his mouth. But before that, he took his knife and cut up the raft into pieces. With the pieces of the raft and his suspenders the Sailor made a grating, which he put into the Whale's throat. After that he came out on the shore and went home to his old mother and told her all about his adventures. Soon he married and lived a happy life for a long time.
But the poor Whale who had the grating in his throat could not eat anything big now. He could only swallow very, very small fishes; and that is why whales never eat men or boys or little girls.
wide — широко
grating — решетка

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