Сценарий урока английского языка в 3 классе "We speak different languages"
3 класс
To revise and practice vocabulary
To enable students to use knowledge about England and the Crimea
To get opportunity to compare England and the Crimea
To provide practice in summarizing
To revise functional exponents
To improve speech habits in monologues and dialogues
To consolidate pupils’ grammar knowledge
To develop students' communicative skills
To develop students' creativity
To develop cross-cultural competence
To develop students' listening skills
To develop students' reading skills
To develop students' skills of prediction and turn-taking in group
To create a relaxed, non-threatening atmosphere in the classroom.
Type of the lesson: Lesson of fixation of knowledge and of developing skills and abilities
Equipment: cards, video, tape recorder, counters, backpacks, cards-questions, poster “Map”, letters for listening.
Организационный момент.
Teacher: Stand up children. Taya come to me. Say hello to your friends.
Pupil: Hello friends.
Ch.: Hello, Taya.
Good morning it's time to rise,
Stand up and wipe your sleepy eyes.
Reach and stretch for the sky,
Hold your hands way up high.
Bend your body and touch the ground,
Stand up straight, now turn around.
Point to your eyes, point to your nose,
Jump up and down and touch your toes.
Clap your hands, stomp your feet,
Let's start the day, now find your seat.
Речевая разминка
Teacher: Now you should ask each other some questions. Chose any card and translate questions from Russian into English. If you forget or can’t translate you may turn your card and learn this question. I’ll give you counters for your good job. And at the end of the lesson we’ll count them and you’ll get marks.
Дети выбирают картинки и задают друг другу вопросы.
Пример карточек:
С одной стороны – Какое сейчас время года, с другой – What season is it now? Какой твой любимый день недели? – What is your favourite season? Сколько учеников в твоем классе? – How many pupils are there in your class? Сколько осенних месяцев ты знаешь? – How many autumn months do you know?...
Мозговой штурм.
Teacher: Today we’ll speak about England. What words can you say if you hear the word England. Stand up. If you can’t say the word you’ll take your seat. The winner will be that pupil who can say many word as possible.
Дети называют слова, которые ассоциируются у них с Англией.
Видеописьмо. Аудирование.
Teacher: Good job! Our lesson is unusual. We’ll meet a new friend. She comes from… No, I shan’t speak where she comes from. You’ll see it soon. I’ll give you cards-letters, you should complete the table and then tell us about this girl. Be very attentive. Take your pens and look at the screen.
Linda: Hello! My name is Linda. I want to be your friend. I come from England. It is a very beautiful country. I am 12. I study in the sixth form. My school is full of coloured flowers, green trees, interesting lessons and delicious food. My favourite subject is English. I like playing basketball and swimming. Tell me about yourself, your school and your hobby, please.
Teacher: What can you say about this girl?
Дети по таблице отвечают о Линде. Учитель задает наводящие вопросы:
- What is her name?
- Where does she come from?
- How old is she?
- What form does she study in?
- What is her favourite subject?
-What is her hobby?
Ответы детей:
- Her name is Linda.
- She comes from England.
- She is 12.
- She studies in the sixth form.
- Her favourite subject is English.
- She likes playing basketball and swimming.
6. Рассказ о себе.
Teacher: And now tell Linda about yourself, your school and your hobby. I’ll give you a card, which can help you to make up a story.
Один ученик по карточке рассказывает о себе.
My name is Vasya.
My surname is Petrov.
I am 8.
I come from the Crimea.
I live in Simferopol.
I am a pupil.
I study at SEE 6
My school is full of beautiful trees, long lessons, short breaks, noisy pupils…
I study in the 3B form.
There are 28 pupils in my class.
I have many lessons.
They are: Maths, Music, Art…
My favourite subject is Computer Class.
My hobby is dancing.
Рассказ об Англии.
Teacher: Now, look at the screen:
Linda: It was interesting to listen about you. And what do you know about my country?
Teacher: Let’s make a story. Look at the blackboard. You should make sentences about this country and stick the cards which symbolized England on the blackboard.
Дети составляют предложения по карточкам:
The capital of England is London.
The flag of England is red and white.
The symbols of England are a red rose, a lion and an oak.
There are 53 million people in England. They are the English.
They speak English.
They adore playing football and rugby.
England is famous for pudding, 5 o’clock tea and red buses.
The main river of England is the Thames.
There are many low hills and deep lakes, coloured flowers, green trees…
It is cool and rainy in winter. It is not cold and frosty.
It is warm, foggy and rainy in spring.
It is rainy and foggy in autumn. It is not cold and sunny.
It is warm and rainy in summer.
Teacher: Now, Masha, please make up a story about England.
Ученик еще раз рассказывает эти предложения по карточкам на доске.
Диалоги туристов
Teacher: Now look at the screen.
Linda: Yes, you are right. My country is very beautiful and it is interesting to travel there.. And do you know there are many tourists in England. They speak different languages. But they all love my country!
Teacher: You can see backpacks. You may chose any of them and become a tourist. There are words and pictures there which help you to make up dialogues.
Два ученика выбирают рюкзаки.
Teacher: Children, listen attentively you should guess where they come from.
Pupil1: Hello!
Pupil2: Hello!
Pupil1: What language do you speak?
Pupil2: I speak Chinese. What language do you speak?
Pupil1: I speak English. What is your country famous for?
Pupil2: My country is famous for rice, the Great Chinese Wall and pandas. What is your country famous for?
Pupil1: My country is famous for Walt Disney, fast food, an eagle. Where do you live?
Pupil2: I live in a small town. Where do you live?
Pupil1: I live in a big city.
Teacher: Now guess where they come from and why.
Pupil3: I think Alina comes from China because China is famous for rice, the Great Chinese Wall and pandas and she speaks Chinese.
Linda: It was great! You know a lot of things about England. And do you know our favorite dance ‘twist’? Let’s sing and dance!
Song “Twist again’ Chubby Checker
Come on everybody!
Clap your hands!
All you looking good!
I'm goona sing my song
It won't take long!
We're gonna do the twist
and it goes like this:
Come on let's twist again,
like we did last summer!
Yeaaah, let's twist again,
like we did last year!
Do you remember when,
things were really hummin',
Yeaaaah, let's twist again,
twistin' time is here!
And round and round and up and down
we go again!
Oh, baby, make me know
you love me so,
and then:
Twist again,
like we did last summer,
Come on, let's twist again,
like we did last year!
Who`s that flyin' up there?
Is it a bird? Noooooo!
Is it a plane? Noooooooo!
Is it the twister? YEAAAAAAAHH!
Twist again,
like we did last summer,
Come on, Let's twist again,
like we did last year!!!!
Do you remember when,
things were really hummin',
Come on, let's twist again,
twistin' time is here
and round and round and up and down
we go again!
Oh, baby, make me know,
you love me sooooo!
And then:
Come on, twist again,
like we did last summer,
let's twist again,
like we did last year!
Come on, let's twist again,
twistin' time is heeeere!
Рассказ о Крыме.
Linda: It was amazing! And now tell me please about our native place. Where do you live? What is your native place famous for? What do you like doing? I want to know everything!
Teacher: Look at the blackboard. You should make sentences about the Crimea and stick the cards which symbolized the Crimea on the blackboard.
Дети составляют рассказ.
The capital of the Crimea is Simferopol.
The flag of the Crimea is blue, red and white.
The symbols of the Crimea are a kanna, a ceder and a dolphin.
There are about 2 million people in the Crimea. We are the Russians, the Ukrainians, the Tatars.
We speak Russian, Ukrainian, Tatar.
We adore playing football and volleyball.
the Crimea is famous for trolleybuses, manty, chebureks, beaches.
The main river of the Crimea is the Salgir.
There are many low hills and high mountains, coloured flowers, green trees, …
It is cool and frosty in winter. It is not cold and rainy.
It is warm, sunny and cloudy in spring.
It is rainy and foggy in autumn. It is not cold and sunny.
It is hot and sunny in summer.
Teacher: Now, Masha, please make up a story about the Crimea.
Ученик еще раз рассказывает эти предложения по карточкам на доске.
Сравнительный анализ Крыма и Англии.
Teacher: Now you should compare The Crimea and England. What is different and what is the same. What can you say about climate?
Pupil1: It is warm in spring in the Crimea and in England. It is hot in summer in the Crimea and it is warm in summer in England. It is the different.
Teacher: What can you say about language?
Pupil2: The English speak English. And we speak Russian, Ukrainian and Tatar.
Teacher: What can you say about sport?
Pupil3: The English and we adore playing football. The English adore playing rugby and we adore playing volleyball.
Teacher: What can you say about nature?
Pupil4: There are many hills and mountains, lots of beautiful parks and gardens.
Ответы на вопросы.
Teacher: You know a lot of things about England and the Crimea. So you can answer several questions. You can see three colours. Green. These are easy questions. Yellow. These are not easy and not difficult questions. Red. These are difficult questions.
What is the capital of England?
What is the capital of the Crimea?
What language do people speak in England?
What is the flag of the Crimea?
What country is famous for kangaroos?
What country is famous for soccer?
What is cuju?
What is the main river of England?
What is China famous for?
What is Egypt famous for?
How many people are there in England?
How many people are there in the Crimea?
Ответы детей:
The capital of England is London.
The capital of the Crimea is Simferopol.
The English speak English.
The flag of the Crimea is blue, red and white.
Australia is famous for kangaroos.
America is famous for soccer.
It is the Chinese football.
The main river of England is the Thames.
China is famous for the Sphynx, the pyramids, koshari and derbi.
There are 53 million people in England.
There are about 2 million people in the Crimea.
Объявление домашнего задания
Teacher: Look at the screen.
Linda: It was an interesting lesson. Iwas glad to see you. I want to be your friend. Please send me a letter and write about the Crimea. You may draw a picture or glue a photo of your native town. I’ll be glad to receive your letter. With love, Linda.
Подведение итогов.
Teacher: You have many counters. And I’ll put you 11/ 10.
15. Прощание.
Teacher: The lesson is over. See you!

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