Урок в 6 классе "Natural World in Danger"

Урок в 6 классе

Topic: Natural World in Danger

Место урока в цикле – урок продолжает тему «Ecological Problem»

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний c изучением новых знаний по теме.

Цель: коммуникативно-речевое развитие учащихся через обобщение знаний о причинах загрязнения окружающей среды.


  1. Образовательная: обобщить лексико – грамматический материал по теме «Ecological Problem»; совершенствовать речевые навыки и умения диалогической речи; совершенствовать умение аудирования с полным пониманием прослушанного материала.

  2. Развивающая: расширить лингвистический кругозор учащихся, формирование познавательного интереса.

  3. Воспитательная: воспитывать бережное отношение к окружающей среде, прививать любовь и интерес к иностранному языку, формировать умение работать в парах, самостоятельно.

Учебная группа: учащиеся 6 класса

Технологии: проблемное обучение, использование ИКТ для наглядности и обучающего контроля;

Оснащение урока: компьютер, компьютерный проектор, проигрыватель, компьютерные слайды, аудиодиски, раздаточный материал.

Формы организации деятельности учащихся:

  1. фронтальная работа;

  2. индивидуальная работа;

  3. работа в парах

Виды речевой деятельности:

  1. монологическая подготовленная речь;

  2. монологическая неподготовленная речь;

  3. аудирование;

  4. диалогическая речи

Организация общения:

  1. монолог;

  2. диалог.



Ход урока

  1. Организационный этап

T Good morning my dear friends! Nice to see you!...... Who is on duty today

What day of the week is it today? ….

What date is it today?...

Who is away today?....

  1. Сообщение темы и цели занятия(вводное слово)

The theme of our lesson is «Nature and Ecological Problems»

By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to listen for detail comprehensions and speak in dialogues on the topic «The Greenhouse effect is one of the main ecological problems» using Present Indefinite Tense.

  1. Фонетическая разминка. I want to start with the English tongue –twister, your task is to pronounce it as quickly as you can. Listen to the speaker and repeat .(На слайде вывешивается слайд с поговоркой, звучит запись (Work book Unit 3 №13)

If a dog chews shoes

What shoes would he choose to chew?

Too few for sure

You are a choosy shoe-chewer

  1. Речевая разминка.

Today we are going to speak about some ecological problems…(Учитель задает вопросы каждому ученику)

Is our Earth in danger?

Does the climate change?

Does the atmosphere become warmer?

Do you think our planet needs protection?

Do the forests on the planet disappear fast?

Why do the forests on the planet disappear fast?

Are the forests very important for people?

Why are the forests very important for people?

Is our environment polluted?

Is it important to solve the environmental problem?

Is water pollution one of the main environmental problems?

Is the greenhouse effect one of the ecological problems?

  1. Основной ход урока


1) Today you will listen to the story about the club where women were interested in ecological problems too.

Look at the blackboard and read the title, please

Why Don`t We Stop Him?

The question is not clear, is it? Can you suggest what the story is about?

  • The story is about ecological problem that we cannot stop….

  • The story is about the pollution that we cannot stop…

Well, you will listen to the story that happened in a women’s club. Before listening to the story I want you to learn and remember the difficult words you can meet in the story. Open your books, page 65 ex 33

Positive- положительный

An ambulance –машина скорой помощи

Negative – отрицательный

A traffic jam - пробка, затор на дороге

(Читают за учителем, один ученик читает все слова)

2) a)Первое прослушивание

Now listen to the story and say why the young member of the women’s club wanted to stop the car producer

Why did the young member of the women’s club want to stop the car producer?

Ученики слушают текст и отвечают на вопрос

  1. Let`s listen to the story again. Then you will do a test. You should be more careful this time. Look through task. (Второе прослушивание)


True or False

  1. Every Friday the women invited someone to their club and talked about important things.

  2. One day, gentlemen came and talked to the club about different problems of the city.

  3. He said that more than half of the people in the city were hungry.

  4. The gentleman spoke about positive and negative effects of cars and buses.

  5. People suffer from buses and cars because they are faster than trains and boats.

  6. Most of us prefer to walk or to ride a bicycle.

  7. The gentlemen said that there were more and more cars produced each year.

  8. A young woman knew how to solve the problem.

Keys true -1,4,7 false – 2,3,5,6,8

3) Now give your test to your partner, look at the blackboard and check your tests.

Your next task is to put the sentences of ex. 34 in the order they are given and to make outline of the story. Work in pairs and tell the story to each other.

  1. Usual Friday meeting s at the Women’s Club

  2. Main ecological problems in the gentleman`s talk

  3. Positive aspects of cars.

  4. Negative aspects of cars.


Every Friday there is a meeting with interesting people in the Women’s Club. They discuss main ecological problems. That Friday they discussed positive and negative aspects of the cars.

Positive aspects of cars are: they take people to the work, bring help quickly, fast, but they are dangerous, noisy, expensive, unhealthy, there is a lot of traffic jam.

Спросить 2 ученика.

6. Разминка (clap your hands)

7) Подготовленная монологическая речь

Now we are going to discuss another ecological problem «The Greenhouse Effect». Vlada Karanova has already prepared a project about it. Listen to her very attentive and be ready to discuss.

Выступление Влады

Have you got any questions? You are welcome.

(Задают вопросы)

8) 1. How does the Green house work?

2. Where does carbon dioxide come from?

3. Do we produce carbon dioxide when we burn things?

4. Who can produce oxygen?

5. What have people already done with rainforests?

9) And now discuss the reasons of the main ecological problems «The Greenhouse Effect» and make up your own dialogues, using these cards. (Работа в парах)

Pupil 1 Kate! Do you really think that the climate _________________ in our country?

Pupil 2 Yes, I do, especially in its ____________. I think the climate is becoming _________.

Pupil 1 You are right. My father says winters have become ____________ sometimes there is little ___________ in January, and there were winters when it ___________on the New Year Eve.

Pupil 2 Many people say that it is so because of ___________________. Have you ever heard about it?

Pupil 1 Yes, I have. It works like a greenhouse.

Pupil 2 That`s right. As I know ____________________, some of the heat ____________the atmosphere and some of the heat ___________________ and nowadays the air surrounding the earth has become much __________________ because the heat can`t go back into space

Pupil 1 Why can the heat not go back into space?

Pupil 2 People have produced a lot of ______________. It lets heat get in, but it doesn`t let much heat _________________.

Спросить 2 пары

10) And now work in pairs and discuss what we have to do to solve the problem of the green house effect. (3 ученика отвечают а остальные вешают на стенд)

11)Your home task is to write a letter to you pen friend about how you can help to solve the problem of the greenhouse effect, using these models.

12) Let's round up. Our time is coming to an end.

What ecological problem is very dangerous for our planet?

What we have to do to save our planet?

13) You were very active. You marks for the lesson are… Thank you for the lesson. The lesson is over, good buy.

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