Разработка для обучения аудированию в начальной школе

МОБУ «Иншинская средняя общеобразовательная школа им.Л.Н. Толстого»

_______разработка для обучения аудированию в начальной школе_______

Автор разработки:




2014 год

Разработка для обучения аудированию в начальной школе, упражнение по теме «Дом».

  1. Послушай рассказ о том, как мышка пришла в гости к попугайчику и выбери картинки с изображением слов, прозвучавших в этой истории.

My house is very large. There is a big book case with a pink rabbit. There are three small carpets on the floor. There is an umbrella next to the door. In the next room there is a sofa on the left. Above the sofa there is a small nice picture. There is a carpet on the floor. You can see a table, an armchair and four chairs in this room. Of course,  I have my own room. It`s small but nice. It is very light. There are two tiny beds in the room. There is a kite between two beds. There is a poster with my favorite clown on the wall. I enjoy my next room. It`s big. There`s a round table and two chairs in it. There is a yellow lamp above the table. There`s a gas stove on the left. And in the middle of the room there is a colorful carpet. It`s the last room. There is a big mirror on the wall on the right. There is a sink under the mirror. And there`s a bath in the room. I love my house!  

2) Послушай рассказ еще раз и определи порядок комнат, показанных мышке попугайчиком.

a) living-room;

b) kitchen;

c) hall;

d) bedroom;

e) bathroom.

3) Соедини название комнаты с ее цветом.

a) living-room a) blue

b) kitchen b) green

c) hall c) yellow

d) bedroom d) orange

e) bathroom e) purple

Упражнение по теме «Части тела»

Take a sheet of paper and a pencil. Listen to me and draw. The monster is big. The monster’s got one big head, three eyes, two noses, five ears, two mouths, a big body, ten arms, three legs and a tail. Now colour your monster. His eyes are red, his ears are orange, his mouths are yellow, his noses are green, his arms are orange and his legs are brown. His head, body and tail are purple.

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