Конспект урока для 9 класса "We are against the War"
Grade: 9 V
The theme of the competition lesson:” We are against the War”.
The aims of the lesson:
to enrich students’ knowledge about The Great Patriotic War, about countries and etr.
b) to develop communicative skills and abilities
c) to bring up traditions of other countries
Procedure of the lesson
Organization moment.
Good morning, pupils and teachers, guests. Welcome to our activity named “We are against the War”. We are glad to see you we hope that you’ll enjoy today game
Today we have an unusual lesson. We shall have a competition. Two teams will take part in our competition. At the lesson you will answer the questions, and speaking about the Great Patriotic War. I hope the lesson will be interesting for you and you will enjoy it. Let me introduce our teams and our jury. There are two teams here today. They are students of 9th form. Before starting our competition let me introduce you our honorable juries:
1. The teacher of English___________
2. The teacher of English ___________
3. ______________________________
I suggest you to put scores to each round, please.
- well, begin our game and let` s meet our participants
The first team is called …
The second team is called…
The third team is called…
The members of our jury are teachers of our school
Now listen to the rules of our competition.
1.Each team calls your name, motto and introduce your emblem.
2. And you must tell about your presentation The Great Patriotic War.
3. Answer the question’s I will give you for each team “50” tenge. And I will say what kind of questions you choose, and give your stake. Which team select any more stake and give right answer collect the tenge
4.I will check your knowledge for other subjects.
5. You must guess the riddle.
6. The captains game “We are against the War”. To tell own opinion about the theme.
7. Jury will give the mark about their answer.
You must tell about your presentation The Great Patriotic War.
1.Question about number fractions.Сұрақ сан есім бойынша бөлшек сан есімді ағылшынша айту.
7/8; 1/4; 5/9
2. Question about country
How many parts has the UK?( 4parts)
3 What is the best river in Great Britain?(The Thames
4 Who is officially head of the UK (the Queen )
5. What is the capital of Scotland? (Edinburgh)
6. What is the highest mountain in Scotland? (Ben Nevis)
7. How many states are there in the USA? (50 states)
8. Where is the Statue of Liberty situated? (New York)
9.Where will you eat the croissants?
10. What job is it?
And 10 questions about War
You must check guess the riddle.
1.To take temperatures, feel their pulses, and blood pressure.
2.What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty?
3.It happens once in a minute, twice in a week, and once in a year? What is it? (The letter e)
4.Give me food and I will live Give me water and I will die What am I? (A fire)
5.Clean, but not water, White, but not snow, Sweet, but not ice-cream, What is it? (sugar)
The captains game “We are against the War”. To tell own opinion about the theme.
That is all for today. you were active. Thank you for your work. I hope you’ve liked our competition. Three teams were very good. But the team…… is the winner. Let us congratulate them. Good - bye, everybody!
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