Конспект урока для 6 класса "Sleepovers"
Цель урока: повторить с учащимися лексический материал по теме "Sleepovers"
Задачи урока:
1. Развитие речевых навыков учащихся в ситуации "посещение музея".
2. Знакомство учащихся с новыми словами и тренировать в их употреблении.
3. Развитие навыков письменной речи.
4. Совершенствование навыков чтения
5. Воспитание уважения к иноязычной культуре
6. Коррекция возможных ошибок
Оборудование: картинки с видом Тауэра, Музея естественной истории, Музея театра в Лондоне, магнитофон и аудиокассета, учебник, тетрадь.
Лексический материал: snack, important notes, happy ending, have a tour, to agree, sleeping bag, to organize the excursion, sleepover
Ход урока
1. Вводный этап. Задача этапа: психологически настроить детей на продуктивную деятельность.
T: Good afternoon, children, sit down, please. I'm very glad to see you again. Today we'll repeat the topic "A sleepover at the museum". Are you ready for the lesson? How are you, Sasha? Are you fine, Nastya? Are you OK, Dima? Fine, let's begin!
2. Всесторонняя проверка знаний. Задача этапа: проверить уровень знаний учащихся.
T: And now open your exercise-books and look through your home work. Any problems? OK. Imagine that one of you is Robin. You know a lot about the British museums. But we want to learn more information about them. So, Sasha you are Robin. We'll ask you questions and you 'll answer them.
S1: When do museums organize sleepovers?
S2: Museums organise sleepovers at Halloween time.
S3: What is a sleepover?
S2: A sleepover is a night excursion.
S4: Who organises sleepovers?
S2: Museums organise sleepovers.
S5: Do children come to the sleepovers alone?
S2: Children come alone.
S6: What do children do in the evening?
S2: They make costumes and masks and play games.
S7: Who comes at night?
S2: Witches, ghosts and monsters come at night.
S8: what do monsters and witches do?
S2: They tell children scary stories and play with them.
T: Thank you. Now we know so much about the British museums. I'm so sorry that our Russians museums have no sleepovers! Maybe people who work there don't know about it. Let's send them a fax and tell them about it. What can we tell about the sleepovers at the British museums? Who wants to send this fax? (ученик читает текст домашнего задания)
3. Введение новой лексики. Задача этапа: познакомить учащихся с новыми словами и тренировать в их употреблении.
T: Now we'll learn more information about the museums in Britain and we need to learn some new words to understand it. Listen and read these words, please. Do ex. 1 on page 34.
T: And these words are easy to understand, aren't they? Let's read them and guess the meaning of the underlined words (учащиеся читают и переводят предложения из рубрики "friends").
4. Закрепление и обобщение полученных знаний. Задача этапа: закрепить с учащимися полученные знания.
T: There are a lot of other museums in London: the Natural History Museum, the Tower, and Theatre Museum. (Если есть картинки, то можно показать их учащимся). Let's read about them in Ex. 3 on Page 34. Who wants to visit the Natural History Museum? (Ученик читает вслух информацию об этом музее).
T: I think that it is the best museum for pupils, who are interested in Biology. And whose favorite subject is History?
S: My favourite subject is History.
T: Then read about the Tower of London. Very good. And who likes Literature?
S: I like Literature.
T: Ok, read about Theatre Museum, please.
T: Very good. Imagine that you are journalists and you must write some information about the British museum to your newspaper. Take your exercise- books and write it down. Use the words in ex. 8 on page 36 and ex. 3 as a model.
Are you ready? Read your information, please.
5. Инструктаж по д\з. Задача этапа: проинформировать детей о выполнении д\з.
T: Thank you. You worked hard at the lesson. your marks are: Please put down your home work: Do ex. A,B on page 36 in your textbooks. The lesson is over. Good-bye.

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