Конспект урока на тему "The world around us"
The theme of the lesson: ``The world around us``
The Aims of the lesson: 1) to give more information about ecological problems;
2) to develop pupils’ habits in speaking;
3) to teach to love and to protect the Nature.
The type of the lesson: traditional
The methods of the lesson: using strategies of creative thinking ,making predictions.
Visual aids: interactive board,cards,pictures.
The Procedure of the lesson
a) greeting the pupils;
b) classroom expressions
II.Phonetic drill
``Be polite``
Let us try to be polite
In everything we do
Remember always to say ``please``
And don’t forget ``thank you!``
III.Working with the vocabulary.
T: Today we have an unusall lesson,you’ll mark yourselves at our today’s lesson.You have 3 flowers on your desks:red,green,yellow.At the end of the lesson you will raise one:
The red one-I worked very well
The green one-I could work better
The yellow one-I didn’t work.
T:And now,boys and girls,look at the blackboard.There we have a crossword.Let’s puzzle it and you’ll find the theme of our today’s lesson.
1.What is the english for «жасөспірім»?
2.Where do you go every day in the morning?
3.What is the English for «жастық шақ»?
4.The fourth month of the year?
5.Where do you go if you want to buy something?
6.What do you give to your friend on his birthday?
7.What day is it today?
IV.Presentation of the new theme
T: Very good!As you see today we’ll speak about ecological problems of our country and the theme of our lesson is ``The world around us``.Open your exercise books and write down the date and the theme.
``Association`` strategy.
Which words can you associate with the theme ``Environment``?
Youth, literature, pollution, trees, animals, sport, birds, education, rivers, seas, oceans, lakes, air, land,oil, rubbish, factories, mountains
``Grouping`` strategy.
Put these words into correct column.
Living things: …, …, …, …, …. .
Non-living things: …, …, …, … ,
Working with the text.
4.Tasks to the text
To hunt-аулау
To kill-өлтіру
To hide-тығылу
To cut down the trees-ағаштарды кесу
Text for reading
``Have they got a future?``
Many animals and birds on the Earth are disappearing nowadays.Many of them are in danger.Indian tigers and African elephants are among them.People have hunted and killed many tigers in India and a lot of elephants in Africa.Why?
Tigers and elephants are often dangerous animals.Tigers can kill cows,sheep,other domestic animals and sometimes they can also kill men.Some people are afraid of tigers and kill them to save their domestic animals and their lives.But some people have often hunted tigers for fun and for their beautiful skin.They can easily sell the skin and get a lot of money as the prices are high.
The result is very sad.There are few Indian tigers on the Earth now.Many of them are usually old,sick animals.Most tigers don’t hunt people nowadays,but hide from them in deep,dark forests.Or they rather hid there earlier,because there aren’t many forests for tigers nowadays.People have cut down many trees.And the question is: ``Have those animals got a future?``
What do you think?
Tasks to the text
1.Are the sentences true or false?
1.Many animals and birds are disappearing nowadays.
2.Animals are not in danger.
3.People don’t hunt animals.
4.Tigers and elephants are domestic animals.
5.Most tigers hide from the people
in dark forests.
6.People have cut down trees.
2.What environmental problems have mentioned in the text?
-killihg birds,animals and fishes;
-shortage of natural resources;
-global warming;
-the growth of population;
- disappearance of some animals
T:And now let’s speak about the environmental problems of our region.Look at the diagram and find out the environmental problems which we meet in our region.
Killing birds, animals and fishes
Fire at oil extractions facility
Pollution of many forms: water, air, soil
Plants die from pollution
Environmental problems
The death of Aral Sea
Litter is on the streets
Nuclear testing ground
Cutting and burning forests
The problem of the rubbish
Nuclear explosion
Working in pairs
T: I’ll give you a text about environmental problems.Read it in pairs and discuss which problem does it belong to?
1.The world is a very beautiful place,but some people are destroying it and cutting large trees for building and turn the land into farm land.They are burning the small ones.They are destroying the forest because they want to change the forest into far land.
2.Rubbish is a health problem.It brings illness.Some people want to control rubbish.They never throw rubbish themselves.In most cities the law punishea people who throw rubbish in the streets.They usually pay a fine.
3.Water is important for life.It is oceans,seas,rivers and lakes.There are many environmental problems in Kazakhstan.One is problem of Aral Sea basin.
4.Lake Baikal is very beautiful,but now it’s in danger.The lake is so dirty that it can kill animals and plants in Baikal and near it.
5.Mangistau is rich in oil and gas but they are killing fish and birds.The people dump rubbish.Different oil companies pollute the Caspian Sea.The petrol stations pollute the air too.
Summarizing speech: ``What actions must we take for preservation and protection of the environment?How can I help the environment?``
VI.Physical exercise
Let’s sing and dance all together.
VII.Giving the home task
To write a composition on the theme ``The environment and we``
T:The lesson is over.Good-bye,pupils!
T:See you soon!
Ustirt secondary school
English lesson
Theme: ``The world around us``
Form: 8 «B»
Teacher: Nurgalieva A
2013-2014 study year

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