Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме: “What is a friend?” , “What is a friendship?” для 7 класса

Государственное Бюджетное Общеобразовательное учреждение

средняя общеобразовательная школа № 422 “Перово”

г. Москва

Конспект урока по теме: “What is a friend?” “What is a friendship?” 7 класс

Каким должен быть настоящий друг?”, на этот вопрос учащиеся отвечают на протяжении всего урока. Перед учащимися ставятся коммуникативные задачи, которые им необходимо решить путем размышлений, взаимодействии друг с другом, выражением собственного мнения. В рамках урока рассматривается проблемы связанные с причинами одиночества в подростковом возрасте.

На уроке используется метод активного обучения.

Учебник “English 7”, В.П. Кузовлев (Unit 5, L 2)


учитель английского языка

Дорошенко Ольга Николаевна

Тема урока: Friendship

Цели урока:

  • Совершенствование речевых навыков

  • Развитие коммуникативной компетенции школьников на базе лексической темы

«What is a friend?» « What is a friendship?»

  • Повышение уровня познавательной самостоятельности учащихся

  • Учить учащихся логично высказывать свое мнение, давать аргументированные ответы.

Задачи урока:

  • Знакомство с новым грамматическим материалом : Придаточные определительные с союзными словами который/которые в качестве подлежащих

  • Описание своего друга

  • Развивать критическое мышление, умение анализировать и обобщать

Ход урока

I Warm-up activities

T: The topic of today’s discussion is « What is a friend?», « What is a friendship?».

Read the quote and say how you understand it.

«A single rose can be my garden... a single friend, my world.» Leo Buscaglia (an American author)

What springs to your mind when you hear the word’ friend’?

Are friends sometimes more important than families? Why?

II Getting students prepared for the topic

T: What is the difference between a friend, a true friend and best friend? (childhood friends,an ex-friend, friendship)

But, before answering the question I would like you learn how to do it right.

(На экране проектора представлены предложения : А friend is a person who cheers you up, when you are in trouble.

Friendship is a thing which can last forever.

Учащиеся формулируют правило и отвечают на вопрос)

St: A Friend is someone you know well enough to talk with, share a meal with, let you borrow there pens ,books.

A best friend is one you can call and talk to about most topics. He|She has similar interests with you. A best friend is a person who worries about you.

A true friend is unique, if you have one count yourself lucky. True friend is someone who knows your faults and loves you anyway.

III Speech skills.

  1. Building friendship vocabulary

T: And now let’s create a class web of friendship words. Учитель размещает первое слово Friendship в середине кластера, а затем подтемы: sounds like, looks like, feels,

friends are, и т.д.

You should contribute words that you personally associate with the concept of friendship.

Учащимся необходимо составить как можно больше слов.

helpful kind patient


good listeners “ I love You”

I’’ll share

happy skipping

Другой вариант выполнения этого задания: Web a Friend, в центр кластера учащиеся могут поместить имя своего друга и таким образом рассказать о нем.

  1. Reading and Discussing

Pre-reading warm-ups

T: Now I am going to ask you unusual question. What would you rent, if you could? You’ll ask me why I ask you this question, the topic of our lesson is “Friends” and “Friendship”

Ok. But today people can rent…. friends!!!! So, what would you rent, if you could?

Rent a…


Movie star


World Leader


Work in pairs and explain: Reasons for renting and What would you do

(Учащиеся высказывают свои мнения)

Затем учащимся раздаются распечатки с текстом.

Rent-a friend Agencies Growing in Japan

There are many new ways of making friends in today’s world. The best known of these is meeting new pals(друг по переписке) online. The Japanese are doing things a little differently. There is a growth in rent-a-friend agencies. The only catch is that the friends you meet will not become your true friends. You simply rent one when you need one for a specific occasion(случай). The friends for rent are professional fakers(мошенник). They will pretend to be anyone you want them to be. They serve a very useful purpose in Japan, where it’s very important to keep up social appearances. If you do not have a best man for your wedding or you need a rich aunt to seal a business deal, rent-a-friend agencies will provide you with the perfect impersonator ( человек выдающий себя за другого).

After-reading activities

Учащиеся самостоятельно выполняют упражнения

1)   true (T) or false (F).


Most Japanese people rent their friends.

T / F


Friends from rent-a-friend agencies usually become lifelong friends.

T / F


The friends you rent will pretend to be anyone you ask them to be.

T / F


People rent friends in Japan to maintain their public image.

T / F

  1. Распечатки текста переворачиваются обратной стороной

GAP FILL: Put the words into the gaps in the text.

There are many new ways of ____________ friends in today’s world. The best known of these is meeting new pals ____________. The Japanese are doing things a little differently. There is a ____________ in rent-a-friend agencies. The only catch is that the friends you meet will not become your true friends. You simply rent one when you need one for a specific ____________. The friends for rent are professional fakers. They will ____________ to be anyone you want them to be. They serve a very useful purpose in Japan, where it’s very important to keep up ____________ appearances. If you do not have a best man for your wedding or you need a rich aunt to seal a business ____________, rent-a-friend agencies will provide you with the ____________ impersonator.

  1. Discussion
    What do you think of the rent-a-friend idea?

Can you think of a time when you needed a fake friend?

  1. Active Learning

T: Next task is called “ А Good Buy”. You see, friendship is a highly sought after

relationship. If having friends is so important, then we need to spend some time on the skills associated with being a friend.

Учитель делит учащихся на группы. Объясняет задание.

You are to write a newspaper, radio or TV advertisement to sell a friend. The advertisement can be just words, it can be a rap, song, jingle or poem. The key is that it must be advertising the characteristics of a friend. You can not tell about the looks or body features of the friend.

После того, как работа завершена ученики обмениваются рекламой с участниками других групп.

Другой вариант работы может быть следующим: “ Я ищу друга” . Но концепция та же.

Discussion Ideas:

  • How hard was it for you to create the advertisement?

  • What qualities were expressed by more than one?

  • Which qualities are the most important ones to have in a friend?

  • Are people born with these qualities or can you become a better friend over time?

IV Summing up

T: My dear friends, as is rightly said, “To have a friend you must be a friend”. Friends are an important part of every individual’s life. . They support you in every situation you come across your life.  Let your friend know that you can give him a shoulder. I wish you to have a true friend!

V Homework

Think about 10 top reasons why friends are important.

Список использованной литературы

1. “More Activities That Teach”, Том Джексон Publishers Press 2003 г

Использованные материалы и Интернет-ресурсы

1. http://olc.spsd.sk.ca/DE/resources/friendship%20unit/gettingstarted.pdf

2. http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/0909/090922-rent-a-friend.html

Нравится материал? Поддержи автора!

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