Конспект урока по английскому языку "Животные" 3 класс
Урок – игра по английскому языку по теме «Животные», 3 класс
Listen and give the general wor
Underline the odd word
Game: “Letter and animal”
Musical interlude
Domestic animal or wild animal
Find an animal
Game: “Letter and animal”
Подведение итогов, награждение победителей.
Listen and give the general word
Fox, frog, bear, dog, cat
Apples, bananas, pears, oranges
Timetable, blackboard, desk, chair, duster
Table, cooker, fridge, cupboard
Mother, father, sister, brother
I live in the woods.
I'm very big and furry.
I have a big nose, a little tail and four legs.
I like to eat fish and berries.
I am a... BEARI have wings but I'm not a bird
I am small and colorful.
I live in gardens and fields and forests.
I used to be a caterpillar.
I am a... butterflyI'm a soft and furry pet.
I have four legs and a long tail.
I have sharp teeth and claws.
I like to chase mice.
I am a... catI have four legs.
I'm very smart and I like to play.
I like to smell things.
I can wag my tail.
I am a... dogMy skin is green and slippery.
I have four legs and webbed feet.
I eat bugs and little fish.
I can swim under water and hop on land.
I am a... frogI have a little tail.
My nose is called a snout.
I live on a farm.
I can say, "Oink-oink"
I am a... pig
Underline the odd word
camel, horse, rabbit, tiger.
lion, tiger, fox, cock.
crocodile, fish, cat, duck.
duck, cock, dog, owl.
Game: “Letter and animal”
(Кто быстрее вспомнит названия животных и птиц, которые начинаются со следующих букв?)
D – duck , dog.
M – monkey, mouse.
T – tiger, tortoise.
C – crocodile, cock, camel, cat.
H – hedgehog, horse.
R – rabbit .
F – fox, fish, frog.
Musical interlude
Песня “Animals Polka” – хоровое исполнение.
One, and two, and three, and four
I am dancing on the floor.
I am dancing with a hare
And a pretty little bear.
I am dancing with a frog
And a pretty little dog.
I am dancing with a cock
And a pretty hedgehog.
Domestic animal or wild animal
Пройдите по ссылке с заданием:
Find an animal
Игра “Кто правильно отыщет игрушку?”
С завязанными глазами, на ощупь, участник игры должен найти среди игрушек названное животное и дать его название на английском языке.
Подведение итогов, награждение победителей.
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