Методическая разработка по английскому языку к мультфильму «The Jungle Book» 6 класс

ГОУ средняя общеобразовательная школа № 183

с углубленным изучением английского языка

г. Санкт-Петербург

Из опыта работы

Методическая разработка по английскому языку

к мультфильму «The Jungle Book» («Книга джунглей»)
6 класс


учитель английского языка

Сипакова Оксана Сергеевна

г. Санкт- Петербург


Методическая разработка по английскому языку

к мультфильму «The Jungle Book»

Аннотация опыта

Ведущая педагогическая идея опыта: использование видеофильма, основанного на произведении художественной литературы, как средство формирования коммуникативной компетенции и усиления практики иноязычного общения учащихся на уроках английского языка в 6 классе.


  1. формировать уровень коммуникативной компетенции достаточный для перехода из учебного контекста в реальную ситуацию устного общения с носителем языка

  2. формировать самостоятельное эстетическое отношение к окружающему миру, критическое творческое мышление, гуманистические ценностные ориентации

  3. развивать общеобразовательную культуру учащихся средствами художественного компонента

Технология использования аутентичного видеоматериала, созданного по произведению художественной литературы, предполагает наличие 3 ступенчатой модели обучения.

I ступень (3 урока продолжительностью 45 минут каждый)

На основе заранее подготовленного раздаточного материала учащиеся знакомятся с биографией и творчеством Р. Киплинга.

II ступень (количество уроков зависит от количества сегментов, на которые поделен видеофильм. Работа над каждым сегментом проводится в течение 3 уроков продолжительностью 45 минут).

Данный видеофильм делится на 10 ситуативных смысловых сегмента. Работа ведется на основе каждого сегмента поэтапно, используя специально разработанные и подобранные виды упражнений и коммуникативных заданий.

Работа на данной ступени предполагает наличие нескольких этапов:

    • подготовительного

    • рецептивного

    • репродуктивного

    • продуктивного

Подготовительный этап

Задача данного этапа – снять трудности при восприятии видеоматериала. Для реализации этой задачи необходимо выполнить языковые и условно-речевые упражнения, которые предусматривают введение и активизацию новых лексических единиц.

      • прочитайте и запомните словосочетания; заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя данные словосочетания;

      • соотнесите слово с его объяснением;

      • найдите антонимы и синонимы;

      • употребите в них данные в скобках словосочетания;

Рецептивный этап

Задача данного этапа – выделить из просмотренного фрагмента основную информацию и выполнить упражнения, направленные на понимание и запоминание этой информации.

      • посмотрите и ответьте на следующие вопросы;

      • посмотрите, выскажите свое согласие или несогласие со следующими высказываниями

      • посмотрите и расставьте следующие предложения в порядке их следования в видеофрагменте;

      • расскажите «по цепочке» сюжет увиденного;

Репродуктивный этап

Задача данного этапа – формирование собственно монологических и диалогических умений. На этом этапе видеоматериал функционирует в качестве содержательной опоры. Комплекс условно-речевых упражнений направлен на пересказ просмотренного сюжета, частичное изменение монологов и диалогов с соблюдением их структуры.

      • перескажите сюжет от лица …;

      • воспроизведите диалоги из данного эпизода;

      • придумайте ещё по 2-3 реплики к диалогам, прозвучавшим в видеофрагменте;

Продуктивный этап

Задача данного этапа – создание условий для свободного общения, обмена мнениями по содержанию видеофрагмента. На этом этапе видеосюжеты выступают как смысловая опора и стимул к говорению. Упражнения предполагают неподготовленную речь, импровизацию. Задания нацелены на умение комментировать и формулировать собственную оценку событий в форме дискуссий, ролевых игр и иллюстраций к данному фрагменту.

  • докажите, что главный герой …;

  • поделитесь своими впечатлениями о просмотренном видеофильме;

  • посмотрите фрагмент видеофильма; считаете ли вы, что герой был прав в данной ситуации; почему вы так полагаете; что бы сделали вы на месте главного героя; предположите, что с главным героем произойдет дальше; посмотрите; сравните;

  • нарисуйте один из эпизодов, опишите рисунок;

  • составьте диалог или сценку, проиграв просмотренный сюжет и развив его;

III ступень (2 урока продолжительностью 45 минут каждый)

Цель обучения на данной ступени – повторение и проверка изученного за год материала в форме устного зачета и/или сочинения «Мои впечатления о просмотренном видеофильме».

Оборудование и оформление: портрет Р. Киплинга, DVD проигрыватель, DVDThe Jungle Book

I ступень: Знакомство с биографией и творчеством Р. Киплинга

Rudyard Kipling, a famous short-story writer, novelist and poet, was the first Englishman to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature (1907). His most popular works include The Jungle Book with such unforgettable characters as Mowgli, Baloo and Bagheera. The book was adapted into screen in 1942. Walt Disney’s cartoon version was produced in the 1960s.

Rudyard Kipling was born in India in Bombay on December 30, 1865. His father, John Lockwood Kipling, was professor of architectural sculpture. He was the curator of the Lahore Museum, a painter and an illustrator.

Ruddy, as Kipling was called, spent his early childhood in Lahore. From the Hindi servants he learned wonderful tales and songs of Indian folklore. Many of them were told to him by his Hindi nurse. Hindi was the first language he spoke.

At the age of 6 he was taken to England by his parents and left for 5 years at a foster home, where he was unhappy. When Kipling was 12 he went to the college in North Devon. It was an expensive institution that specialized in training for entry into military academies. He was never brilliant in mathematics but he did well in history. After leaving college young Kipling received a gold medal for his history essay. But his poor eyesight ended hopes about military career.

In 1882, aged 16, he returned to Lahore, where his parents lived. At 17 he became an assistant editor of the Lahore Civil and Military Gazette. In his spare time he wrote many remarkable poems and stories. When he was 21 he published his first book of verse. Before he was 24 he had brought out 6 small collections of stories. Kipling’s talant was quickly recognized in India and England.

Between 1887 and 1899 Kipling traveled round the world. He visited many countries: China, Japan and lived for a few years in America, where he married an American girl, Caroline Starr Balestier, the sister of an American publisher and writer, and where his first two children, Josephine and Elsie, were born. Kipling was dissatisfied with the life in the USA and after the death of his daughter, Josephine, Kipling took his family back to England and settled in Sussex. Kipling’s marriage was not happy. The author was dominated by his wife who had troubles to accept all aspects of her husband’s character.

During this period Kipling wrote several of his most popular works. There were his children’s stories which became classics. “The Jungle Book”, “Captains Courageous”, “Just So Stories for Little Children” and others. These books are popular among children nowadays.

During the South African war (1899-1902) Kipling supported the policy of British expansion. Later he became aware that war doesn’t bring any good to people. The Kiplings were to suffer the second bereavement with the death of their son John, at the age 18, in the battle of Loos in 1915.

But Kipling continued to write and some of the post-war stories are counted among his finest. Between the years 1922 and 1925 he was a rector at the University of St. Andrew. Kipling died on January 18, 1936 in London and was buried in Poet’s Corner at Westminster Abbey.

Readers love Kipling’s tales. The charm of his stories lies in the exciting plots, the variety of characters and in the beauty of narration.

Задания к тексту

  1. Who is who in the text?

Rudyard Kipling Kipling’s son

John Lockwood Kipling the author of The Jungle Book

Caroline Starr Balestier is Kipling’s daughter

John Kipling’s wife

Josephine professor of architectural sculpture

  1. Say true, false or I don’t know.

1. Rudyard Kipling was born in Great Britain.

2. Rudyard Kipling didn’t receive the Nobel Prize for Literature.

3. Rudyard Kipling’s most popular books include The Jungle Book.

4. Rudyard Kipling’s father was a mathematician.

5. Rudyard Kipling spent his early childhood in London.

6. At the age of 6 Rudyard Kipling was taken to India.

7. In 1882 Rudyard Kipling returned to Lahore.

8. During the South African war Rudyard Kipling didn’t support the policy of British expansion.

9. Rudyard Kipling’s books are popular among children nowadays.

  1. Read the text for more detailed information and find in it the words and word combinations which mean:

увлекательный сюжет

разнообразие характеров

послевоенные рассказы


стали классикой

поселился в …

сборник стихотворений

слабое зрение

воспитательный дом

индийский фольклор

автор коротких рассказов

получил Нобелевскую премию

был экранизирован

совершил кругосветное путешествие

IV. Answer the questions.

1. Where and when was Kipling born?

2. What is known about his mother and father?

3. What happened when he was 6?

4. How did it influence him?

5. Where was he sent at the age of 12?

6. When did he return to Lahore, India?

7. What was his occupation at that time?

8. Whom and when did he marry?

9. Where did they settle?

10. What is known about his children?

11. When did Kipling die?

12. What is Kipling famous for? List his most famous books (at least 3 titles)

II ступень: Работа над видеофрагментом

Part I

I. Vocabulary

strange legend jungle

to get along silence to be safe

unfamiliar a man cub to be a favourite with

pack to protect to be in agreement

to stay with the pack to survive to be of help

Mowgli Bagheera Shere Khan Akela Rama

II. Who said it?

1. Many strange legends are told of these jungles of India but none so strange as the story of a small boy named Mowgli.

2. Then it occurred to me. The family of wolves I knew has been blessed with cubs.

3. And I often stopped by to see how Mowgli the man cub was getting along.

4. Shere Khan will surely kill the boy and all who try to protect him.

5. But the man cub is … he is like my own son.

III. Say who:

1. found a man cub in the jungle

2. felt lonely and was crying in the jungle

3. told many legends of the jungles of India

4. could die without his mother’s care

5. stopped by to see how Mowgli was getting along

6. was a favourite with all the wolf cubs

7. met at the Council Rock

8. returned to the jungle

9. didn’t want Mowgli to leave the pack

IV. Answer the questions.

1. Where did the story take place?

2. Who are the main characters of the story?

3. Who found a man cub in the jungle?

4. What did Bagheera decide to do with a man cub?

5. Was the baby afraid of the Jungle People?

6. Why didn’t the wolves kill the man cub?

7. How did they call the baby?

8. How many years did Mowgli grow up with the cubs?

9. Was he a favourite with all the young wolf cubs of the pack? Was he happy?

10. What happened one night?

11. Why did the wolf pack elders hold a Council at the Rock?

12. Were the wolves afraid of Shere Khan? Why? What could he do?

13. What was the decision of the Council?

14. Why couldn’t the man cub stay longer with the pack?

15. Why did Bagheera agree to take Mowgli to a man- village?

V. Say which of the words is the odd one out.

wolf, bear, panther, tiger, snake

duckling, wolf – cub, chicken, puppy, kitten

river, jungle, forest, trees, grass

clever, strong, weak, angry, swimming

VI. Match the opposites.

1) strong a) little

2) big b) easy

3) hard working c) boring

4) interesting d) weak

5) difficult e) lazy

6) angry f) sad

7) happy g) fed

8) hungry h) kind

VII. Say who in the story is:

Beautiful/ undressed/ strong/ talented/ careful with cubs/ kind/ playful/ small/ helpful/ a favourite with all the young wolf – cubs/ happy/ sad

VIII. Complete the sentences. The words from the box can help you.




man cub

be of help

be safe


1. Many … are told of the jungles of India.

2. Shere Khan will kill the boy and all who try to … him.

3. This … could die without a mother’s care.

4. I know a man – village where he will …

5. One night the wolf …met at the Council Rock.

6. The boy couldn’t …alone in the jungle.

7. Akela, perhaps I can …

IX. Draw.

1. Draw a picture of Bagheera looking at a man cub.

2. Draw a picture of Mowgli playing with the wolf – cubs.

3. Draw a picture of Shere Khan hunting in the jungle.

4. One night the wolf pack elders met at the Council Rock to discuss the man cub’s future try to draw a portrait of them at that moment.

X. Put the sentences in the right order.

1. One fine day Bagheera was hunting in the jungle.

2. The wolves liked the baby and didn’t kill him.

3. He knew that the family of wolves had a lot of cubs.

4. The baby was so small that he couldn’t walk.

5. But one night the wolf pack elders met at the Council Rock because Shere Khan the tiger had returned to their part of the jungle.

6. Bagheera brought the man cub to the cave.

7. All the wolves loved him very much.

8. Shere Khan wanted to kill the boy and the pack couldn’t protect him.

9. Bagheera got a wonderful idea.

10. The pack wanted Mowgli to leave at once

11. The wolves called him Mowgli, which meant Frog.

12. Bagheera knew of a man-village where Mowgli would be safe.

13. Suddenly he heard a strange noise and saw a little man cub.

14. He decided to take Mowgli to this man-village.

15. Bagheera took pity on the boy because he could die without his mother’s care.

16.Many legends are told of the jungles of India but none is so strange as the story of a small boy called Mowgli.

17. For 10 years Mowgli grew up with the wolf cubs.

XI. Role-play

Work in small groups and act out the part of the story in which the wolf pack elders met at the Council Rock to decide the man cub’s future.

XII. Imagine that you are Bagheera. Speak about:

1. the beginning of the story

2. your friend Mowgli

3. the Pack Council

Part II

I. Vocabulary

to get a little sleepy to swear(swore, sworn) to allow

to explain smth to smb to be angry with smb claw

to have a long journey to look out for … delicious

to look in the eye to get smb in coils to have a knot in a tail

python power of fascination to get out of hug

II. Who said it?

1. Bagheera, I’m getting a little sleepy. Shouldn’t we start back home?

2. Shere Khan has returned to this part of the jungle and he has sworn to kill you.

3. I don’t want to go back to the man-village.

4. Say now. What have we here? It’s a man cub. A delicious man cub.

5. Look me in the eye when I’m speaking to you.

III. Say who:

1. was getting a little sleepy

2. was taking Mowgli to a man-village

3. has sworn to kill Mowgli

4. wasn’t afraid of Shere khan

5. didn’t want to go back to a man-village

6. couldn’t climb up the tree

7. could look out for himself

8. wanted Mowgli to get in his coils

9. had got a knot in his tail

IV. Say true, false or I don’t know.

1. Rama was taking Mowgli to a man-village.

2. Shere Khan has returned to the jungle to play with Mowgli.

3. Shere Khan hated people.

4. Mowgli wanted to stay in the jungle.

5. Kaa was an old python.

6. Mowgli could look out for himself.

7. Kaa lived in the middle of the jungle.

8. It was 6 o’clock in the morning when Mowgli saw Kaa moving round and round in a circle.

V. Answer the questions.

1. What was Bagheera doing one fine summer’s night?

2. Why couldn’t Mowgli and Bagheera come back home?

3. Who has returned to the jungle and sworn to kill Mowgli?

4. Why did Shere Khan hate Mowgli?

5 What did Mowgli want to explain to Shere Khan?

6. Was Mowgli afraid of Shere Khan?

7. Where did Mowgli and Bagheera spend the night?

8. Did Mowgli want to stay in the jungle?

9. Could Mowgli look out for himself?

10. Whom did Mowgli see in the tree?

11. Did Mowgli know anything of a python’s power of fascination?

12. Who helped Mowgli to get out of Kaa’s hug?

13. Why did Bagheera get into trouble? What did Kaa do with Bagheera?

14. Did Mowgli help Bagheera? Why?

15. Why was Bagheera angry with Mowgli?

VI. Say who in the story is:

brave/ foolish/ cowardly/ hungry/ dangerous/ helpful/ friendly/ old/ wise

VII. Put the sentences in the right order

1. Mowgli started fighting and helped Bagheera.

2. One fine summer’s night Bagheera was taking Mowgli to a man village because Shere Khan had returned to the jungle and had sworn to kill Mowgli.

3. Kaa hugged Bagheera and he got into trouble.

4. Mowgli was getting sleepy so they decided to spend the night in a tree.

5. Bagheera got up and rescued Mowgli.

6. Mowgli didn’t want to go back to the man-village he was sure he could look out for himself.

7. Mowgli looked him in the face and couldn’t come out of his hug.

8. Bagheera got some sleep because he was tired and angry after a talk with Mowgli.

9. Mowgli didn’t know anything of a python’s power of fascination.

10. Kaa, an old python, saw Mowgli and wanted to kill him because he was very hungry.

VIII. Explain why:

1. Bagheera was taking Mowgli to a man-village

2. Shere Khan hated Mowgli

3. Mowgli wanted to stay in the jungle

4. Mowgli couldn’t look out for himself

5. Kaa didn’t kill Mowgli

IX. What is your opinion?

Shere Khan didn’t like Mowgli because he was a man cub. Shere Khan didn’t even think that Mowgli could be a nice friend. Do you think it is right to form an opinion about some person without knowing him?

X. Draw

1. Draw a picture of Mowgli sleeping on Bagheera’s back.

2. Draw a picture of Kaa, an old python, turning his head from right to left and singing a hunting song.

3. Draw a picture of Bagheera helping Mowgli to come out of Kaa’s hug.

XI. Imagine that you are Mowgli. Speak about:

1. your friend Bagheera

2. your life in the wolf pack

3. your adventure in the jungle

XII. Role-play

Mowgli didn’t want to go back to the man-village. He wasn’t afraid of Shere Khan and thought he could look out for himself. Work in small groups and act out the talk between Bagheera and Mowgli.

Part III

I. Vocabulary

parade to receive smth for smth the Victoria Cross the dawn patrol recruit to inspect march Colonel in ranks discipline to worry about smb to get out of ..

foolish to drill

II. Who said it?

1. Hello! What are you doing?

2. Sure. Just do what I do. But don’t talk in ranks. It’s against regulations.

3. It’s not your jungle.

4. Good. And remember an elephant never forgets.

5. You have the word of Bagheera.

III. Say who:

1. was marching and drilling in the jungle

2. joined the dawn patrol

3. received the Victoria Cross for bravery

4. was taking Mowgli back to the man-village

5. said, an elephant never forgets

6. wanted to be a Colonel too

7. was laughing at Colonel Hathi

8. was arguing with Bagheera

9. left Mowgli alone in the jungle

IV. Say true, false or I don’t know.

1. Colonel Hathi was taking Mowgli to a man-village.

2. The dawn patrol was marching and drilling in the jungle.

3. The elephants asked Mowgli to join them.

4. Colonel Hathi received the Victoria Cross for bravery 2 years ago.

5. Bagheera didn’t want to have a man cub in the jungle.

6. An elephant forgets everything.

7. Hathi’s son wanted to be a pilot just like his father.

8. Bagheera wanted to get out of there quick.

9. Mowgli wanted to return to the man-village.

10. Bagheera got angry and left Mowgli alone in the jungle.

V. Answer the questions.

1. What did Mowgli see in the jungle?

2. What were the elephants doing?

3. Did Mowgli join the dawn patrol?

4. Who was inspecting the company? What was Hathi?

5. What did Hathi teach his elephants? Was Hathi strict?

6. Did the elephants obey rules completely? What was against regulations?

7. Was Hathi a brave elephant? What did he receive for his bravery?

8. How did the Colonel Hathi react when he saw a new recruit? Why did Hathi get angry with Mowgli?

9. Who helped Mowgli? Why did Bagheera speak for a man cub?

10. Why was Mowgli laughing at Hathi?

11. Why did Bagheera feel uncomfortable? Why did he want to get out of there quick?

12. Why was Mowgli arguing with Bagheera?

13. What did Bagheera do? How did he call Mowgli?

14. Could Mowgli look out for himself?

VI. Match the opposites.

1) an enemy afraid stupid new wild angry strength dangerous alone

2) safe together brave weakness a friend kind clever domestic old

VII. Prove that:

1. Colonel Hathi was brave

2. Colonel Hathi was funny

3. Mowgli wasn’t afraid of Hathi

4. Mowgli wanted to stay in the jungle

5. Bagheera liked Mowgli

VIII. Explain why:

1. the elephants were marching and drilling in the jungle

2. Colonel Hathi got angry with Mowgli

3. Bagheera spoke for a man cub

4. Bagheera punished Mowgli

5. Bagheera thought that Mowgli was foolish

IX. Put the sentences in the right order.

1. Bagheera thought that Mowgli was foolish.

2. Mowgli woke up early because he heard a strange noise.

3. Mowgli wasn’t afraid of Hathi and laughed at him because Hathi was very funny.

4. Bagheera got angry with Mowgli and left him alone in the jungle.

5. The elephants were marching and drilling in the jungle.

6. Mowgli was arguing with Bagheera because he didn’t want to return to the man-village.

7. Mowgli joined the dawn patrol.

8. Colonel Hathi didn’t want to see Mowgli in his jungle.

9. Bagheera felt uncomfortable and wanted to get out of there quick.

10. Colonel Hathi decided to inspect his company.

11. Bagheera spoke for Mowgli.

12. Colonel Hathi got angry when he saw Mowgli.

X. Draw

1. Draw a picture of the dawn patrol marching and drilling in the jungle.

2. Draw a picture of Bagheera speaking for Mowgli.

3. Draw a picture of Colonel Hathi inspecting the company.

XI. Talking points.

1. Retell this story as if it were told by:

    1. Colonel Hathi

    2. Mowgli

    3. Bagheera

2. Try to persuade Mowgli to return to the man-village.

3. Invent a story of Hathi’s life.

Part Four

I. Vocabulary

to leave smb alone to give up

to growl to scratch

to ruin to be hurt

to be in trouble Old Iron Paws

to tickle to survive

II. Who said it?

1. Leave me alone!

2. Now give me a big bear growl. Scare me!

3. He is in trouble. I shouldn’t have left him alone.

4. Man-village? They’ll ruin him! They’ll make a man out of him.

5. I like being a bear.

7. Give me back my man cub!

8. Here he is! Come and get him!

9. Oh, for the last time, what happened to Mowgli?

III. Say who:

1. was walking and singing a song one fine day

2. taught Mowgli to fight and to growl like a bear

3. heard a big bear growl and thought that Mowgli was in trouble

4. wasn’t a good teacher

5. wanted Mowgli to go back to the man-village

5. liked to be a bear

6. carried Mowgli away

7. worried about Mowgli

IV. Say true, false or I don’t know.

1. Baloo taught Mowgli different languages.

2. Bagheera was present at Baloo’s lesson.

3. Bagheera liked Baloo’s lesson.

4. Mowgli couldn’t learn much by heart.

5. Baloo punished Mowgli.

6. Mowgli wanted to be the Monkey-People’s Leader.

7. The Monkey-People asked Mowgli to go to the ancient ruins with them.

8. The Monkey-People were afraid of Baloo.

V. Answer the questions.

1. What was Baloo doing one fine day?

2. Whom did Baloo see in the jungle?

3. Why was Mowgli alone?

4. Did Baloo like Mowgli? What did he teach him?

5. What did Bagheera think when he heard a big bear growl? Why did he come back?

6. Why wasn’t Bagheera sure that Baloo was a good teacher?

7. Did Bagheera want Mowgli to return to the man-village?

8. Why did Baloo want Mowgli to stay with him?

9. Did Mowgli like to be a bear? Why?

10. Could Baloo take care of Mowgli?

11. Who stole Mowgli?

12. Could Baloo help his new friend? Why?

13. Who came back and found what had happened to Mowgli?

14. Why did Bagheera and Baloo worry about Mowgli?

VI. Match the words and their definitions.

1) bear a) a very small town in the country

2) jungle b) an animal with a long tail that climbs trees and uses its

hands in the same way that people do

3) panther c) a leopard with black fur

4) village d) a thick tropical forest

5) monkey e) a large wild animal with thick fur

VII.Describe some characters using the following words:

1. shameless, wicked, noisy, quick

2. strong, lazy, funny, foolish

3. helpful, strong, clever, brave

      1. Prove that:

1. Bagheera was very clever and strong

2. Baloo loved Mowgli

3. Baloo wasn’t the cleverest animal

4. Mowgli was in danger

5. the animals of India didn’t like the Monkey- People

IX. Explain why:

1. Mowgli was alone in the jungle

2. Baloo wasn’t a good teacher

3. Baloo wanted Mowgli to stay in the jungle

4. the Monkey- People took Mowgli away

5. Baloo and Bagheera were nervous

X. Put the sentences in the right order.

1. Bagheera came back and found what had happened to Mowgli.

2. Mowgli was alone in the jungle.

3. Baloo couldn’t help Mowgli because the Monkey- People began to hit him with bananas and nuts.

4. Baloo saw Mowgli in the jungle.

5. The Monkey- People stole Mowgli and carried him away.

6. Mowgli liked to be a bear.

7. Baloo liked Mowgli and taught him how to fight and to growl like a bear.

8. Baloo asked Mowgli to relax and to forget about his worries.

9. Bagheera heard a big bear growl and thought that Mowgli was in trouble.

10. Baloo wanted Mowgli to stay with him because he thought that people would ruin Mowgli.

11. Bagheera wasn’t sure that Baloo was a good teacher.

12. Bagheera wanted Mowgli to go back to the man-village.

13. Bagheera got angry and left Mowgli and Baloo alone.

XI. Draw.

1. Draw a picture of Baloo walking and singing a song in the jungle.

2. Draw a picture of the Monkey- People carrying Mowgli away.

3. Draw a picture of the Monkey- People throwing nuts and bananas on Baloo’s head.

XII. Talking points.

1. Retell the story as if it were told by:

  1. Mowgli

  2. Bagheera

  3. Baloo

2. Speak about Mowgli’s friends. Compare Bagheera with Baloo. Who do you like best? Why?

Part Five

I. Vocabulary.

to make one’s dream come true to have got a deal ape

to lay the secret of smth on smb to make a deal with smb to rescue smb

to make fire to kid smb to create a disturbance

II. Who said it?

1. We got him, King Louie!

2. What do you want me for?

3. Lay the secret on me of man’s red fire.

4. But I don’t know how to make fire.

5. I made a deal with you.

6. Now, while you create a disturbance I’ll rescue Mowgli.

7. It’s Baloo, the bear!

III. Say who:

1. got Mowgli

2. lived in the ancient ruins

3. promised to do everything to stay in the jungle

4. had got a deal

5. wanted to be a man

6. wanted Mowgli to lay the secret of man’s red fire

7. rescued Mowgli

IV. Say true, false or I don’t know.

1. It took the Monkey-People 2 hours to take Mowgli to the ancient ruins.

2. King Louie was a small brown monkey.

3.King Louie gave a lot of nuts to Mowgli.

4. Mowgli and King Louie had got a deal.

5. King Louie wanted to be like Mowgli.

6. Mowgli knew how to make fire.

7. Baloo and Bagheera ruined the ancient town.

V. Answer the questions.

1. Who stole Mowgli? Why?

2. Where was Mowgli taken by the Monkey-People?

3. What was the name of their King?

4. What did King Louie look like?

5. What did King Louie want Mowgli for?

6. Did Mowgli really want to stay in the jungle?

7. What did King Louie want to be? What did he want to do like a man?

8. What did King Louie desire?

9. What did King Louie need the fire for?

10. Did Mowgli make Louie’s dream come true?

11. Did Mowgli give him the secret? Did he know how to make it?

12. Who came to help Mowgli?

13. How did Baloo and Bagheera rescue Mowgli?

14. What happened with the ancient ruins?

15. Were the friends happy to get away from there?

VI. Match the words and their definitions.

1) secret a) a formal agreement

2) fire b) smth good that you hope that you will have or will achieve

in the future

3) dream c) a piece of information that is known by only a small

number of people and is not told to other people

4) deal d) flames and heat from smth that is burning

VII. Which words and expressions are suitable to describe King Louie? How would you describe him?

kind-hearted, dirty, heavy, short, tall, weak, strong, noble, wicked, with pleasant manners, rough, young, middle-aged, lazy, cheerful, polite, rude, generous, gets along well with everybody, honest, shy, sly, trustful, cruel, talkative, clever, open-hearted

VIII. Prove that:

1. King Louie was sly

2. King Louie wanted to be a man

3. Mowgli didn’t know the secret of man’s red fire

4. Baloo liked music

5. Bagheera and Baloo loved Mowgli

IX. Explain why:

1. the monkeys took Mowgli to the ancient ruins

2. King Louie wanted to make a deal with Mowgli

3. King Louie wanted to be a man

4. Bagheera and Baloo came to rescue Mowgli

5. Mowgli wanted to stay in the jungle

X. Put the sentences in the right order.

1. The friends got away from there and were very happy.

2. The Monkey-People stole Mowgli.

3. The friends rescued Mowgli and ruined the ancient town.

4. The Monkey- People took Mowgli to the ancient ruins.

5. Bagheera got an idea how to help Mowgli.

6. King Louie met Mowgli.

7. The friends came to the ancient ruins.

8. King Louie gave Mowgli some bananas.

9. King Louie wanted to find the secret of man’s red fire but Mowgli didn’t know how to make it.

10. King Louie wanted to help Mowgli and offered him to make a deal.

11. Mowgli agreed to have got a deal because he wanted to stay in the jungle.

XI. Draw.

1. Draw a picture of King Louie making a deal with Mowgli.

2. Draw a picture of Baloo dancing with King Louie.

3. Draw a picture of Mowgli’s friends trying to rescue him.

XII. Talking points.

1. Retell this story as if it were told by:

    1. Mowgli

    2. King Louie

    3. Bagheera

2. Imagine that you are King Loue. Try to persuade Mowgli to give the secret of man’s red fire.

XIII. Role-play.

King Louie made a deal with Mowgli because he wanted to find the secret of man’s red fire. Work in pairs and act out the dialogue between King Louie and Mowgli.

Part Six

I. Vocabulary

ability to seem to adopt

to have a word with smb helpless to promise

to have got smth against smb to do what’s the best for smb to run out on smb

Birds of a feather should flock together.

II. Who said it?

1. Baloo, the man cub must go back to the man-village. The jungle is not the place for him.

2. Oh, stop worrying, Baggi. Stop worrying! I’ll take care of him.

3. The tiger? What’s he got against the kid?

4. He will get Mowgli while he is young and helpless.

5. Are you out of your mind? I promised him he could stay here in the jungle with me.

6. Mowgli, Mowgli! It’s time to get up.

7. Well, good-bye, Bagheera. Me and Baloo, we’ve got things to do.

8. What’s the matter, Old Papa Bear?

9. Hey, Mowgli! Where are you going? Wait a minute! Stop! Listen to Baloo!

10. Oh, if anything happens to that little guy, I’ll never forgive myself.

III. Say who?

1. seemed to have man’s ability to get into trouble

2. wanted to have a word with Baloo

3. grew up in the jungle

4. wanted to take care of Mowgli

5. hated man

6. thought of what was the best for Mowgli

7. wanted to live in the jungle all his life

8. liked being a bear

9. had to take Mowgli to the man-village

10. ran out on Baloo

IV. Say true, false or I don’t know.

1. Mowgli wanted to have a word with Bagheera.

2. The jungle was not a place for Baloo.

3. Baloo grew up in the jungle.

4. Baloo wanted to adopt Mowgli as his own son.

5. Mowgli wanted to take care of Baloo.

6. Shere Khan hated man. He was afraid of man’s fire and man’s gun.

7. Bagheera promised Mowgli he could stay in the jungle with him.

8. Baloo woke Mowgli up at 9 o’clock in the morning.

9. Baloo wanted to talk to Mowgli.

10. Bagheera and Baloo tried to find Mowgli.

V. Answer the questions.

1. Who seemed to have man’s ability to get into trouble?

2. Who had a big day? Why?

3. Who wanted to have a word with Baloo?

4. Why wasn’t the jungle the place for Mowgli?

5. Why couldn’t Baloo adopt Mowgli as his own son?

6. Why were Bagheera and Baloo afraid of Shere Khan?

7. What did Shere Khan have got against Mowgli?

8. What did the friends decide to do?

9. Who decided to talk to Mowgli? Why?

10. Did Mowgli agree to go back to the man-village? What did he do?

11. Who wanted to find Mowgli? Why?

12. Why did the friends worry about Mowgli?

VI. Prove that:

1. Mowgli seemed to have man’s ability to get into trouble

2. The jungle wasn’t the place for Mowgli

3. Baloo and Bagheera thought of what was the best for Mowgli not for themselves

4. Mowgli thought Baloo had told him a lie

5. The friends worried about Mowgli

VII. Explain why:

1. Bagheera wanted to have a word with Baloo

2. Bagheera and Baloo were afraid of Shere Khan

3. Baloo was against Bagheera’s idea first

4. Baloo agreed to take Mowgli to the man-village

5. Mowgli ran out on Baloo

6. the friends wanted to find Mowgli

VIII. Find the Russian equivalent to the saying and make up your situation to illustrate it.

Birds of a feather should flock together.

IX. Put the sentences in the right order.

1. It was late in the jungle and Mowgli was asleep.

2. Baloo and Bagheera separated and began to look for Mowgli.

3. Bagheera wanted to have a word with Baloo.

4. Mowgli ran out on Baloo.

5. Bagheera was sure the jungle wasn’t the place for Mowgli. He thought Mowgli had to go to the man-village.

6. Mowgli thought Baloo was a liar.

7. Baloo was against this idea first.

8. Mowgli was angry with Baloo and didn’t want to listen to him.

9. Bagheera told Baloo that Shere Khan had returned to that part of the jungle and had to sworn to kill Mowgli.

10. Baloo tried to talk to Mowgli and to explain everything to him.

11. The friends decided to do what was the best for Mowgli.

12. Baloo woke Mowgli up in the morning.

13. Baloo agreed to talk to Mowgli and to take him to the man-village.

X. Draw.

1. Draw a picture of Mowgli sleeping in the jungle.

2. Draw a picture of Bagheera having a word with Baloo.

3. Draw a picture of Mowgli running out on Baloo.

XI. Talking points.

1. Retell this story as if it were told by:

    1. Baloo

    2. Bagheera

    3. Mowgli

2. Try to persuade Baloo to take Mowgli to the man-village.

XII. Role-play.

Bagheera wanted to have a word with Baloo because he was sure the jungle wasn’t the place for Mowgli. Bagheera was afraid Shere Khan would kill Mowgli. Bagheera wanted Baloo to take Mowgli to the man-village. Work in pairs and act out the talk between Bagheera and Baloo.

Part Seven

I. Vocabulary

to give the commands emergency to be lost

to pick up the man cub’s trail to get hurt volunteer for smth

special mission Winifred persuade

II. Who said it?

1. Oh, we march from here to there

And it doesn’t matter where,

You can hear us push through the deepest bush.

Up, two, three, four!

2. Stop! Wait a minute! Halt!

3. Who said “Halt!”? I give the commands around here. Well, speak up! Who was it?

4. Oh, Colonel, I’m sorry, but I need your help.

5. But it’s an emergency, Colonel! The man cub must be found.

6. Man cub? What man cub?

7. How delightful!

8. Pop, the man cub and I are friends. He’ll get hurt if we don’t find him.

9. Oh, thank you, Colonel. There is no time to lose.

10. Element of surprise? Oh, I say. And now for my rendezvous …with the little lost man cub.

III. Say who?

1. was marching and singing in the jungle

2. asked Colonel Hathi for help

3. heard the talk between Bagheera and Hathi

4. had to be found

5. returned to the jungle

6. was angry with Colonel Hathi

7. wanted to take over command

8. were volunteers for a special mission

9. wanted to eat the little lost man cub

IV. Say true, false or I don’t know.

1. Shere Khan was hunting in the jungle.

2. The dawn patrol was singing and dancing in the jungle.

3. Baloo asked Colonel Hathi to help him to find Mowgli.

4. Winifred was angry with Hathi because he didn’t want to help Mowgli.

5. Winifred took over command and helped to find Mowgli.

6. It took Bagheera 40 minutes to persuade Hathi to help Mowgli.

7. Hathi had a plan in mind how to find Mowgli.

8. Shere Khan knew where Mowgli was.

9. Shere Khan picked up the man cub’s trail.

V. Answer the questions.

1. Who was marching and singing in the jungle?

2. Who saw the dawn patrol?

3. What did Bagheera ask Colonel Hathi for? Why?

4. Did Colonel Hathi agree to help Bagheera? Why?

5. Why was Winifred angry with Colonel? What did she say? What did she want to do?

6. Who persuaded Colonel Hathi to look for Mowgli? Why?

7. Did Colonel really Hathi have a plan? Why do you think so?

8. Who heard the talk between Bagheera and Hathi? What did Shere Khan decide to do?

9. Did Shere Khan know where Mowgli was? Did he pick up the man cub’s trail?

10. Was Mowgli in danger? Why?

VI. Match the words and their definitions.

1. tiger a) an officer of high rank in the army

2. colonel b) someone who offers to do smth and doesn’t have to be

made to do it

3. emergency c) a large Asian wild animal that has yellowish fur with

black lines. It is a member of the cat family

4. elephant d) an unexpected situation in which immediate action is

necessary, often because there is danger

5. volunteer e) a very large wild animal that lives in Africa and Asia. It

has thick grey skin and a very long nose called a trunk

VII. Explain why:

1. the dawn patrol was marching in the jungle

2. Bagheera wanted to ask Colonel Hathi for help

3. Winifred was angry with Hathi

4. The Baby-Elephant asked his father to look for Mowgli

5. Shere Khan decided to find Mowgli

VIII. Prove that:

1. Bagheera loved Mowgli

2. Colonel Hathi was a good father

3. The Baby-Elephant was a true friend

4. The dawn patrol decided to find the lost man cub

5. Mowgli was in danger

IX. Put the sentences in the right order.

1. Winifred got angry with Colonel Hathi and wanted to take over command to help Mowgli.

2. The dawn patrol was marching and singing in the jungle.

3. Colonel Hathi didn’t want to look for Mowgli.

4. Shere Khan heard the talk between Bagheera and Hathi and decided to pick up the man’s cub trail.

5. Bagheera saw the dawn patrol and decided to talk to Colonel Hathi.

6. The Baby-Elephant persuaded his father to find his friend Mowgli.

7. Bagheera asked Colonel Hathi for help.

X. Draw.

1. Draw a picture of Bagheera asking Colonel Hathi for help.

2. Draw a picture of Shere Khan hunting in the jungle.

3. Draw a picture of the Baby-Elephant talking to his father.

XI. Talking points.

1. Retell this story as if it were told by:

    1. Bagheera

    2. Hathi

    3. The Baby-Elephant

2. Compare Winifred with Hathi. Who do you like best? Why?

Part Eight

I. Vocabulary.

to trust smb to search for smb to tell smb a lie

to leave smb alone perhaps to entertain smb

to promise smb smth Do you mind if I do smth?

II. Who said it?

1. Oh, go away! Leave me alone!

2. Let me look at you. You don’t want me to look at you? Then you look at me.

3. I don’t trust anyone anymore.

4. It’s me, Shere Khan. I’d like to have a word with you, if you don’t mind.

5. I thought perhaps you were entertaining someone up there in your coils.

6. But at the moment I am searching for a man cub.

7. That’s an excellent idea. I’m sure you wouldn’t mind showing me your coils, would you, Kaa?

8. The middle? Oh, the middle. Absolutely nothing in the middle.

9. You told me a lie, Kaa. You said I could trust you.

III. Say who:

1. met Kaa

2. asked Kaa to leave him alone

3. asked Mowgli to trust him

4. didn’t trust anyone anymore

5. wanted to have a word with Kaa

6. had Mowgli in his coils

7. used his power of fascination

8. was searching for a man cub

9. told Mowgli a lie

IV. Say true, false or I don’t know.

1. Kaa was glad to see his friend Mowgli.

2. Kaa and Mowgli haven’t seen each other for 5 days.

3. Kaa wanted to help Mowgli.

4. Mowgli didn’t trust anyone anymore.

5. Shere Khan wanted to have a word with Kaa.

6. Kaa sang himself to sleep.

7. Shere Khan was searching for a man cub.

8. Kaa showed Shere Khan his coils.

9. Kaa ate Mowgli for lunch.

V. Answer the questions.

1. Who met Mowgli in the jungle?

2. Why was Kaa happy to see the man cub?

3. Why did he ask Mowgli to look at him?

4. Did Mowgli trust Kaa? Why?

5. How could Kaa help Mowgli to stay in the jungle?

6. Did Kaa make Mowgli sleep? How did he do it?

7. Who was Shere Khan searching for?

8. Who wanted to have a word with Kaa? Why?

9. Did Shere Khan believe Kaa?

10. Why did Shere Khan ask Kaa to show him his coils?

11. What did Kaa promise Shere Khan?

12. Did Shere Khan continue his search for the helpless little boy?

VI. Match the words and their definitions.

1. to trust a) to tell someone that you will definitely do smth

2. to search b) to believe that someone or something is good,

honest or reliable

3. to entertain c) to try to find something or someone by looking


4. to promise d) to give a performance that people enjoy

VII. Explain why:

1. Mowgli was alone in the jungle

2. Mowgli asked Kaa to leave him alone

3. Kaa asked Mowgli to trust him

4. Mowgli didn’t want to look at Kaa’s eyes

5. Shere Khan wanted to have a word with Kaa

6. Shere Khan didn’t believe Kaa

7. Kaa showed Shere Khan his coils

8. Shere Khan continued his search for Mowgli

9. Mowgli ran out on Kaa

VIII. Put the sentences in the right order.

1. Mowgli met Kaa in the jungle.

2. Kaa asked Mowgli to trust him.

3. Shere Khan heard Kaa’s song and wanted to have a word with Kaa.

4. Shere Khan didn’t believe Kaa and asked him to show his coils.

5. Shere Khan continued his search for the helpless little boy.

6. Mowgli woke up and ran out on Shere Khan.

7. Kaa promised Shere Khan to inform him if he happened to see Mowgli.

8. Kaa told that he hadn’t seen Mowgli.

9. Mowgli looked at Kaa’s eyes and was fascinated by his power.

10. Kaa was happy to see Mowgli because he was hungry.

IX. Draw.

1. Draw a picture of Kaa asking Mowgli to trust him.

2. Draw a picture of Shere Khan having a word with Kaa.

3. Draw a picture of Mowgli running out on Kaa.

X. Talking points.

1. Retell this story as if it were told by:

    1. Kaa

    2. Mowgli

    3. Shere Khan

2. Compare Shere Khan with Kaa. Who do you like best? Why?

3. Imagine that you were Mowgli. What would you do? Would you feel helpless in this situation?

Part Nine

I. Vocabulary.

fellow to take off like a flaming comet to be struck by lightning

to have some fun with smb to congratulate smb on smth to look like

to detain one’s victim shabby to be down on one’s luck

to scare smb to tease smb to set smth to fire

II. Who said it?

1. Hey, Flaps! What are we going to do?

2. Just leave me alone.

3. Oh, come on! What’s wrong? You look like you haven’t got a friend in the world.

4. Bravo! Bravo! An extraordinary performance! And thank you for detaining my victim.

5. You don’t scare me! I won’t run from anyone!

6. Fire! That’s the only thing Old Stripes is afraid of. You get the fire. We’ll do the rest.

7. Well, that’s the last of him. Old Stripes took off like a flaming comet.

8. Well, come on. Let’s congratulate our friend.

III. Say who:

1. didn’t know what to do

2. decided to have some fun with a little fellow

3. looked like he hadn’t got a friend in the world

4. was a bit shabby but had got hearts

5. closed his eyes and counted to ten

6. didn’t want to run from Shere Khan

7. had got a tiger by the tail

8. was afraid of the fire

9. set Shere Khan’s tail to fire

10. took off like a flaming comet

IV. Say true, false or I don’t know.

1. Mowgli saw the birds and asked them to be his friends.

2. Mowgli laughed at the birds and teased them.

3. Shere Khan liked to sing very much.

4. Shere Khan heard the song and joined the group.

5. Mowgli was afraid of Shere Khan and ran away from him.

6. Shere Khan wanted to play hide-and-seek that’s why he closed his eyes and began to count to ten.

7. Baloo went forward to where Shere Khan was and caught him by the tail.

8. Baloo fought against Shere Khan and killed him.

9. The tree was struck by lightning.

10. Bagheera got the fire and scared Shere Khan.

11. Shere Khan took off like a flaming comet.

V. Answer the questions.

1. Who was sitting in a tree and didn’t know what to do?

2. Whom did the birds see on the road?

3. Why did they want to have some fun with Mowgli?

4. Why did they think that he was down on his luck?

5. Did Mowgli want to talk to Flaps? What did he say?

6. Did the birds want Mowgli to be their friends? Why?

7. Who found Mowgli?

8. Why did the birds fly away?

9. Was Mowgli afraid of Shere Khan? Why didn’t he run away?

10. Was Shere Khan surprised by Mowgli’s reaction?

11. What game did Shere Khan want to play? Why?

12. Who came to save Mowgli?

13. Did Baloo help Mowgli? In what way?

14. What did Mowgli see in the sky?

15. What did the birds advise Mowgli to do?

16. What did Mowgli do with this fire?

17. What was Shere Khan afraid of? Why did he run away?

18. Who wanted to congratulate Mowgli?

VI. Match the words and their definitions.

1. luck a) a bright object in space that has a tail of gas and dust

2. victim b) enjoyment from an activity that is not important or


3. lightning c) success that you have by chance

4. fun d) someone who has suffered as a result of the actions or

attitudes of other people

5. comet e) the bright flashes of light that you see in the sky during

a storm

VII. Match the words then use them to describe the events from the story.

1. to have a) on one’s luck

2. to detain b) by lightning

3. to take off c) some fun with smb

4. to be struck d) one’s victim

5. to be down e) like a flaming comet

VIII. Add more details to the following.

1. Come on! Come on! Let’s have some fun with this little fellow.

2. Then you should also know that everyone runs from Shere Khan.

3. Fire! That’s the only thing Old Stripes is afraid of. You get the fire. We’ll do the rest.

IX. Explain why:

1. Flaps and his friends decided to have some fun with Mowgli

2. Shere Khan closed his eyes and began to count to ten

3. Mowgli didn’t run away

4. Baloo fought against Shere Khan

5. Mowgli got the fire

6. Shere Khan took off like a flaming comet

X. Prove that:

1. The birds had got hearts

2. Mowgli was very brave

3. Baloo loved Mowgli

4. Flaps and his friends had a wonderful idea

5. Shere Khan was afraid of the bright fire

VIII.Put the sentences in the right order

1. Mowgli wasn’t afraid of Shere Khan and he didn’t run away.

2. Flaps and his friends were sitting in the tree and didn’t know what to do.

3. Shere Khan heard the noise and found Mowgli and his new friends.

4. The birds saw Mowgli and decided to have some fun with the little fellow.

5. The birds were kind and asked Mowgli to be their friend.

6. Mowgli looked like he hadn’t got a friend in the world.

7. Shere Khan took off like a flaming comet.

8. Baloo came to save Mowgli.

9. Mowgli got the fire and scared Shere Khan.

10. Baloo went forward to where Shere Khan was and caught him by the tail.

11. The tree was struck by lightning.

12. Baloo didn’t let Shere Khan get out of him.

XII. Draw.

1. Draw a picture of Flaps and his friends having some fun with Mowgli.

2. Draw a picture of Baloo getting Shere Khan by the tail.

3. Draw a picture of Shere Khan going back in terror before the bright fire.

XIII. Talking points.

1. Retell this story as if it were told by:

    1. Mowgli

    2. Flaps

    3. Shere Khan

Part Ten

I. Vocabulary.

to lay down one’s life for smb/smth bravery sacrifice

to be fed up with smb/smth to have a better look to fetch the water

to do smth on purpose to be hooked inevitable

to belong to smth/smb it is bound to … unconscious

dead alive to burst into tears

II. Who said it?

1. Baloo! Baloo, get up! Oh, please, get up!

2. The memory of Baloo’s sacrifice and bravery will forever be engraved on our saddened hearts.

3. Hey, don’t stop now, Baggy. You are doing great. There is more. Lots more.

4. Oh, it’s the man-village.

5. Just a minute. I’ve never seen one before.

6. Father’s hunting in the forest

Mother’s cooking in the home,

I must go to fetch the water

Till the day that I am grown.

7. She did that on purpose.

8. He is hooked.

9. It was inevitable. It was bound to happen. Mowgli is where he belongs now.

10. Well, come on, Baggy. Let’s get back to where we belong. And get with the beat.

III. Say who:

1. wanted to lay down his life for Mowgli

2. was unconscious

3. had to be brave

4. made a wonderful speech

5. pretended to be dead

6. was fed up with Baloo’s jokes

7. was happy to see Baloo alive

8. was singing a song

9. wanted to have a better look

10. dropped the jug on purpose

11. got back to where he belonged

IV. Say true, false or I don’t know.

1. Baloo was tired and didn’t want to get up.

2. Bagheera talked about Baloo’s bravery.

3. Shere Khan sacrificed his life to save Mowgli.

4. Baloo was all right.

5. Bagheera and Mowgli were happy to see Baloo alive.

6. Mowgli heard a song and saw an old woman near the river.

7. The girl dropped her school bag and wanted Mowgli to pick it up.

8. It took the girl 5 minutes to hook Mowgli and to make him follow her.

9. Mowgli came back to where he belonged.

10. Baloo and Bagheera left the man-village.

V. Answer the questions.

1. Who saved Mowgli from death?

2. What event did the birds want to celebrate?

3. Who found Mowgli and Baloo in the jungle?

4. Who was lying unconscious on the ground? Why?

5. Who thought Baloo was dead?

6. What did Mowgli feel when he saw Baloo on the ground? Was he sorry for Baloo?

7. Why did Mowgli burst into tears?

8. What speech did Bagheera make?

9. Was Baloo really dead? Why did he pretend to be dead?

10. Were Mowgli and Bagheera happy to see Baloo alive?

11. Where did the friends come to after a long walk through the jungle?

12. What did they hear in the jungle? Who was singing a song?

13. What did the girl do near the river?

14. Why did Mowgli look at the girl in surprise?

15. Why did Mowgli want to have a better look?

16. Who tried to stop Mowgli? Why?

17. Did Mowgli do what Baloo wanted of him or didn’t he?

18. What did the girl do to make Mowgli follow her?

19. Did Mowgli come back to the man-village? Why?

20. Why did the friends leave Mowgli in the man-village?

21. Where did Bagheera and Baloo go?

VI. Match the words then use them to describe the events from the story.

1. to lay down a) a better look

2. to do smth b) the water

3. to have c) on purpose

4. to be d) one’s life for smb/smth

5. to fetch e) into tears

6. to burst f) fed up with smb/smth

VII. Add more details to the following.

1. Bagheera, what’s the matter with him?

2. Oh, it’s the man-village.

3. Mowgli, come back, come back.

VIII. Explain why:

1. Baloo sacrificed his life to save Mowgli

2. Mowgli burst into tears

3. Bagheera got angry with Baloo

4. Mowgli wanted to look at the girl

5. the girl dropped her jug

6. Baloo thought Mowgli was hooked

7. Bagheera and Baloo left Mowgli in the man-village

IX. Prove that:

1. Baloo did all he could to help Mowgli

2. Mowgli and Bagheera were sorry for Baloo

3. Baloo was funny and sly

4. Mowgli fell in love with the beautiful girl from the man-village

5. Mowgli wanted to stay in the man-village

X. Put the sentences in the right order.

1. Baloo saved Mowgli from death but he was badly hurt by Shere Khan.

2. Bagheera made a wonderful speech about Baloo’s bravery.

3. Bagheera heard the noise, came and found Mowgli.

4. Mowgli was sorry for Baloo and burst into tears.

5. Mowgli and Bagheera saw Baloo lying unconscious on the ground.

6. The friends left Mowgli in the man-village and came back to the jungle.

7. Baloo pretended to be dead because he wanted to listen to Bagheera’s speech.

8. Mowgli was hooked and got back to where he belonged.

9. Mowgli and Bagheera were happy to see Baloo alive.

10. The girl dropped the jug on purpose and wanted Mowgli to pick it up and to follow her.

11. After a long walk through the jungle the friends came to the man-village.

12. Mowgli wanted to have a better look but Baloo tried to stop him.

13. They heard a beautiful song and saw a pretty girl near the river.

XI. Draw.

1. Draw a picture of Baloo lying unconscious on the ground.

2. Draw a picture of the girl fetching the water.

3. Draw the picture of Mowgli following the girl.

XII. Talking points.

1. Imagine that you are Baloo. Try to persuade Mowgli from coming back to the man-village.

2. Imagine that you are Bagheera. Try to persuade Mowgli to return to the man-village.

3. Retell this story as if it were told by:

    1. Mowgli

    2. Bagheera

    3. Baloo

III ступень. Итоговый контроль (сочинение на тему “ My impression of the cartoon “The Jungle Book””)

План сочинения «My impression of the cartoon “The Jungle Book”»

I. Introduction

  1. What cartoon have you seen recently?

  2. What is this cartoon about? (the comedic and eventful journey of Mowgli and his friends Bagheera and Baloo)

  3. Have you read the book “The Jungle Book” written by the famous English writer R. Kipling?

  4. What do you like more the story or the cartoon? Why?

II. The main part
  1. Where did the story take place?

  2. Who are the main characters of this story?

  3. Why was Mowgli brought up by the wolf pack?

  4. Why couldn’t the man-cub stay longer with the pack?

  5. Who agreed to take Mowgli to the man-village? Why?

  6. Who did Mowgli get acquainted with? Who could become his real friend?

  7. Was their way to the man-village easy?

  8. What adventures did Mowgli have in the jungle? (to be fascinated by the old python Kaa, to join the dawn patrol, to be stolen by the Monkey-People, to be rescued by Baloo and Bagheera, to meet Shere Khan, not to be afraid of the tiger, to scare Shere Khan with the fire)

  9. Did Bagheera and Baloo always try to help him? Were they ready to lay their lives for Mowgli?

  10. Did Mowgli return to the man-village? Why? ( to fall in love with a beautiful girl)

      1. Conclusion

  1. Why are Mowgli, Bagheera and Baloo so dear to all the children and adults?

Список источников

    1. The Jungle Book: мультфильм [Видеозапись] - Cтудия «Уолт Дисней Пикчерз», 1967. – 1вк.

    1. Киплинг Редьярд/ Книга джунглей. Просто сказки = The Jungle Book. Just so stories/ Составление, адаптация текста, комментарий, упражнения, словарь Е. Г. Вороновой, Н. Н. Чесовой. – М.: Айрис-пресс, 2002. – 256 с.

    1. Методики обучения иностранным языкам в средней школе /под ред. М. К. Колковой. – СПб: Каро, 2006.

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