Внутришкольный контроль. Проверочная работа по английскому языку за 1 полугодие. 8 класс

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«Лицей города Троицка»

Внутришкольный контроль

Проверочная работа по английскому языку

1 полугодие 9 класс

Камелавкина Елена Викторовна

учитель английского языка 2 категории

г. Троицк


Test. Form 8 (Comprehensive School).

The 1st variant.

  1. Fill in the box.






A Japanese



  1. Fill in the box.

Was, were










  1. Match the columns.

  1. a skyscraper

  2. a true friend

  3. at the same time

  4. biscuits

  5. by and by

  6. dictionary

  7. fall

  8. faucet

  9. follow the rule

  10. following

  11. forget-me-nots

  12. fries

  13. gasoline

  14. in other words

  15. kind of

  16. lily-of-the-valley

  17. lorry

  18. maybe

  19. only

  20. parking lot

  21. plain

  22. prefer cheese to ice-cream

  23. probable

  24. regularly

  25. rubbish

  26. stretch

  27. to come with practice

  28. to grow up

  29. to make a speech

  30. to sound like

  31. to wait for

  32. trousers

  33. valley

  34. vocabulary

  35. voice

    1. автостоянка

    2. бензин

    3. брюки

    4. в тоже самое время

    5. водопроводный кран

    6. возможный

    7. вроде бы

    8. голос

    9. грузовик

    10. долина

    11. другими словами

    12. единственный

    13. жареная картошка

    14. ждать кого-то

    15. ландыш

    16. может быть

    17. мусор

    18. напоминать по звуку…

    19. настоящий друг

    20. небоскрёб

    21. незабудки

    22. осень

    23. печенье

    24. постепенно

    25. предпочитать сыр мороженому

    26. придти с практикой

    27. произнести речь

    28. простираться

    29. равнина

    30. расти

    31. регулярно

    32. следовать правилу

    33. следующий

    34. словарный запас

    35. словарь

  1. Open the brackets using Present Perfect or Past Simple.

    1. She just (to go) out.

    2. She (to leave) the room a moment ago.

    3. We (not yet to solve) the problem.

    4. When it all (to happen)?

    5. The morning was cold and rainy, but since ten o'clock the weather (to change) and now the sun is shining brightly.

    6. Show me the dress which you (to make).

    7. Oh, how dark it is! A large black cloud (to cover) the sky. I think it will start raining in a few minutes.

    8. Oh, close the window! Look, all my papers (to fall) on the floor because of the wind.

    9. When you (to open) the win­dow? — I (to open) it ten minutes ago.

    10. The sun (not to rise) yet, but the sky in the east is getting lighter every minute.

Test. Form 8 (Comprehensive School).

The 2nd variant.

  1. Fill in the box.





A Dutchman/woman




  1. Fill in the box.











  1. Match the columns.

  1. a skyscraper

  2. a true friend

  3. at the same time

  4. biscuits

  5. by and by

  6. dictionary

  7. fall

  8. faucet

  9. follow the rule

  10. following

  11. forget-me-nots

  12. fries

  13. gasoline

  14. in other words

  15. kind of

  16. lily-of-the-valley

  17. lorry

  18. maybe

  19. only

  20. parking lot

  21. plain

  22. prefer cheese to ice-cream

  23. probable

  24. regularly

  25. rubbish

  26. stretch

  27. to come with practice

  28. to grow up

  29. to make a speech

  30. to sound like

  31. to wait for

  32. trousers

  33. valley

  34. vocabulary

  35. voice

    1. автостоянка

    2. бензин

    3. брюки

    4. в тоже самое время

    5. водопроводный кран

    6. возможный

    7. вроде бы

    8. голос

    9. грузовик

    10. долина

    11. другими словами

    12. единственный

    13. жареная картошка

    14. ждать кого-то

    15. ландыш

    16. может быть

    17. мусор

    18. напоминать по звуку…

    19. настоящий друг

    20. небоскрёб

    21. незабудки

    22. осень

    23. печенье

    24. постепенно

    25. предпочитать сыр мороженому

    26. придти с практикой

    27. произнести речь

    28. простираться

    29. равнина

    30. расти

    31. регулярно

    32. следовать правилу

    33. следующий

    34. словарный запас

    35. словарь

  1. Open the brackets using Present Perfect or Past Simple.

    1. I (to see) you walking along the street the other day with a heavy bag.

    2. I (not to read) the newspaper today.

    3. It is very late, and trams (to stop) running: we must find a taxi to get home.

    4. How many times you (to be) to St. Peters­burg?

    5. At last I (to translate) this article: now I shall have a little rest.

    6. We (to go) to the coun­try yesterday, but the rain (to spoil) all the plea­sure.

    7. My watch was going in the morning, but now it (to stop).

    8. The lecture (not yet to begin) and the students are talking in the classroom.

    9. I (not yet to eat) today.

    10. He (not to eat) yes­terday


The 1st variant

The 2nd variant

Task 1

Mexico – Spanish – a Mexican

Norway – Norwegian – a Norwegian

Japan – Japanese – a Japanese

Germany – German – a German

Canada – English/French – a Canadian

China – Chinese – a Chinese

Holland – Dutch – a Dutchman/woman

France – French – a Frenchman/woman

Ireland – Irish – an Irishman/woman

Portugal – Portuguese – a Portuguese

Task 2

Be – was/were – been

Catch – caught – caught

Build – built – built

Spend – spent – spent

Leave – left – left

Find – found - found

Burn – burnt – burnt

Strike – struck – struck

Understand – understood – understood

Hear – heard – heard

Let – let – let

Tell – told – told

Win – won – won

Fight – fought – fought

Bring – brought – brought

Teach – taught – taught

Build – built – built

Have – had – had

Task 3

  1. t

  2. s

  3. d

  4. w

  5. x

  6. ii

  7. v

  8. e

  9. ff

  10. gg

  11. u

  12. m

  13. b

  14. k

  15. g

  16. o

  17. I

  18. p

  19. l

  20. a

  21. cc

  22. y

  23. f

  24. ee

  25. q

  26. bb

  27. z

  28. dd

  29. aa

  30. r

  31. n

  32. c

  33. j

  34. hh

  35. h

  1. t

  2. s

  3. d

  4. w

  5. x

  6. ii

  7. v

  8. e

  9. ff

  10. gg

  11. u

  12. m

  13. b

  14. k

  15. g

  16. o

  17. I

  18. p

  19. l

  20. a

  21. cc

  22. y

  23. f

  24. ee

  25. q

  26. bb

  27. z

  28. dd

  29. aa

  30. r

  31. n

  32. c

  33. j

  34. hh

  35. h

Task 4

    1. She has just gone out

    2. She left the room a moment ago.

    3. We haven’t solved the problem yet.

    4. When did it all happen?

    5. the weather has changed…

    6. Show me the dress which you have made.

    7. has covered

    8. have fallen

    9. When did you open the window? – I opened it 10 minutes ago.

    10. The sun hasn’t risen yet…

    1. I saw you walking.

    2. I haven’t read the newspaper today.

    3. It’s very late and trams have stopped running…

    4. How many times have you been…

    5. At last I have translated…

    6. We went…

    7. but now it has stopped.

    8. The lecture hasn’t begun yet…

    9. I haven’t eaten today yet.

    10. He didn’t eat yesterday.

Использованные материалы:

  1. Афанасьева О.В. Английский язык. Серия «Новый курс английского языка для российских школ». – 4-ый год обучения. 8 кл.: учеб. для общеобразоват. учреждений.- М. : Дрофа, 2011.

  2. Афанасьева О.В. Английский язык. Серия «Новый курс английского языка для российских школ». – 4-ый год обучения. 8 кл.: раб. тетрадь. для общеобразоват. учреждений.- М. : Дрофа, 2009.

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