Конспект урока английского языка по теме "Appearance" 6 класс
Конспект урока английского языка по теме "Appearance" (6 класс)
Составила учитель английского языка
МОБУ СОШ № 5 г. Благовещенска
Республики Башкортостан
Гумерова Гульнур Шангараевна
Основные задачи:
Проверить умение описывать внешность людей, понимать иноязычный текст.
Обеспечить активизацию лексико-грамматического материала и его контроль.
Развивать внимание и догадку.
Проверить понимание английской речи на слух.
Оборудование: предметные картинки, портреты людей.
1. Introduction into the lesson (a teacher – pupil1,2,3…).
Its aim is not only to organize the students but to revise the use of the verbs “to be” and “can” in the Past Simple Tense as well.
a) What date is it today? – (Today is the 9th of March.)
What date was it yesterday? - (It was the 8th of March yesterday.)
Was it Sunday yesterday? – (No, it wasn’t.)
Was it cold yesterday? – (Yes, it was.)
Were you at school yesterday? – (No, we weren’t.)
Where were you yesterday? – (I was at home yesterday.)
Were your friends at school yesterday? – (No, they weren’t.)
b) Tell me what you can do now, but you couldn't do 10 years ago.
E.g. I can swim now, but I couldn’t swim ten years ago.
Grammar test on the theme 'The verbs 'to be/can' in the Present/Past Simple' (10 minutes)
1 Variant
Complete the poem with the verbs “was/were/could”.
When the twins 1)….five,
They 2)…. count to ten.
When Peter 3)…. six
He 4)…. use a pen.
When Doris 5)…. three
She 6)…. draw a bear.
When the girls 7)…. four
They 8)…. comb the hair.
When Andrew 9)…. eight
He 10)…. the drum.
When Sindy 11)…. five
She 12)…. do this sum 5+5.
1) were 2) could 3) was 4) could 5) was 6) could 7) were 8) could 9) was 10) could 11) was 12) could
2 Variant
Complete the sentences with the verbs “was/were/could/can”
Ten years ago you 1)…. a little child.
You 2)….only sleep, eat and cry.
You 3)….talk or run a bike.
When you 4)…. one, you 5)…. say “Mama”.
When you 6)…. four you 7)…. ride a bike.
When you 8)…. seven you 9)…. read and write.
Now you are twelve and you’re not a little baby any more.
You 10)….operate a computer.
You 11)…. go to school.
You 12)…. speak English.
1) were 2) could 3) couldn’t 4) were 5) could 6) were 7) could 8) were 9) could 10) can 11) can 12) can.
3. Speaking on the topic "Appearance"
phonetic drill of words (p.244);
look at the pictures and find similar snowmen.;
find 10 differences in portraits. Explain why they are alike.
Ученикам предлагаются картинки двух девушек с разной длиной волос, цветом глаз, в разной одежде. Ученики должны найти 10 отличий в их внешности и на английском языке сказать, чем они отличаются. Например: Mary has got short fair hair, but Alice has got long fair hair.
Listening comprehension: Listen to the cassette-recorder and do ex.1 in workbooks (Lesson 7.Test yourself)
a) Pupil I chooses one of the descriptions of his mates written beforehand. He should read it silently and the rest pupils should ask him questions to guess who is described there. A pupil who guesses the first is the winner. He takes another card with the description.
(Example: It is a girl/boy. S/he is (short, tall, slim). Her face is oval/round. Her/his hair is (long, short, blonde, dark). S/he has got blue eyes. Her/his nose is small/long. Her/his mouth is big/small. She/he is (nice, beautiful, kind, pretty, clever). Her/his hobby is sport. It is (name).
b) Two groups of the pupils should find the English equivalents to the Russian sentences. The winner is the group which makes up the text first. Then they read it aloud. (Ученикам даются отдельные предложения на английском языке. Их задача состоит в том, чтобы подобрать английские соответствия к описанию Джейн Эйр.)
1. Джейн Эйр - маленькая девочка.
2. Джейн десять лет.
3. У нее нет родителей.
4. Она живет в семье Миссис Рид.
5. Её лицо - овальное, а щеки бледные.
6. Её нос маленький и прямой.
7. Её рот-маленький.
8. У нее большие глаза.
9. Её волосы - светлые и вьющиеся.
10. Джейн Эйр – очень милая девочка, но миссис Рид и ее дети не любят её.
a) Her mouth is small.
b) Her face is oval and her cheeks are pale.
c) She is a very nice girl, but Mrs. Reed and her children don’t like her.
d) Her hair is fair and curly.
e) She has got big eyes.
f) Jane Eyre is a little girl.
g) Her nose is small and straight.
h) Jane is ten.
i) She lives in Mrs. Reed family.
j) She has no parents.
Presentation of the projects 'My Family Tree" (опрос домашнего задания наиболее подготовленных учеников.)
In this unit we've learned the song "When I was..."
Let's recollect it and sing it to the music, please (p.151, ex.2).Conclusion: giving marks and commenting the work.
1. Учебник "Happy English, ru " 6 класс,Unit 8. Авторы К.И.Кауфман, М.Ю. Кауфман. Издательство «Титул», г.Обнинск, 2010г.
2.Йоанна Зараньска. Английская грамматика в стихах. Упражнения, правила, тесты. Издательство БММ АО, Москва, 1997г.
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