Конспект урока для 9 класса "How do you feel Art"
Открытый урок по английскому языку в 9-х классах
Тема:” How do you feel Art”
Цель урока: Развитие у учащихся эстетического восприятия мира, умения ценить прекрасное в искусстве, умения ощущать себя частицей окружающего мира.
Задачи урока:
совершенствование навыков монологической речи через описание красоты природы, пейзажей, портретов великих художников
расширение лексического запаса на примере описания картин;
ознакомление учащихся с жанрами искусства разных стран;
развитие уважительного отношения к разным жанрам живописи:
“A picture is a poem without words”
Ход урока
I.Организационный момент.
Glad to meet you, dear boys and girls, guests and teachers! Today we are going to speak about Art and Artists, listen to the report about famous galleries and painters, and train a dialogue.
II.Фонетическое упражнение.
I’d like to begin your work by training some expressions:
in the foreground, in the background, to pay attention ,outstanding, brilliant, prominent, landscape, to portray, to depict, to enliven, icons, the tranquility, inspiration
III. Речевая разминка.
Now let’s have a short talk about Art. Answer my questions .
(Предлагается схема)
literature sculpture
dancing architecture
music theatre
painting cinema
1. Can you name any kind of art?
2. How do you think what the popular art is?
3 What art are you interested in?
Teacher: I’d like to tell you about the word “painting”. This word has Latin origin.
Painting is the art portraying objects with line and colours. The first pictures were probably the pictures of animals and were drawn for reason of magic. There are many items portraying Gods. In Christianity they are called “icons”. The most famous Russian icon painter was Andrei Rublev.
4. Would you like to learn more about painting?
5 What places can you enjoy art?
IV.Тренировочное чтение имен собственных и названий картинных галерей.
Teacher: There are a lot of museums and art galleries around the world. A great number of tourists enjoy art visiting art galleries. The most famous galleries are:
British American
the National Gallery the Metropolitan
the Tate Gallery the Smithsonian
the National Portrait Gallery France
the British Museum the Louvre
Victoria and Albert Museum
1. the Hermitage
2. the Pushkin Museum
3. the Museum of fine Arts
4. the Tretyakov Gallery
5. the State Russian Museum
T: The most famous painters are:
Thomas Gainsborough
Joshua Reynolds
Van Dyck
Rembrandt, Leonardo de Vinci
Vasnetsov, Shishkin, Perov,Levitan Brulov, Aivasovskiy
V. Тренировка навыков устной речи на основе прочитанных текстов. Сообщение о картинных галереях.
T: What do you know about famous galleries?
P.1- I’d like to tell about the National Gallery. It is started with a small collection of 38 paintings. It is situated in Trafalgar Square, London. Here you can see the art works by
Hogath,Constable, Reynolds, Velasques, Picasso, Gainsboroug. Their pictures depict British
life and nature and British people.
P.2- I have read about the Tate gallery. The idea of the Tate Gallery appeared in 1890.
Sir Francis Chantrey had the idea of creating a collection of British art. Sir Henry Tate, the sugar magnate, financed the project. He gave the building and his art collection to the nation. The gallery contains a unique collection of British paintings from 16th century to present day.
P.3-But we can proud of our Russian galleries too. The Hermitage is one of the largest museum of the world. There are more than 400 halls. Many architects took part in constructing and
reconstructing building- Rastrelli, Stasov, Brulov, Rossi and others. The Hermitage is a complex
of 6 buildings(Winter Palace, Small Hermitage, Old Hermitage, New Hermitage, the Hermitage
Theatre and the First Palace of Peter I) Here you can enjoy masterpieces of the outstanding
artists: Leonardo de Vinci, Raphael, Rembrandt, Velasques and others.
P. 4- I have visited the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. It was founded by Pavel Tretyakov. he gathered the paintings of different epoch. He dedicated 40 years of his life to the establishment
of a national art museum. I enjoyed Repin’s picture” Ivan Grozny and his son”, Surikov
Boyarinya Morozova”, Rublev’s icons. The gallery has 10 thousand of paintings, sculptures
and icons.
VI. Тренировка навыков диалогической и монологической речи.
T: Now students are going to discuss Shishrin’s work “Pine-trees in the Sunlight” and express their empression.
I’ve been to the Tretyakov Gallery this month and have bought a reproduction of Shishkin. Here it is.
What a wonderful landscape!
No wonder, it attracted your attention. It’s Shishkin’s “Pine0trees in the Sunlight”
It’s a real masterpiece.
Oh,Shishkin! I know about him. He was an outstanding Russian Painter of the 19th century.
1. Yes, he was a brilliant painter of landscape.
2. I have read about him and seen some reproductions of his paintings, but it is the first
time I see an original.
1. Shishkin was fond of Russian nature, he loved the tranquility of Russian woods and the vast expanses of Russian fields.
2. At all times artists often turned to nature for inspiration.
1.And Shishkin did. I should say, he had an instinctive feeling for nature too.
2. The picture looks very realistic. You get an impressions that you are in this wood yourself.
Just look at the effect of the sunshine penetrating through the branches and illuminating
the transparent shadows.
You are right. I quite agree with you. Shishkin is famous for the simplicity and
clarity of his artistic language. You are lucky to have this painting.
T: Listen about one more painting by George Morland”Approaching Storm” and get ready to do some exercises.
Answer the questions:
What can you see in the foreground?
What is depicted in the background?
What details point to an approaching storm?
What feelings does the canvas create?
Задание к тексту: Complete the sentences
G.Morland is…….
He turned to nature for……..
His picture depicts………
You feel…….
The artist enlivens the landscape by………
VIII.Заключение. Итоги. Оценки.
T: I’d be glad if our lesson enriched your understanding of the world of beauty.
Your home task is to tell about our school art club

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