Сценарий урока для 10 класса "Smart-Mob to save whales"
Сценарий мастерской «Discovery»
«Smart-Mob to save whales »
9-10 классы
Шебеко Екатерина Анатольевна, МОУ "Гимназия г. Надыма", учитель английского языка
Развитие исследовательских и коммуникативных способностей обучающихся;
Воспитание ценностного отношения к живой природе, экологической культуры;
Формирование понятия флэш моб и смарт моб.
Оборудование: плазма, слайд-шоу с фотографиями, видеоматериалы из интернета, компьютер, видеокамера, раздаточный материал с заданиями в конвертах.
Слайд-шоу на плазме с фотографиями китов (приложение киты1)
Введение в тему
-Вводное слово - Hi, students! How are you? Look around, please. What do you see? Can you guess the idea of our work? What is it? OK. We are going to talk about whales.
-Знакомство - So welcome to the Discovery! I’m a marine biologist, you may call me Kate. And the Discovery is a whale research vessel.
-Деление на группы - Now let’s divide in three teams: the Scientists, the Nature Defenders and the Journalists.
Приветствуют учителя и друг-друга
Занимают места согласно выбранной группе
- OK, my friends, we are gathered here on a board to organize an action to protect whales and support the environment. So our global purpose for today is to do something to defense whales. And at the end of our meeting we are going to organize some kind of a flash mob or let’s call it a smart mob to protect marine mammals.
Знакомятся с целью проекта
Фонетическая и языковая разминка
- Now I want you to revise everything about this problem. What do you know about whales? So let’s make an egg diagram. You are supposed to give me all the information about whales. (fish or mammals, their kinds, what they eat, their size, how they born, the biggest whale, how they breathe, communicate, jump, sleep, protection of whales)
Вспоминают и записывают в диаграмму всё, что было известно когда-либо про проблемы китов
Видео материал на плазме
(клип №1 humpback whales filmed...)
Восприятие на слух
Now listen to some information of whales.
- So how do you feel about this information? Do you feel seek or may be in anger? Isn’t it nasty? What’s your attitude towards whaling and eating whales? Now let’s watch some video (#1).
Слушают аудио-текст
Высказывают своё отношение к услышанной информации
Смотрят видео
(клип №2 whale song)
Фронтальный опрос
- You know, our scientists have prepared some questions for you. So take an envelope “From Scientists”, open it and let’s examine all sorts of facts about whales. The team of scientists, you are to read questions and the variants of answers. And the rest should answer them.
- And let our Nature Defenders ask some questions, so take an envelope “From the Nature Defenders” and let our activists to read the task…
- So check your answers. They all should be ‘tick’. And now let’s watch more video with whales.
Отвечают на вопросы (задания достают из конвертов, лежащих на столах )
Отмечают высказывания как «правда» или «ложь»
- Now I think that you got tired of sitting and would like to move a little, look at the board – here are parts of sentences. Can you match them? If you see a sentence, then rise your hand and go to the board to make a sentence.
Составляют из частей предложения на доске на скорость
Чтение текста
- And now it’s time to let our journalists to speak. So take the envelope ‘From the Journalists’, open and be ready to read the text, so let our journalists to read the task.
Читают текст и заполняют пропуски
- Do you grasp the idea that whales are very special animals and need our protection? So our final task is to declare your moral position? Prepare a speech and posters to get ready for a smart mob.
Воодушевляются идеей, что киты нуждаются в защите и осознают, что могут реально помочь им
Видео материал на плазме
(клип №3 it's in your hands австралийский клип с флеш моба по защите дельфинов)
Finally let’s see one of the flash mobs which was conducted for saving dolphins. And then let’s make our own action to protect whales. We can make video, photos, posters, poems and what not to organize our smart mob.
Организуют смарт моб, сценарий и танец, снимают на видео
Клип, снятый обучающимися
(Задание на восприятие на слух)
Why to protect whales?
Did you know:
Some kinds of whales are close to extinction and there are hardly 100 or 200 of them remain.
Such countries as Iceland, Norway and Japan conduct whaling (whale hunting) and they kill over 10 000 large whales every year.
Whale meat has been eaten for centuries in Japan, Iceland and Norway. The tradition of eating whales has deep roots in Japan culture and Japanese believe their children would grow stronger and smarter if they eat whale meat.
Japanese school children are given whale meat in their lunches. Whale has been served at elementary schools in Tokyo in order to pass “traditional food culture” down to children.
Whales store a large amount of carbon in their bodies. A blue whale weighing 90 tons can store 9 tons of carbon. University of Main researchers study the relationship between whales and carbon in relation to global warming and they say “A group of whales is like a forest”…
(Задание для фронтального опроса)
Read and choose the correct answer:
What two species of whales do you know?
whiskered and toothed
white and black
right and left
What is the biggest whale?
A. a blue whale
B. a grey whale
C. a pink whale
Why do whales have no bright coloration?
they have not got eyes
they have a bad eye-sight
they hide from enemies
Why do whales migrate in the ocean?
they search their couple
they escape from whalers
they search food
How do whales sleep?
they get closely to the surface and move their fins
they lay on the bottom
they close their eyes
Whales need air to breathe.
Whales can communicate to each other.
Dolphins and whales can jump very well.
Dolphins help people in trouble.
Grown-up whales have no enemies in the wild.
The mother’s milk is the food for a baby-whale.
Whales usually live in small groups.
A special nurse-whale helps when a new whale is born.
(Задание для разминки) Match parts of the sentences:
1. "Cetus" - is a Latin
2. A sperm whale has
3. A female narwhal has
4. An afalina dolphin is
a) the best actor among whales.
b) not got a tusk.
c) one nostril.
d) word for whale.
(Задание к чтению текста)
Read the text and complete sentences with the words from the box:
governments, organize, donations, extinction, listed, moratorium, emblems, heroes, marvelous, culturally, function, biologically.
Whales are ____________ special – they are the largest on earth, they have complex brains.
Whales are ecologically special: appearing 25 million years ago, they fulfill a special _________ in the environment.
They are aesthetically, ___________ and politically special.
They are __________ and gracious, children like them as ________ of books and cartoons, some countries have whales on their _________ and flags.
All the great whales are protected by the International Whaling Commission’s ___________ on commercial whaling.
They are also _________ in the International Union for Conservation of Nature red list of threatened species as endangered.
People need to protect whales to save them from ___________.
We can make __________ to the World Wildlife Fund.
We can __________ projects to help raise attention to this problem.
We can write a letter to the Japanese, Icelandic and Norwegian ___________ about our protest.

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