Конспект урока для 9 класса "Посещение кафе"
Разработка урока в 9 «А» классе
по теме «Посещение кафе».
(английский язык)
Подготовила и провела
учитель английского языка
Макаровская Л. Н.
2013 г.
Задачи урока:
Активизировать употребление лексики «Еда и столовые
Развивать речевые навыки учащихся в диалогической речи.
Развивать навыки монологической речи.
Развивать все виды памяти и мышления.
Оформление урока.
Плакаты с видами сервировки стола, столовых приборов
и посуды.
2. Столовые приборы, посуда, чайник.
3. Меню.
4. Чай, кофе, пирожные.
5. Мелодии в качестве фона на уроке.
План урока.
I. Организационный момент.
T.: Good morning, dear children and guests! Let’s go to our café. It is named
“Mars”. Nice to meet you in our café. We hope, that you will like it here
and you will have a pleasant meeting.
II. Сервировка стола.
T.: At first we want to tell you “How to lay a cover”. Maria, tell us, please.
P1: When you lay a cover you need the following cutlery and tableware:
main knife and fork;
fish knife and fork;
soup spoon;
side plate;
side knife;
P2: Rules of setting a table:
- Put the cutlery, crockery and glasses on the table before the guests
- Wipe and polish all cutlery and glassware before you put them on the
- Put the main knife and fork 1 cm from the edge of the table.
- Put the side plates at the left side.
- Put the side knives on the side plates.
- The blades of all knives must face left.
- Put a folded napkin in the centre of the side plate or at the right side of
the cutlery.
- A vase for flowers is in the centre of the table.
III. Столовые приборы и посуда.
T.: Children, it is interesting to know how to use cutlery and tableware.
Nick, tell us, please.
P3: Cutlery:
Large fork. Used as main fork for serving fork.
Large knife. Used as main knife.
Small fork (dessert fork) used as:
Entrée fork.
Salad fork.
Dessert (or pudding) fork.
Fruit fork.
4. Small knife (for buttering bread or spreading pâté):
- Entrйe knife.
- Cheese knife.
- Fruit knife.
5. Steak knife with serrated edge.
6. Fish knife used for:
- Fish.
- Serving large items.
7. Fish fork.
8. Large spoon used for serving.
9. Medium spoon used for desserts or puddings.
10. Soup spoon.
11. Small spoon (teaspoon) used for:
- Tea and coffee.
- Cocktails (e. g. fruit cocktails).
- Ice creams.
- Sugar spoon.
P4: Pupils, what do you know about tableware?
Class: I know large plate. And I know cup and saucer.
P4: Yes, you are right. But I want to tell you some more.
Standard set of tableware has:
Large plate (dinner plate). Used for the main course.
Middle-sized plate (side plate). Used as a side plate and also for salads,
cheese and fruit.
Small plate. Used for bread and rolls, also for cheese, fruit and cake.
Soup bowl. Used for cream soup.
Consommé bowl and saucer. Used for clear soups.
Large soup tureen [tә`rin].
Tea or coffee cup and saucer.
Salad bowl.
IV. Сценка «Официант и клиенты».
T.: And now we are visitors our café “Mars”. Meet, please. This is the
The first dialogue:
1st Guests: Let’s call a waiter and make the orders.
Waiter: What can I do for you?
1st G.: Breakfast for two, please.
W.: What would you like for breakfast? Today we’ve got a big choice of
1st G.: Will you bring us something substantial to your taste?
W.: Here is the menu. Make your choice, please.
1st G.: I’d rather have pancakes, bacon, eggs and a cup of coffee.
W.: How would you like your coffee?
1st G.: Not very strong and put two lumps of sugar in it, please.
W.(to the second guest): What would you like for breakfast?
2nd Guest: I’d like fried eggs, meat pâté and toasts with marmalade. Then
bring me a fruit salad and some fruit juice, please.
W.: What juice would you like?
2nd G: Orange juice, please.
W.: Anything else?
2nd G: No, that’s all.
W.: Just a minute, it won’t take long. (After the breakfast).
1st G: How much do we pay?
W.: Here’s your bill, please.
1st G.(paying for the breakfast): Here you are. Keep the change, please.
W.: Thank you, sir! Come again, please.
The second dialogue:
W.: Good morning! What would you like?
G.: I’d like a cup of tea and some cake, please.
W.: We have got a big choice of fancy-cakes, torts and pies.
G.: What cake would you recommend for tea?
W.: For tea we serve chocolate cake.
G.: When, tea with chocolate cake, please.
W.: Very good, here is your tea and chocolate cake.
G.: Thank you. I would say that chocolate cake is very tasty. Could you
Help me? I would to prepare it for my family. Give me the recipe, please.
W.: Of course, our cook can tell you the recipe.
Cook: I am glad to help you.
Chocolate cake.
8 eggs, separated;
¾ cup of sugar;
12 cups flour;
¼ cup fine dry bread crumbs;
¼ teaspoon salt;
2 teaspoons grated chocolate;
1 ½ teaspoons vanilla sugar;
G.: How kind of you! Thank you.
Cook: You are welcome!
V. Советы – как вести себя за столом.
T.: Dear, guests, we’d like to give you useful information.
Daria: Do not sit too far from the table or too close to it and do not put
elbows on the table.
Dima: Sit upright on a chair; do not bend over the plate.
Sergej: If the dish is far from you ask your neighbour to pass it to you.
Marianna: Bread, cookies, lump sugar, cakes and fruit are taken with hand.
Maria: Hot hors-d`oevres are eaten with a fork.
Ulia M.: Hot fish dishes are eaten with a fish knife and fork.
Ulia B.: Apples and pears are cut with a fruit knife on a plate lengthways
into four or eight parts.
Dima: Eat puddings and ice creams with a dessert spoon.
Anna: After meals always put fork and knife on the plate, not on the table.
VI. Бокалы и фужеры.
T.: Now we want to tell you about Glasswear.
(см. приложение)
VII. Подведение итогов урока.
T.: Thank you for your good work at the lesson. Now you know everything
about food, cutlery, tableware and glasswear.
Your marks are excellent:
You know the new words.
You can tell about cutlery and tableware.
You can make the dialogue.

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